Levine said that “the positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute” and that anyone questioning it is “dangerous to the public health.”
By: Washington Examiner

The next step in "misinformation" censorship is going to come with government officials attempting to silence any debate about mutilating children in the name of transgenderism.
This is the biggest takeaway from the recently leaked video of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine. Levine was speaking about "misinformation" and "gender-affirming care" in a May address to the Federation of State Medical Boards in New Orleans. In her comments, Levine said that "the positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute" and that anyone questioning it is "dangerous to the public health."
Rachel Levine calls for big tech to censor "health misinformation" impacting "gender affirming care." Says "gender affirming care" has a positive value for youth. pic.twitter.com/XdfyZknbuZ
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 26, 2022
Levine then said that "we need to use our clinician's voice to collectively advocate for our tech companies to create a healthier, cleaner information environment." Translated to normal English, he was calling for "experts" to pressure Big Tech companies to censor people who think it is unwise to permanently mutilate children with "gender-affirming healthcare."
We already know that "misinformation" is the go-to excuse for Democratic politicians to dismiss their losses and for establishment media to dismiss stories they don't want to cover. We also know now, thanks to reporting from journalist David Zweig, that the Biden administration pressured Twitter to punish users who posted "misinformation" about COVID-19.
What was "misinformation" about COVID-19? Whatever the Biden administration decided. No matter how accurate the information was, if the Biden administration wanted it censored, it was misinformation.
The same standard has already been applied to transgenderism, as the Biden administration tries to force the country to accept doctors permanently mutilating children with hormone alterations and surgeries. Biden thinks it is morally wrong that some states are preventing doctors from pushing transgenderism onto children, despite the fact that there is no evidence it helps gender-confused children and far more evidence that it will cause permanent health and psychological issues.
If the Biden administration set out to have Big Tech companies censor social media over COVID-19, there is no doubt they will be doing the same for objections to mutilating children if they haven't been doing so already. Biden has already made it clear that it is his stance, and Levine's comments show that there is no doubt.
"Misinformation" is a political term, and it is used by Democrats to agitate for more censorship. It was true during the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is going to be true for the coming decades as the social contagion of transgenderism rages on and the regrets of those forced down this path become clearer and louder.

So, yet again, we see the Check the Block administration trying to censor information they don't agree with.
Rachel Levine is another worthless POS who should never have been allowed to remain in their position! But hey, that is the liberal left in DC these days!
And this is why I call the Biden administration the "Check the Block Administration".
The "positive" news from this article is the assumption no conservative children will be mutilated and damages by 'early' transgenderism, no?
Sounds like you are saying it's good news ANY children are being mutilated and damaged.
Does not sound that way at all! To be even clearer, CONSERVATIVE children should be happy and content they are not experiencing/suffering/displaying any signs or growing pains from 'early' transgenderism tendencies, because they have conservative parents who are looking out for their best interest shepherding them. Understand now?
Nice failed attempt to spin it. Still sound the same.
Specifically, conservative children are what their parents are. If they not, you should point that out without asking it in the form of a question!
Aren’t all kid’s different? Some are similar to their parents and some aren’t.
Aren’t all kid’s different? Some are similar to their parents and some aren’t.
My question for you: Are conservative children suffering from 'trans' issues?
That's a given. But, would one know 'it'-listening to conservative parents? What is your point?
Still can't bring yourself to talk about conservative interest or conservative children in discussion. Disturbing, as somebody has a liberal obsession and it ain't good. As you imply everyday through your commentary; nothing good comes from holding to a liberal perspective: so why offer it up for consideration as often as you can?
Stick to what you love and know, maybe!
My point was to dispute your assertion:
And yet, conservatives strike me and others looking at the conservative model of life as wanting the same traditional values (ways and behaviors) for everybody they encounter. Individuality is frowned upon in conservative perspectives, no? Conservative independent thinking is an outright lie! An illusion.
Exactly, no group think among liberals today. They are tolerant of all except for conservatives and libertarians.
Why the "h" should we be tolerant of some conservative's "active measures" against liberals? It makes no sense to do so! As for libertarians, they really need to distinquish themselves from the traditional values crowd! It is not anybody's job to do that for them!
Children of conservative parents are less likely to accept the destructive dogma of some so called health experts, than liberal parents....who as a whole group seem to think and act like mindless sheep.
Well Greg, that is good on conservative parents and their children! So, what is the problem here you see needing fixing to help conservative children? As for mindless sheep, you are evidently wrong, as not only are you all participating club members in the party of "bad for conservative business" Donald Trump, you support insurrectionists, and now you all have up the stakes to embrace a 'next level' sniveling, pretentious, "queen" George Santos,. . . so do tell me about what people will do for a group, go ahead!
How do we know this? And are some conservatives ready to argue that "x" numbers of republicans DID NOT die during the worst years of Covid-19? Or should we just 'fold' those numbers into some other cause (obesity, heart disease, old age) and not the last cause/effect to hospitalize those conservatives?
The thing is this: We can accomplish so much more if we stop with the meaningless 'babbling' pass each other by talking and compromising to do what is best for all people in this country. It is clear that political warfare is making millions of our nation's citizens casualties. . .and ruined financially.
Well, we are on the cusp of a new year. I hope for better from all of us! Will this nation build up its people or continue to dismantle them? Let's see how it goes.
Straight out of the Spanish Inquisition
What is gender-affirming care?
"Gender-affirming care, as defined by the World Health Organization, encompasses a range of social, psychological, behavioral, and medical interventions “ designed to support and affirm an individual’s gender identity” when it conflicts with the gender they were assigned at birth. The interventions help transgender people align various aspects of their lives — emotional, interpersonal, and biological — with their gender identity. "
What is gender-affirming care? Your questions answered | AAMC
So "gender affirming care" isn't just supposedly " mutilating children in the name of transgenderism". It can simply be using the chosen pronoun that a young person identifies with. And Levine is right, "the positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute". That is a fact regardless of what the brain dead bronze age religious conservatives believe. Treating people as they want to be treated has a positive benefit, it doesn't really get simpler than that. Of course, bitter indoctrinated religious fascists disagree and demand that the rest of society bend to their religious beliefs forcing everyone to adopt their religious conservative morality and treat anyone who doesn't fit neatly in their straight white Christian gender boxes as freaks, monsters to be ostracized, discriminated against and rejected from society as abnormal perversions simply for being true to who they were born.
While I don't agree with permanent chemical or surgical treatments being used on children without extreme vetting of medical professionals, parents and the court similar to cases I've seen of JW parents trying to refuse blood for their children over medical professionals advice, any irreversible treatment before 18 should be carefully reviewed. Otherwise, "gender-affirming care" should be the standard set in secular society which should exist apart from religious conservative social groups as the constitution demands.
Emphatically. And some citizens in this country should not be 'policing' public policy to only accept their seal of approval; especially regarding other people children. The thinking goes: No conservative children will face chemical or surgical treatment-vetted or unvetted-because transgenderism is not a "conservative" issue.
In which case conservatives should shut the 'h' up!
I don't pretend to fully understand what is occurring in the minds of young people who want to change their sexual parts, but it is. . . instructive to note. . .that these kids are even talking to adults about their sexual 'parts' in such a strong, focused, manner is driving this.
It may be that the science and medical professions have caught up to something that was 'internally' trapped in society long before now. And this is its out-flowing.
It includes screwing with a child's head. All because mommy wanted a little girl but gave birth to a boy instead. Or because mommy want's to gain some kind of attention (think Munchausen syndrome by proxy or as it's called now - Factitious disorder imposed on another). Mental health issues could develop as a result of this "care". Why the need to target children anyway? Isn't that what predators do? Target children?
So there is no real justification for this care. And with that, if we "follow the science" like everybody was told to do during the pandemic, there shouldn't be any issue when somebody calls a person a boy a boy or a girl a girl. After all, the science tells us what those are.
But, but, conservative children are not oppressed by transgenderism and related issues, yes? What is driving your interest in liberal children who suffer from the aforementioned?
Actually you don't about all children or you would write better comments, in my opinion . So stop with the untruth telling! I care about conservative children too! And it is because I do care about conservative children, that I don't ask/box in my congresspersons or president to make public policy that oppresses conservative children unduly.
Unduly being the operative word.
What?! I don't usually get to express much substantive information with you as you are too busy attempting to 'own' a liberal (me). Still, I have often (in 'kumbaya' mode) addressed some conservatives and even general conservatives staying within their 'lines' - for example, not having sex with people not their life-long devoted spouses while allowing others to fornicate if they choose; not demanding babies from girls or women who know better about their bodies and personal state of affairs, and not having 'strange' sex if it offends them while permitting others to love the one they're with and for whom no matter the sex they can spiritually bond.
Perhaps it all just went over your head. That said, I am really, truly, deeply, appreciative, you can SEE me now-and I hope you can see and comprehend the heart of the person you taunt behind and inside my comments going forward!
I want a country that works for all of us; I have nothing to gain by leaving conservatives out. If we have a LEFT hand then to be whole we need a Right hand too! We're limited without each other in this 'relationship.'
Beginning next Monday: A different approach. In the meantime: The old episodes of 'bull patty' won't be able to cut it anymore!
Nope and yes. I will answer well-thought out and meaningful questions ongoing as for the empty crappy-patty masquerading as discussion-the "h" with it. As for as conservatives and some conservatives: do better and get better 'reviews' in return! It's all on y'all! Of course, that means stop making 'bad history' on a daily basis!
Jeremy, what is your source for this claim that a parent makes the diagnosis of gender dysphoria because they wanted a girl instead of a boy, so they tell the Dr that their child is transgender? This seems to be a common BS in the right-wing echo chamber but it is absolute and completely false. It goes against the official diagnosis of what gender dysphoria is, but you would never concern yourself with facts, would you? Nobody targets anyone except the connective media targeting the foolish with these obvious lies.
There is no medical intervention on a child but you could never concern yourself with that fact either, would you?
This is from the DSM-5 which is the gold standard for mental health diagnosis. The official term for gender dysphoria is 302.85. You might want to read it.
The standards of medical care for transgender people is WPATH or what was formerly known as the Harry Benjamin standards of care which dates from the 1950s.
Oh the "World Health Organization?"
The same organization that opposed travel restrictions when covid first broke out in China?
What the conservative outrage machine systemically overlooks is that no sane human being would ever seek gender reassignment unless it was direly important to their own sense of self identity. It is just as painful for a trans person to live with their birth assigned gender as it would be for doubters to switch gender themselves.
But we're not always talking about sane people, are we? We're also not always talking about people who are making the decision to modify their own body. If you doubt that parents can make horrific decisions for horrific reasons, you have obviously not paid attention to American society for at least 50 years.
You seem to keep conflating the two.
Do you have a solution, sort of like the once accused death boards?
Or do we just let strangers go along controlling their own lives.
So, what are the chances that the young person involved, their parents and their doctors and their psychiatrists are all insane?
Uh-huh. — Word!
We are not writing about "teams of professionals, parents, parent, or kids making a wrong decision against the odds. We are asking and concerned that some conservatives apparently want to SIT SQUARELY IN JUDGMENT of the activities, lifestyles, and cultural ways of liberals! You will not be accepted in that SPACE ever!
And who cares what some conservatives, thinking the 'old ways' ought to be eternal and all engrossing, accept or find unacceptable in a general sense? Most issues liberals positively express conservatives are against—by definition of the word itself.
There it is! The 'dig.' The 'cutting insult.' The non-PC mocking statement delivered like an unleashed sword of Damocles into this space and behold, we are all wounded and demoralized by it!
The decision to chemically and/or surgically alter one's physical body is one best steeped in the advanced sciences and medical certainty one can muster, because there is likely no 'original' version of the 'you' that is going under the drugs and the surgeon's skills.
You do like your melodrama.
Ditto. Some come for the applause, I for the gusto of reading and writing! Oh yes,. . . some come to get tangible 'riches.' I wonder who that could be. As for me, all these years, I do it because I find it essential in the world today.
Having been a victim of the majority for the better portion of my life (perhaps you are in the majority?) I have a right to look this 'hit over closely before I buy-in!
But we're not always talking about sane people, are we? We're also not always talking about people who are making the decision to modify their own body.
Are you suggesting that the conservatives on this forum are fine with some portion of the trans community and their decisions, and only against the rest of them? Clearly it’s you that hasn’t been paying much attention then. Just read the hateful comments in this seed. It’s unfortunate how some NT moderators go out of their way to protect such hatred from due criticism.
I think many of them have made that abundantly clear if anyone has bothered to listen.
There seems to be a clear line drawn when children are involved.
We have long standing precedent in this country of establishing laws that mandate how parents must behave with regard to raising children. They actually pre-date the US Constitution by more than a century.
You simply need a combination of emotionally unstable parents, a confused child, and an opportunistic physician. None of those are hard to find.
CB, if you think there is such a thing as a transgender 8-year-old, then you deserve a prolonged series of much worse insults than I have offered.
You don't have to think at all about transgendered youth, because some conservatives don't plan on dealing with any issue/dilemma/problem of transgenderism positively anyway! Indeed, some conservatives don't offer a smidgen of support to 9-60 years old transgendered people. Why? Because being a conservative means being about traditional values and accordingly some conservatives don't value liberals in any shape, form, or fashion. Understand?
MAGA is just here creating another or continuing another in a series of ineffective culture wars, trolling for power and influence from people who wish to think they can live other people lives for them! Y'all won't like that I wrote that; what else is new?
Let me rephrase my previous response in a way that hopefully will not offend your delicate sensibilities to the point that you flag it for removal again. Were you uninformed and confused about your own physiology such that you weren’t positive of your gender until you were 18 years old? I’m guessing that you would freely admit that it did not take you 18 years to understand that the gender you were born with suited who you were on the inside. Unless you have experienced living with a trans individual throughout their transition, you won’t get the impact of this question.
When my step daughter started wearing men’s clothing, using men’s toiletries, and cut her long hair into a short men’s style, we were all scratching our heads. She was frequently moody and not always pleasant to be around. She was in high school and still publicly a female but it was obvious that she was no ordinary female. It wasn’t until several years later that she let us know that she was officially changing her name and identity to male. It came as no surprise at that point, and the only two people in his life that struggled for a short while with it were her two aging grandparents on the conservative side of the family that only saw him a couple times a year. They are over it now and just as welcoming as everyone else in his life. He now has a serious girlfriend who adores him, and he has a thicker beard than half the men in this country. I no longer could possibly imagine him as a female. He just got a masters in education and has been a huge hit in the classroom during the field portion of his training. The kids flock to him more than the established teaching staff, and have never questioned his gender. His teaching peers love him and are all hoping he gets placed in their building, because he is such a valuable addition to their system. He is a happy, well adjusted person now that is a pleasure to be around.
That said, don’t assume that I am some gender warrior who defends every move that any parents take to encourage their children’s inclinations on gender issues. I don’t. There is a child in another family of an in-law who has way too much leeway in this regard, in my opinion. I once heard that he got up one morning and put on his sister’s dress before school. His parents are very liberal and decided that it was too much hassle to argue with him about changing his clothes for school, and they took him to school (1st grade) in that dress. That horrifies me. We saw them a recent Christmas gathering and he came dressed in a Spider-Man Halloween outfit. He is a sweet kid, but he also has a quick temper and isn’t that well behaved. I have a bad feeling about where that family dynamic may be headed.
A thousand percent if they think a young person knows what the fuck they are doing when it comes to making a life altering decision.
I am sure everyone thought that these young people were capable of making their own decisions- just to find out they weren't!
If they are really that desperate to change their sex their minds won't change from being a young teen to an adult. Let them get through puberty, and at least high school before they make any type of life altering permanent changes to their bodies.
I believe that kids under 18 are generally not mature enough to make this decision.
It’s clear that your opinion is just one that comes from emotion rather than experience and reason. Uninformed people tend to voice their opinions the loudest.
I tend to agree with Tex... the human brain doesn't fully grow until a person is coming up on 25 and what a person is and wants at 15 can change when they are 25. While a teen may feel they are in the wrong gender I do not agree that teens should be taking hormone therapy or worse, gender reassignment surgery before the age of 25. And definitely not a pre-teen child, IMO that is child abuse. I do believe that we as a society need to do better to accept people, that's a difficult change to make in a population.
In my own experience, the doctors involved are very much aware of the down side to
even think of treating such patients.
The only program I know of, and I know some of the
doctors involved, seems to lean heavily on weeding out any confused patients and
nutty parents. The possibility of financial ruin is high enough to avoid children
altogether but then that has its own legal risks,
In my immediate family, we had a cousin in a large, blended household who was for all intents and purposes gay at birth, a girl trapped in a boys body; anyone who met him knew it. He wore pink all the time and from the moment he could crawl started playing with his sister's toys and dolls. He never changed, died of AIDS which, maybe with alternatives could have been prevented. Who knows.
We all have thought that he would have been much happier as a woman.
A different family treated a different gay/transgendered cousin like he was mentally retarded and had him committed for 35 years before he was released when Byberry was closed in the early 90's. Regardless of his current wishes, he has that baggage and cannot get past any of the psychological tests, nor can he afford it. He was a greeter at WalMart for decades until he recently "retired".
Well then send them my way too.
You are equating the legality of drinking alcohol, tattoos, and signing contracts with the experience of living 24 hours a day every day of your childhood, adolescence, and young adult existence as the opposite gender as what feels natural to you? I don’t know what you are, but if you have a penis then maybe you should try wearing a dress for a single day and let us know about your emotions of that experience.
I have grandchildren who say wiser things than either of you. And that is not hyperbole.
Who doesn’t brag about their grandchildren.
Exactly, don’t allow them to make the less consequential decisions.
I don't fully understand the whole transgender thing. It was not a 'thing' when I was coming up! So whatever is clever that officials, doctors, scientists, psychologists, families, and their "teams" come up with will do for me. I even remember many years ago, reading about a handsome back who transitioned to woman 'parts' and then wanted or succeeded in transitioning back—I remember thinking how is detransitioning possible at the time.
In some of these cases, detransitioning is not so hard because only chemicals are involved, not surgery.
However, I want to point out something:
Ellie and Nele: From she to he - and back to she again
The link above is to a highly articulate article which in a sincere reader without an agenda will generate many subtle insights. Like the one above that some transgender people transition, "do it," for the confidence factor it instills in them. To be taken off the 'freakshow' circuit.
What many who transition find is that the 'buy-in' is not easy. That is, being male or even being female in many cultures carries its own baggage-so then transfolks in some cases get to choose to 'stay' or "return" to the level of baggage they find endurable.
When I think about it that (and the linked article definitely helps me to understand what 'complexities' there can be in transitioning to male or female) I can see what is going on 'outside my window'!
In some cases, trans-people have 'hooked up' with other trans-people, detransitioned, and accepted they are lesbians and/or homosexuals. It is perfectly acceptable to have. . . Options. That is, they simply accepted their 'queerness.'
One last point: Statistists on Detransitioners:
How Many Trans People Regret Transitioning?
On average, 97% of people who are transgender are happy with their decision to transition . Only ~3% of trans people experience some form of regret, but may not detransition . These detransition statistics are for 2022.
Detransitioner Statistics
In a survey with 27,715 respondents, transequality provided a helpful breakdown that gives us more insight into the most prevalent reasons that lead to people detransitioning.
It’s pointless to exchange with you. I knew this from the start, so I guess it’s my fault for trying.
Jack_TX is likely on this topic because it is current to to the culture wars (we will hear about this in the run-up to 2024) and DeSantos 'won' reelection by 'owning' the homosexuals in Florida. I am pretty sure Jack_TX is here carrying culture war water. Why? Because he sits down with conservatives who are mute/did not do/will not do anything about dead elementary children in this nation due to gun violence—age is not a concern. He is not hear to speak/write against his base!
I conclude some conservatives are judgemental and manipulative opportunists who see a liberal idea or policy and immediately come down on the opposite side of the idea and policy. Afterall, 'winning' and 'owning' libs is the only thing for them. It is plain to me that some conservatives don't give a damn about liberal children. Not a damn about liberal adults either.
No. He isn't. Try reading without that emotion you seem to want to project onto everybody else.
CB, stop guessing about me. You're never right.
That explains a lot.
Thank you.
Well, while you take the time to show up you might as well take the time to clarify the mysterious JACK_TX who apparently likes to 'talk loud and say nothing' while leaving much to be imagined. Being a tease is so unbecoming and tiresome. Well, new year-new attitude?
Well, with a 'plainer' like you; how can he lose? Always 'handy' Texan1211 loyal to the 'cause.' And we know what the cause is, as it is written all across this site!
Parents have nothing to do with a child being trans. It's not their decision and they don't get a say in the diagnosis. Who told you otherwise? A teen can file for medical guardianship if a parent tries to deny necessary medical care.
“Parents have nothing to do with a child being trans.”
But they have everything to do with standing by and standing up. Bless those that do so unconditionally and bless even more those that do so uncomfortably.
What is "standing up and standing by" supposed to mean?
Amen to the above. His comments are indeed extraordinarily clear.
Why? So you can misread my comments, pretend I said something I didn't, and then reply with either melodrama or gibberish?
Scientifically speaking, I'm not sure we know that.
That's supposedly true with any medical situation. Then we look at the number of kids on ADHD medication whose mothers will brag about how "I had to take him to four doctors before we found one who could diagnose him correctly". Parents (in my 30 years experience it was specifically mothers) drive all sorts of medical misdiagnoses.
Well, the new year has arrived and Jack_TX what are you going to 'do' about it? This last comment shrank discussion instead of expanding it.
Food for thought. I read people like you who come in and give corresponding 'that a boys' to certain libs on occasion, but when it comes to the declared black male on the 'platform' there is this tired gaslighting game you all have agreed to play that questions are not being answered (even when they are), you can't be affected by passion/feelings on display; you can NOT process insights or meanings.
It's all so pathetically silly and junior high school. (But, we are nearly all 'old,' 'older,' and 'oldest.') Well, let the silliness display fuel itself.
I am sitting here at the beginning of 2023 and thinking about what the year COULD bring. Because:
Some conservatives don't want to understand liberals (white, black, and 'assorted' strands of). There likely will be more blacks (others, etc.) shot dead on American streets and in their homes because of the alienating by conservative law enforcement officers who simply can't be bothered to bring themselves to an honorable state in their minds to want to UNDERSTAND minorities (others).
Some of that fear of minorities and others that some conservatives have is equal parts: Larceny and bigotry. It's in the heart of some conservatives and so when say a black person gets stopped or lost out in the 'open' field and lands on a some conservative's porch or doorstep-day or night-it is an 'invitation' to be shot down like a dog because some conservatives have just enough alienation in place to not understand it is a person needing humanity from another person-they would help and be humane to in equal parts.
I will not rely on any mercy or understanding from you, Jack_TX in 2023 or your. . . 'homeslices' to remember something from "the People's Fish" who departed from us near to the end of the January 6, 2021 insurrection. I will guarantee you this: I shall see it as a civic duty to stand as a sentinel of what is right and appropriate where I am in each and every discussion, . . . so 'fire' away. Those 'blanks' are unremarkable and they can never get the job done!
Happy New Year, Jack_TX. Now, let's get started.
"Leftist" - comical.
Understanding is possible when meaning can be twisted and bent into "Texan," eh? Happy New Year, Texan1211.
Set some boundaries on playing chess with pigeons.
It started the process of filtering out meaningless bullshit.
You don't know any "people like me".
And this has what to do with transgender 8 year olds, exactly? Or is this just you chasing butterflies again?
What is it you imagine I might be afraid of, exactly? Fear is your issue. Don't project it on to me.
And here we go with the gibberish.
You do you. Enjoy. Go to town. Cite some statistics. Use some graphs and visual aids. Research some facts. Be the best CB you can be.
You never answered questions. You spoiled discussion. Planning to do more of the same, eh? Well, thanks for the warning. Your invalidation is 'recorded' for the record. More snark than in 2022! Got it! And with that, if you thought you were not being 'served' before watch this space.
You too, Jack_TX. I will be watching, guarding, and caring. Bet! Happy New Year! People like you have set my resolve. This will be an interesting year! We're (all) hitting the ground running!
Oh, I love chess! Yes, really love the game! Unfortunately, you will never be able to experience how much so.
Additionally, a stat is given at [ 6.2.32 CB replied to Ronin2 @ 6.2.19 ].
It is about transpeople (Others) you might not be able to process/comprehend it. You know. . .it being 'alien' facts and all!
My resolution is to try more to treat other people like I would expect to be treated. Unfortunately, sometimes sentiments like that are a one way street around here. Happy New Year to you!
Sweden and Finland must be not believe in Levine's cult like version of science:
I will agree with this short comment! Much ought to go into this! It is not a trifling decision to make, even for adults! So parents and professionals need to proceed with caution and data. Perhaps the 'rush' if there is a 'rush' is to fix a problem ahead of it becoming a major life-threatening crisis magnified by the aging process. That said, I don't know!
i can not fathom for the life of me why a man with a crossdressing fetish decides to look like a hideous grandmother. 10 years from now when the psychological community stands up to this unscientific nonsense, a lot of people are going to wish they still had their penis or breast and need massive therapy.
I watched a video clip the other day of a crossdressing teen boy convinced they were having menstrual cramps and posting it on tiktoc I'm having my first period. It had to be one of the most demeaning videos i have ever seen to women and what they endure. [deleted]
Let me get this straight: You think democrats or any political persuasion is a cause of a teen boy deluding himself into thinking s/he is having a 'period' (an issue of blood vaginally)? Have you no sense of proportion in your partisan rhetoric? Perhaps we should question why some of us can't distinguish "performance art" and/or deluded people (they do exist in every 'arena' of life) and just let them be or aid in bringing them back to reality. Moreover, girls and women are not demeaned by stupidity and irrational boys or men in dresses. If a girl or woman can be made to question her own validity over a male or even a transgirl or transwoman having a 'period,' that girl or woman needs to check her own status for signs of damage.
Let's get this free and clear once and for all. Crossdressing boys and men; transgirls and transwomen (as of right now anyway) can not have 'periods' or monthly issues of blood, because wait for it. . . there is nothing inside them to 'EVACUATE'!
So spare us all the drama! However, if you like, enjoy the performance art on Tic Tok!
As for cross-dressing boys and men if they are not going to 'get it down' and 'doll it' up; yeah, I agree 'hard-legs' coming across as 'rough and tumble' need to cease. Another thing; some of those queens on RuPaul's Drag Race need to hang it up! It is just obscene what they are doing with the studio 'pancake,' make-up, and over-the-top lashes!
People who are cross dressers are not transgender. That is your first and most critical mistake. Most crossdressers are CIS and heterosexual males. There are some trans people who do cross dress as a first stage of the process as a form of social transitioning. Until you understand the critical role physiological gender identity, none of this will make any sense to you.
Doesn't seem like trolling when it is addressing a valid point of the religious community seemingly silent on the problem of pedophilia in their churches while they have singularly focused their attention on what genders other people identify as which of course has NOTHING to do with them so they should mind their OWN fucking business. The should go pluck that timber of pedophilia in the church out of their eye before they worry about the dust in their fellows.
Exactly, whatabout…
Why do most of your comments begin with the word “exactly”? Seems like a strange word to preface comments that have no accuracy.
I was agreeing with your whataboutism.