California police can no longer ask common question at a traffic stop starting in 2024
By: Sergio Robles (KLFY. com)

Oh boy.............

(KTXL) — Potentially millions of California drivers have been asked the same simple question by an officer after being pulled over: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
However, starting in January 2024, officers cannot start the interaction with that question and instead must state the purpose of the traffic stop before asking any other questions. The same goes for any stops conducted on a pedestrian.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 2773 in the fall of 2022 and it goes into effect on Jan. 1.
According to the text of the law, the only time that officers can skip stating the reason for the stop is if the officer deems it necessary "to protect life or property from imminent threat."
The law was created to reduce "pretextual stops," in which an officer stops a vehicle or pedestrian for something minor with the intent of searching the driver and vehicle to determine if a larger crime is evident, such as expired paperwork or possession of certain items.
The law was also created to help de-escalate interactions between police and civilians.
The author, Assemblymember Chris Holden, said in a legislative committee hearing that the bill was created to "promote equity and accountability in communities."
The law also requires law enforcement agencies to monitor the compliance of the law and to include in reports the reasons for all stops that are conducted.
No Trump, fascist BS, memes. All NT rules apply.

You have to read this bill to get the full scope of this...........
Wonder if cops will quit being diligent in order to avoid all the extraneous paperwork. Unintended consequences could again, bite California in the ass.
I question why they would bother stopping anyone anyway. It is not like anyone is going to be held responsible for their actions/
I keep seeing this meme and it’s silly. People pay fines and go to jail in California, just like they would anywhere else.
Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 2773 in the fall of 2022 and it goes into effect on Jan. 1.
Good to see Gavin focusing on the important issues of his shithole state.
You mean like:
Los Angeles looking to allow illegal immigrant police officers to be armed 24/7
So some illegals get to carry guns and they want to take them away from citizens. Just when you think they can't be any dumber in the shithole state they go and prove you wrong. They better get going on making the rich pay their "fair" share before they all move out.
That shithole state has an "Exit Tax" for people and businesses. If somebody or a business had been a full-time resident of the state of California and you make a certain amount of money made in the state would be taxed at a rate of 0.4%. This is to be paid upon leaving the shithole.
They fucking charge people for leaving the shit hole for a better place.
I've seen that too. Given who they vote for, we can only hope.
“The best news coming from all this is that California continues to hemorrhage residents.”
As long as those residents don’t vote for the same types of polices in their new state that caused them to leave california.
Fine with me. There’s too many people on the road as it is, and they keep trying to force the building of new housing.
I think I would gladly pay twice that amount jo leave that F'd up state.
Oh, I don’t know. I think forcing police to be transparent, professional, and accountable is important. Mistrust of cops (something they have brought on themselves) is one of the biggest reasons that they get into violent conflicts at traffic stops. Instead of just saying, “I stopped you for speeding,” we get bullshit games from cops. E.g., “where you coming from? Have you been drinking? Do you know why I stopped you?” etc.
Police should not be allowed to ask that. It leads a citizen to plead guilty without knowing it. This is part of what is called "selling the ticket"
Police should tell you why they stop you first thing.
This isn’t that complicated. They ask that question you simply answer no.
Problem fixed.
If you answer that you don’t know, the government will argue that you are an inattentive driver. A driver paying attention should know what they are doing such that a cop might pull them over for it. Remember, anything you say can - and will - be used against you in court.
I moved to CA in early 1981. In Carmel I got pulled over and was asked if I knew why. I said no and that I was sure I wasn't speeding. The cop told me that I failed to come to a complete stop before turning right at the last intersection.
I replied right, but isn't that known as a California stop? Who knew that was illegal. I got a ticket.
A Michigan stop …. Slow enough to count tire lug nuts …
Interesting topic - a couple things went through my head because of it.
1. I wondered if a driver were to answer that question with a question, would it have been valid evidence towards a conviction. Example: Q) Do you know why I stopped you? A) Why, was I speeding or something?
2. Would anybody have been stupid enough to answer that question with a question that is so stupid it would almost deserve a Darwin Award, like: "Because I have a trunk full of goods I just stole at Walmart?" or "Because I was driving 25 mph over the speed limit?"
Omg. Was I driving while black again?
Because God forbid that police should be honest or transparent.
This shouldn’t even be controversial. Why play games? Why waste everyone’s time? State the reason for the stop and get down to business. Hiding the ball, the way so many cops do, just increases tension and mistrust during the stop, which leads to escalation.
In an ordinary traffic stop situation, the police should definitely be required to immediately state the purpose of the stop first thing without getting into a fishing expedition and trying to extract a confession. It's a good law.
I don't answer stupid questions from cops and I don't get out of my car unless I'm being arrested and so far that hasn't happened. I once refused to get out and go back to the cruiser so they brought out 2 different drug sniffing dog until they let me go my way. I don't mind wasting their time if they have nothing better to do.
California has a long history of administering justice unequally between Backs and whites. According to The Sentencing Project, the Black / white imprisonment disparity in CA is 9.2 : 1 . Lower states include:
- Miss 2.6 : 1
- Al 2.8 : 1
- GA 2.8 : 1
- KT 2.9 : 1
- TN 3.4 :1
- AR 3.5 : 1
- TX 3.5 : 1
- LA 3.8 : 1
- WV 3.8 : 1
- SC 3.8 : 1
- NC 3.9 : 1
- FL 4.1 : 1
Of course, CA isn't the highest, there is:
- CT 9.4 : 1
- MN 9.9: 1
- WI 11.9 : 1
- VT 12.3 : 1
- NJ 12.5 : 1
A lot of racism in the North and West Coast.
So... You agree that this is probably a good law then?
Just so good at being in trouble
Spending my days out in the ghetto
Papa say that I need to be careful
Heard a nigga just got popped at the Arco
Pros on the hoes stroll, junkies on narcos
Long Beach, Compton, Watts to South Central
Damn, I just can't wait 'til I get home (shit)
That's when a cop had pulled me over
I wish I had a girl by my side