Star Wars FAQ: How Was Anakin Skywalker Created?
Via: Buzz of the Orient
Science Fiction Fanatics
10 years ago
Star Wars FAQ: How Was Anakin Skywalker Created? By Amelia Hill, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Expert, About.com Shmi Skywalker (Pernilla August) in 'Episode I': "There was no...
The Mouse on the Moon (A Short Study of the Predictions of Science Fiction)
Science Fiction Fanatics
10 years ago
I have lately been reading a short comedy by Leonard Wibberly (author of The Mouse That Roared ) called The Mouse on the Moon . This, like the original book, is only marginally Science Fiction,...
How Back To The Future Rides Its DeLorean Through The Rich Tradition Of Time Travelling Fiction
Via: Buzz of the Orient
Science Fiction Fanatics
10 years ago
To read this article click on this link to take you to the Classic Cinema group:...
My Favorite Dr. Who - Tom Baker: Where Is He Now?
Via: Nigel Dogberry
Science Fiction Fanatics
10 years ago
Baker, who turned 81 this past January, has been making headlines recently. Not just any ol’ news, Star Wars news . Baker has been asked to lend his voice to a character specifically created...
John Ringo's (and some friends) "Legends of the Aldenata" series.a re-printed review of mine
Via: Neale Osborn
Science Fiction Fanatics
10 years ago
This beginning is an editing add-on. I started this review a few days ago, and stopped because I had just finished a book ("Carnifex", Tom Kratman) and I decided to write that review first. I...
Doesn't Anybody Read Robert A. Heinlein Anymore?
Via: Neale Osborn
Science Fiction Fanatics
10 years ago
Earlier tonight (about 5 minutes ago) I read a post by a young man who has never heard of Robert A. Heinlein. Oh My, how did this travesty ever occur in my country? So then, while explaining who he...
Via: Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty
Science Fiction Fanatics
10 years ago
I remember when I was young... Well Kinda.I remember that in kindergarten, my teacher called me Pokey 'cause I could never seem to finish any of my little arts and craft classroom projects in the...
The Sine (Creative Short Fiction)
Via: Broliver "TheSquirrel" Stagnasty
Science Fiction Fanatics
10 years ago
The SineThe oscillations are increasing in frequency and amplitude, the dry, emotionless voice of the Dr. Hritch said in monotone, the recording time keyed and duplicated as the bits of his...