Greta Thunberg says it's 'strange' Biden is considered a leader on climate change
By: Bradley Dress (The Hill)

The more these activists bleat 'somebody has to DO something' while doing nothing themselves, politicians take advantage of that lack of leadership to create a power vacuum for their own benefit.
If Greta Thunberg wants something done about climate change then she must do something. Pointing fingers and sniping from the sidelines might persuade people but doesn't accomplish anything other than creating political division. Greta Thunberg and her followers need to get their hands dirty.
Addressing climate change is going to require more than whiny talk and blaming scapegoats. Thunberg has a following. Why isn't she organizing her followers to DO something other than whining about others not doing anything? Why isn't Greta Thunberg leading? And why does her lack of leadership allow her to criticize lack of leadership by others?

Climate activist Greta Thunberg said it was "strange" that President Biden is considered a leader in climate change and questioned his role in tackling the climate crisis.
In an interview with The Washington Post published Monday, Thunberg was asked if she was inspired by Biden or any world leaders fighting global warming and climate change.
"If you call him a leader," Thunberg replied. "I mean, it's strange that people think of Joe Biden as a leader for the climate when you see what his administration is doing."
Thunberg, 18, has been the face of the youth climate strike, which has turned into a global movement since the teen began protesting in Sweden in 2018. In various appearances around the world, Thunberg has called for world leaders to do more to fight climate change, arguing her generation will see the most damaging effects of global warming if nothing is done.
Most recently, Thunberg spoke out against the actions taken at COP26, the climate change conference held last month in Glasgow, Scotland. World leaders agreed on a plan to cut global carbon dioxide emissions 45 percent by 2030 and pour more money into developing countries to fight climate change.
But Thunberg criticized world leaders for not doing enough, calling it a "PR event." She told the Post the conference "doesn't mean anything unless that actually leads to increased ambition and if they actually fulfill those ambitions."
In March, Thunberg implored the Biden administration to "treat the climate crisis like a crisis."
"They have said themselves that this is an existential threat, and they'd better treat it accordingly, which they are not," she added. "They are just treating the climate crisis as [if] it were a political topic among other topics."
In his first year as president, Biden rejoined the Paris climate accord, which former President Trump pulled the U.S. out of during his tenure.
The president has also put forth a domestic agenda aimed at combatting climate change. The Build Back Better Act, a roughly $2 trillion spending package that was passed by the House, contained measures aimed at curbing climate change.
However, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said that he could not support the bill earlier this month. Manchin's opposition meant that the bill would not pass in a 50-50 Senate, when Democrats need every one of their party's votes to pass the legislation.
On Monday, Thunberg said the U.S. was still not doing enough, saying the country will increase fossil fuel infrastructure in 2022.
"The U.S. is actually expanding fossil fuel infrastructure. Why is the U.S. doing that?" she said. "It should not fall on us activists and teenagers who just want to go to school to raise this awareness and to inform people that we are actually facing an emergency."
Data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed that fossil fuel production will increase next year.
In the Monday interview, Thunberg said "countless people are already bearing the brunt of the climate crisis," adding that there needs to be more pressure on world leaders to make systemic changes and "prioritize the crisis."
Thunberg said now, "it's all about the narrative."
"It's all about, what are we actually trying to solve?" she asked. "Is it this emergency, or is it this emergency?"

Greta Thunberg and Joe Biden have a lot in common. All whine, no action. Both are afraid to get their hands dirty.
They're not doing anything because they know it is not a crisis.
The only crisis is that the political whiners haven't been able to force someone else to DO something. These political whiners aren't going to risk anything; they want someone else to take the risk. These whiners aren't going to get their hands dirty.
I wonder... Do the people in Colorado who got a pile of charcoal for Christmas where their houses used to be think it's not a crisis? I always have and will always support the environment. Greta has brought a lot of awareness to the climate problems but she's only a child. Biden has tried with his BBB bill but it's probably done now. It's a shame when the fate of the entire planet rests on 1 idiot in West VA but it really doesn't. The real shame is that EVERY REPUBLICAN IN THE SENATE fears Trump's voters more than climate change. I hope all their houses burn, flood, and are blown apart by tornadoes.
So... You think we should do nothing? That seems to be the gop platform. You must really hate your grandchildren.
Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, and more talk.
Say what you want about Socialism - but - Socialism was about workers and not bankers. Socialists made money the old fashioned way by getting their hands dirty; not by printing money.
Even communist China builds goddammed factories. The CCP hands everyone a shovel and expects them to dig. If you want to eat then you work. It's not rocket science.
The existential crisis of climate change is that the talkers and whiners have not been able to force other people to get their hands dirty. The climate whiners aren't handing anyone a shovel; they're blaming people because they don't have shovels. And the climate whiners aren't going to build factories to make shovels, either. The climate whiners are printing mountains of money to avoid getting their hands dirty.
Trump voters want goddammed factories. Trump voters want goddammed shovels. Trump voters don't want phony socialists and their fake whining. Trump voters don't want a fake crisis and fake promises that the crisis will be fixed with fake money.
What I read in your comment and many of your other comments is relentless criticism of anything that you perceive as left leaning or Biden supported and absolutely nothing that even suggests that you have any kind of solution to the problem. The climate is warming. What is your solution? Let your grands deal with it?
What's your solution? What should Biden do right now?
That fire wasn't caused by climate change.
High wind events are quite common in that area this time of year.
Weather and climate are two totally separate things
Add some dried out short grass prairie fuels and lack of urban planning, and you can see the result.
Quit whining and playing the blame game and suggest some realistic solutions
So... Your solution is to deny the existence of a problem. That, too, is the gop platform.
Who is it you imagine was previously unaware? Why is it that every vapid liberal tantrum that achieves nothing is magically excused as some sort of epiphany as though it brought wisdom to the previously unenlightened?
News flash.... Everybody knows already, and shouting "how dare you" is not an educational message.
The "fate of the entire planet" rests on a few tax credits and underpaid quasi-volunteers? That's beyond ridiculous.
Or.... in the real world... they think the Biden plan is a terrible idea that does nothing more than make hyper emotional liberals "feel better".
Thank you for making my point.
The Bring Bullshit Back bill wasn't going to do a goddamn thing. It's all lip service.
If Bring Bullshit Back can be shut down by 1 person then that should tell you it wasn't a good thing to begin with. Oh, you neglected to show that this 1 person is a Democrat. Apparently there is actually one with a functioning brain.
They are also both pawns of more powerful people behind them. They make great figureheads.
Until overpopulation is addressed the problem will grow
Overpopulation, like climate change, is a self correcting problem.
Nature will fix both these problems. And it's likely to be very messy.
Nature (or the Chinese) already started with the Covid pandemic. It is not nearly strong enough to take out enough people to make a difference.
So sound the war drums in China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. WWIII should set things straight for the human race.
If that is somehow avoided I am sure there will be another event that will lower the number of humans on the planet- one way or another.
The left doesn't want to talk about that. It isn't on their radar.
Really? It is not the left that runs around preaching " Go forth and multiply."
It isn't the right that has opened the southern border and isn't enforcing US immigration laws. 200,000 plus illegals a month making this year a record breaker.
It isn't the right that has granted illegals sanctuary cities in places that cannot support more people.
Get back to us when you want to talk reality.
Greta and her followers want others to give up their stuff while they live the high life and complain
That's the most foolish comment I've read today.
On that you are exactly right on! Well said.
Right on the money!