The Disturbing case of Karl Karlsen
By: Mike/That Chapter
This guy must think family gatherings are ATM machines. Sick bastard.
Karl Karlsen had very bad luck. Or rather, the people around him did as they were frequently the subject or tragic, and deadly, accidents. Including his wife and son. Did they have life insurance? You betcha, and of course Karl Karlsen was the beneficiary. It would take decades for him to finally come to justice.
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That Chapter
I always thought the sickest bastards were the ones that could kill their own family and children.
Well, then you're in for a treat with this video.
I spend enough time trying to figure out the irrational views of those who still support Trump (and insist he won re-election). This guy, however, seems unfathomable.
Psychopaths are nasty creatures; they have no empathy, they can do the most brutal things without remorse. The worst are the smart ones who can manipulate and strategize ways to carry out their ugly deeds.
Agreed. Karl comes off as an exceptionally worthless POS and smart to boot. Like you said, they are really horrible people.
Mike has a unique personality and sense of humor which make these videos palatable.
So, why did you make a statement about Trump?
Did you not catch the comparison I made?
I prefer to watch videos of Carl Carlson.