Man wearing Rubio shirt and DeSantis hat 'brutally attacked' in Hialeah, senator says
By: YahooNews

A canvasser wearing a Marco Rubio T-shirt and a Gov. Ron DeSantis hat was "brutally attacked" in Hialeah Sunday night, according to U.S. Senator Marco Rubio.
The senator alleged on social media that four attackers — whom he described as "animals" — told the canvasser that "Republicans weren't allowed in their neighborhood."
Details remain scarce, but Hialeah Mayor Esteban "Steve" Bovo said in an interview that the city's police chief told him Monday that the department had made an arrest in the incident. Bovo said he was uncomfortable commenting beyond that, given the lack of information about the incident and the sensitivity of the issue.
Hialeah police did not immediately respond to requests for comment by email and phone.
During a Monday rally at the John F. Kennedy Library in Hialeah to mark the start of early voting in South Florida, Rubio told a crowd about the alleged incident, but stressed that not all the details were known.
"Sadly, we get the news and we're still waiting for details. It's always important to have details. We're not like these other people that always jump to conclusions, but we know this: Someone wearing a Rubio T-Shirt and a DeSantis hat was walking in a neighborhood not far from here yesterday when four individuals assaulted him, broke his nose, broke his jaw," and gave him internal bleeding, Rubio said.
He said the canvasser will need facial reconstructive surgery.
Photos posted to the senator's Twitter and Instagram accounts on Monday show a man wearing a Rubio campaign shirt lying on a gurney. One of his eyes looks bruised and there are streaks of what appears to be blood on his face. His shirt also seems to have specks of what might be blood.
Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren't allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah#Florida
He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) October 24, 2022
Spokespeople for the Rubio campaign said they didn't have additional details to share about the incident and were not aware of any eye witnesses who could confirm the events.
"I can tell you this: political violence should not be tolerated by anyone. Our side or their side, we don't tolerate political violence. In this country, we decide who governs not by street mobs, we decide who governs at the ballot box," Rubio added.

There's the tolerance we've all come to know from the left.
KEEP IT ON TOPIC, KEEP IT CIVIL. Trump is off limits.
I think that's the problem right there.
Civility requires maturity, restraint, and some level of intellectual investment. As a nation, we are increasingly unwilling to make the effort.
This incident is worse than what happened on Jan 6th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We must condemn both sides equally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean you dont think this one incident is worse than Jan 6th ? I find that hard to believe.
You've either not read my previous comments on 6 Jan 2021 or just let your biases run away with you.
I can't explain what you believe and don't believe either.
Let's hope you've noted it better than you've noted my comments on 6th Jan.
Removed for context
Scroll down to the bottom of the front page.
You will continue to excuse the "Summer of Love" forever. "Mostly peaceful protests" as the world burned down Democrats and their media sycophants ears.
Move on from Jan 6th; the rest of the thinking world has. Which rules out Democrats and the TDS riddled.
Somebody's jealous./sarc
Found it, thanks:
Skirting the CoC
Comments that violate the spirit of the CoC but not the letter are ‘skirting the CoC’. Skirting the CoC is a violation.
In the military we have something similar in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).
Article 134—General article a. Text of statute. Though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special, or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.
Key is the phrase, "at the discretion of the court".
Authorities, regardless of the forum. find a catch-all to be convenient and useful.
I could name someone on the left that had no business being a moderator. I even complained about him but was brushed off.
When I was in the Navy we also called Article 134 of the UCMJ the catch all article. If you could not get them on a specific charge, invoke Article 134.
I just reviewed my Oct tickets and only have one for skirting, most are for taunting or trolling. If I get a ticket I want to get it the old fashioned way, I want to earn it.
Yet you continue to comment.
Why is that?
You are still commenting.
Keep it on topic. Only warning.
Some people routinely mistake topic for toxic.
I hate to break it to Marco, but there are more than 4 animals in the democrat party,
An 83-year-old woman campaigning against Proposal 3 in Michigan was allegedly shot in the back Sept. 20 while passing out campaign literature. In North Dakota, a man who allegedly ran down 18-year-old Cayler Ellingson on Sept. 18, reportedly claimed the teen was a “Republican extremist.”
On the plus side, Kyle Rittenhouse managed to thin the herd a little.
There are plenty more ... including ...
No surprise. You wear that hat and those who have no fear of the law act on their feelings.
Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, and that violent ilk are very happy.
Well, they're very violent women. Maybe you've forgotten?
Punching someone in the face isn't violent? In the legal world, it's called assault and battery.
Exactly, I sure there are a lot of things that you want to do but far fewer that you really do.
I don't know where these animals get the idea that violence is okay.
Biden labeled Trump’s supporters “a threat to democracy” during a Sept. 1 speech in Philadelphia while Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan urged America to “kill and confront” a movement he described as “extremist” during a Sept. 13 MSNBC appearance.
Only to Democrat fascists and those that support them.
You really need to learn the definition of Fascism.
How EXACTLY. Make sure to provide links.
"Threat to Democracy" is the left's most recent political dog whistle.
Google Benito Mussolini and the rise of fascism in Italy. You might find it educational.
He and FDR had a mutual fan club in the 30's:
But I think even FDR ultimately realized that fascism was a dismal failed social experiment.
Perhaps, but powerful people love power.
Very true. Absolute power does indeed corrupt absolutely.
Citing the anecdotal is an easy way to avoid the real issues.
In this day and age, there are daily examples aplenty…but they do nothing but distract from the necessary discussion. That is, why and how do these instances continue to drive the narrative rather than having the more difficult debate? The answer is because it is easier to play to the base than actually demanding more.
We are all culpable, just spend a day here.
I quit.