Biden says he rejects findings of Army report on Afghanistan
By: Morgan Chalfant (The Hill)

Biden rejecting the military analysis of the withdrawal from Afghanistan doesn't come as a surprise. After all, Biden firmly believes he has outperformed expectations. Which sadly is very true in some respects.
The reporting on the military analysis reads like a well structured string of excuses to avoid blaming military brass. But the flaw in the Afghanistan withdrawal is quite obvious; complete and utter dependence upon Afghan security forces that didn't exist.
Biden is repeating the same mistake with his domestic agenda. Apparently just throwing money at people doesn't create loyalty. Biden loses support when the money runs out.

President Biden Joe on Thursday said he rejected the accounts and findings of an Army investigative report in which military officials reportedly criticized Biden administration officials for failing to grasp the situation in Afghanistan as U.S. forces withdrew.
Asked about the report during an interview with NBC's Lester Holt on Thursday, Biden said that it didn't square with his impression of the administration's handling of the withdrawal.
"No, that's not that I was told," Biden said when asked if the details of the investigation, which was reported by The Washington Post, rang true to him. "There was no good time to get out, but if we had not gotten out, they acknowledged we would have had to put a hell of a lot more troops back in."
Asked if he was rejecting the accounts or conclusions of the report, Biden replied, "Yes, I am."
"I am rejecting them," he said.
The Post reported earlier this week that the Army report stretches thousands of pages and contains sworn testimony from commanders involved in the withdrawal from Afghanistan last summer.
According to The Post, military officials quoted in the document accused White House and State Department officials of not recognizing the swift advance of the Taliban as U.S. forces withdrew from the country. It reportedly points to disagreements over how to handle the evacuation of Americans and at-risk Afghans.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a low point for Biden in his first year in office. While a majority of Americans support withdrawing from the country, the chaotic nature of the U.S. military exit spawned criticism from Republicans and Democrats of the administration's handling of it.
Biden has firmly defended his decision to withdraw, saying that remaining in Afghanistan would have cost more American lives and forced the U.S. to commit more forces to fight off the Taliban.
Asked about the Army report earlier this week, White House press secretary Jen Psaki insisted the administration was prepared for "a range of contingencies," but noted that U.S. officials did not anticipate Afghanistan falling to the Taliban as quickly as it did.
"There was a range of contingency planning that was done in close coordination by all of the players on the national security team at the time to prepare for a range of options and a range of outcomes," Psaki said.

The United States spent the last ten years in Afghanistan trying to nation build and accomplished absolutely nothing. What happened when the money ran out shouldn't be too surprising.
They all want to replicate the Marshall Plan... The Rebuilding of Europe and Japan after WWII... Their colossal egos will not allow them to understand that we cannot go in with weapons and money and remake nations into our image... Yes we rebuilt Europe and Japan after WWII cause we had to other wise we would be looking at a repeat of the aftermath of WWI... WE did and fought one hell of an expensive cold war keeping the wolves at bay.... It fueled the expansion of our nation into the greatest world power ever seen....
But those days are over, at this point it is those nations that do NOT need our assistance to make their way in the world... YES destroy the enemy, remove the evil when we are forced to... but afterwards allow the people to make their own choices and build the nation they want to build...
It is the same right we demand for ourselves.... The right to decide our own fate... Freedom...
Everyone blithely ignores the necessary ingredient for a Marshall Plan to work. Complete and utter destruction isn't an option that can be avoided.
That biden is in denial of his responsibility for the messed up exit speaks volumes to his complete lack of moral character and personal responsibility
You have got to be kidding me.. LOL
And what is Biden's moral character?
Biden has recently deployed more troops to Poland than we withdrew from Afghanistan. And that deployment was justified because Putin could, possibly, maybe invade Ukraine. Of course there's no evidence for that other than Biden saying it's so. Biden needs another war to cover his military brass.
Let me fix that. Biden needs another war to cover his own ass.
Have you been asleep for the last 5 years?
Same place you have been for the last 5 years with all of the bullshit the Democrats pulled. Moral character and Democrats will never belong in the same sentence.
Add in the time that Brandon has been in office; and we all know Democrat lemmings have been awake- they need to be so they can throw hypocrisy around like chimpanzees throw shit.
Of course he does.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a mess, and it follows a long line of fucked up withdrawals and useless nation-building that we have been involved in for the past 50 years.
Do any of you know or remember the Mayaguez incident. Look it up
How about Beirut, 241 service members killed in the barracks bombing and another 100 plus wounded. We did nothing and pulled out.
He's rejecting the report, but won't say it's untrue.
So he's admittedly rejecting the truth..
In rejecting the report, isn't he essentially calling the military liars.
A line i saw interesting , was what was in the report , was not what he had been told .
i am led to ask , told by who?
thing is ? i believe him .