Biden Evacuated Bureaucrats but Has Left American Missionaries to Die in Haiti
By: C. Douglas Golden (The Western Journal)

Holy shit...............

By C. Douglas Golden March 13, 2024 at 7:08am Facebook FacebookShare on Facebook Twitter TwitterTweet TelegramShare Truth SocialShare GettrShare EmailEmail Share MoreShare
Haiti is in a state of profound decay.
Gangs roam the streets unimpeded by any sort of rule of law, the elected prime minister cannot return to the country and has been assured of death if he tries by the nation's de facto leader: a gang chief who has earned the sobriquet "Barbecue," reportedly for his problematic habit of burning his enemies alive.
Because of this, President Joe Biden's White House has evacuated bureaucrats from the American Embassy in Haiti's capital of Port-au-Prince. But don't expect the administration to do anything about Christian missionaries stuck in the country.
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According to the New York Post, Jill Dolan, who runs an orphanage in Haiti with her organization, Love a Neighbor, said that while she's been in contact with the embassy, she's not getting help getting out of the country.
US missionary Jill Dolan, who runs an orphanage in Haiti through her organisation, Love A Neighbour, is trapped with her family at a makeshift motel in the capital, Port-au-Prince.
She says they are worried nobody is coming to rescue them as gang violence and lawlessness tear…
— Zaki Solja (@zakisolja) March 13, 2024
"Really, what they say is like, 'Be safe.' I'm just like, 'OK, well that's not really helpful,'" Dolan told the Post.
"My fear is that we will be caught in the middle of something really dangerous. We're already on the front lines of it. We're in a bad area," she added.
"It's kind of depressing. The gunfire never stops."
Dolan is currently sheltering with her family at makeshift lodgings in the capital, which has borne the brunt of the violence.
Two women who work with Dolan — a woman named Lynn, who did not give her last name, and another identified as Miriam Cinotti — described the horrors of being left behind in a country that has deteriorated into literal mob rule.
"Nobody's reached out to us or anything," said Cinotti, who told the Post she'd rescued 80 girls from gangs while she was in Haiti.
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"And then of course, when we saw the non-essential [embassy] workers get picked up, we were thinking, 'well, maybe they're going to come back and start evacuating Port-au-Prince and then have a plane for everyone else.'"
"We're worried because we're in a country where we don't know what's going to happen. It's unpredictable what's going on, we don't know," Lynn said. She's worried because her husband is a diabetic and she doesn't know if they can get medication.
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Flights out have been suspended after gangs tried to take control of Toussaint Louverture International Airport, the main pathway for foreigners seeking to enter or leave Haiti.
In short, the Biden administration's apparent indifference could be what amounts to a death sentence for American Christian missionaries.
According to the U.K. Guardian, the gang insurrection began on Feb. 29 and became so intense that the U.S. military airlifted non-essential embassy employees out of the country after the political quarter of Port-au-Prince came under attack by the gangsters.
"Downtown Port-au-Prince has fallen; there is no doubt about it any more," the Haitian newspaper Le Nouvelliste reported, along with a photo of a police station that had been burned out, according to the Guardian.
"On Sunday, the Miami Herald said US marines had been flown into Port-au-Prince to reinforce embassy security and evacuate non-essential staff. US defence officials told the newspaper that the middle-of-the-night operation had been conducted via helicopter at the request of the state department," the Guardian reported.
And consider who they're up against: The man known as "Barbecue," Jimmy Cherizier, the boss of the Haitian gang G9, which has led an uprising essentially shutting Prime Minister Ariel Henry out of the country he is supposed to rule. Henry announced Tuesday that he would resign once a transition council is created, according to The Associated Press — a major victory for Cherizier.
As The New Yorker noted in a profile of him last year, Cherizier is former Haitian police officer who styles himself after "a series of nation-building revolutionaries. He mentioned Jean-Jacques Dessalines, Haiti's iconic first ruler, as well as the Burkinabe revolutionary Thomas Sankara, Fidel Castro, and Malcolm X."
"I like Martin Luther King, too, but he didn't like fighting with guns, and I fight with guns," Cherizier said, according to The New Yorker's Jon Lee Anderson.
Cherizier followed that line with a "a short, explosive laugh," Anderson wrote.
Wonderful. And under Mr. Barbecue's de facto rule, the capital is in such a condition where the stench of rotting bodies permeates the city.
"It's a grisly new marker of the violence and dysfunction in this beleaguered Caribbean nation of 11 million people. In the absence of a functioning state, violent armed gangs have taken control of more than 80 percent of the capital, the United Nations estimates. Gunfire crackles at all hours. Residents who dare leave their homes stumble across bodies that have been left where they fell," reported The Washington Post last week.
"Port-au-Prince reached a high of 92 degrees on Friday. The smell of decaying corpses, human rights activists say, has driven some people from their homes. Others have taken it upon themselves to move or burn the bodies. Because who else will?"
Unfortunately, "Barbecue" comes to mind — given that's how the moniker allegedly began.
Haiti's descent into violence and the Biden administration's seeming inability to protect American citizens abroad is reminiscent of the chaotic period of withdrawal from Afghanistan — when the White House didn't seem to know how many U.S. citizens or protected individuals were in the country, didn't seem to know how to find out, and didn't seem to have any way to get them out.
Then as now, however, the government knows how to protect bureaucrats.
There is little food or water in the capital. Whatever hospitals remain open are suffering from shortages of medicine. The United States seems hapless to either help install a democratically elected leader in the country or get its own citizens out.
Cherizier and his cronies will likely end up playing a major role in who becomes the next head of the country. No doubt heads will roll (again, literally) when that occurs.
Is this the sign of a world where America is respected, feared and known for taking care of its own? Hardly. The stuck missionaries in Haiti are symptoms of a greater malaise: Bureaucrats' lives matter, Christians' lives don't.
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Shades of Afghanistan.....................SMH
Why are missionaries a government issue? They all went there, and stayed there as things devolved, voluntarily.
Why was aircraft distributing 320,000 illegals across the country a government issue? They came here of their own accord and shouldn't need coddling.
And just abandon the young women they've rescued?
Plus, they are US citizens in need of help.
Another Biden blunder in progress.
Maybe because they're American citizens?
All US citizens abroad are the US government's concern.
Seems the Brandon administration still hasn't learned the US civilians out first part.
Maybe the the missionaries should claim they are from a sect of transgenders and their pronouns are they/them. I am sure the administration would react then.
What does that have to do with my post. Focus...
I had exactly that same thought.
Then they should have been smart enough to leave or make it to the embassy earlier. I have no sympathy for people who volunteer to go to dangerous places.
If GovCo can "rescue" illegals they sure as hell should rescue citizens. Focus my ass. THINK!
So we should put our soldiers in potentially harm's way for idiots that couldn't get out on their own earlier? Fantastic policy.../s
I am quite sure they didn't just go there in the last month. The shit hit the fan on 29 February. You know less than two weeks ago.
All you have to do is read...............ez-pz
As has been explained many, times already they weren't illegals. They followed the rules and filled out paperwork like you guys always say you want migrants to do. But hey keep moving those goalposts.
Of course you don't..................SMH
And there was no recent notice to depart. The latest update by the State Department was back in July 2023 advising not to travel to Haiti and if you did included a list of things you should not do.
Haiti Travel Advisory (
They weren't advised to do so. That would be number one.....
When were they advised to leave? Where's the notice from the government?
It's just something to bash the "other side" with. I don't care who's sitting in The Chair - I would have the same opinion. If they have time and resources to get non-government workers out safely then great, but otherwise they found their own way there, they can find their own way home.
Now, there is a legitimate issue to fault the current State Department.
So we should bring abandon American citizens because they didn't realize how bad it would get so fast? Or are they more expendable than bureaucrats because they are missionaries?
Read ALL the commentary.................shouldn't need to be pointed out
There are several reasons that GovCo should care.
Want everybody to stop calling those 320,000 illegals? PROVE THEY AREN'T ILLEGALS.
THAT has been the goal from the start. Just because YOU fail to back up your claim doesn't mean the goalposts have moved.
It's your fucking claim they are illegal. The burden of proof is on you. It's not like this is the only fucking migration the flight the US Government has ever had either. This has happened monthly for a couple of years now. 2 years ago they brought in a plane full of Russians at the start of the Ukraine war.
Yes. Next question.
I never claimed they were illegals. No burden on be. On the other hand you appear to be the one going off the rails claiming the opposite of what elected officials are claiming. So, put your proof out there. Time to put up or shut up.
Finally. I knew that was your likely reasoning. Damned religious nuts anyway....................../s
It's not because they are religious. If they were site seers or teachers or whatever I feel the same. I felt the same for the female basketball player who got arrested in Russia a few years ago. IF one travels to dangerous places one assumes the risks. In the case of Government personnel, the government sent them there they should make an effort to evacuate their own people.
Thanks, that is all I need to know.
So they are not illegals? Glad you agree.
Are these elected officials you speak of partisans working to make the current Administration look bad during an election year? Hmmm... maybe they have an agenda to lie and obfuscate the truth.
How's this?
Never said that either. Stick to what was said and quit making shit up.
They're elected officials.
All that shows is you are parroting what somebody else told you.
Either they are, or they aren't. Make up your mind.
With no clue how to find their ass with a map app and flashlight.
[removed] [..] We're done where since you can't be honest about anything.
I get they got caught in quickly evolving violence shut down the airports, but this has been a flashpoint since violence began in January.
Seems the history of missionaries is to intervene in others affairs and when they are put by the locals . Reminds me of a quote from Desmond Tutu, "When they came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land, we closed our eyes to pray and when we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land". The history of religious interference is followed by corporate involvement, then when it all goes south, the military is sent to "save" them all ! Religion and Greed !
I can see how people might travel to foreign countries to help people-- or to proselyize their religious or political views. But given the huge numbers of countries in the world-- why choose to go to some of the obviously more dangerous ones?
Reminds me of that old saying:
There's no cure for "stuck on stupid"!
Exactly, Haiti doesn't need Americans to run and provide for orphanages. Barbeque is always looking to recruit more gang members and the gangs will always lookout for the girls.
In Afghanistan there were 2 previous dates to leave. When reality hit they panicked. As cold as this sounds, in both of these cases, "You pay your money, you make your choices."
Aldous Huxley, BRAVE NEW WORLD
AND it wasn't just a Biden thing. All the other coordinated militaries had the same intelligence and had issues getting people out at the last minute.
Sorry, state department officials screaming at each other from their desks "You have to leave now!" "Why aren't they leaving?" "We have warned them!" Isn't warning people to get out.
Also; as per Brandon himself US departure from Afghanistan wouldn't mean the fall of the Afghani government and return of the Taliban. They were supposedly "caught by surprise" by the rapid Taliban advancement.
That progressives justify leaving American citizens to die while demanding billions for foreigners who voluntarily choose to illegally come here is no surprise.
I assume alot of it is deep rooted anger that these are people who actually are trying to make the world a better place and really helping people, while they desperately need to believe they are the ones helping humanity by being internet warriors.
Gangs shut down the airport on 4 March. On 6 March the US Embassy issued this security alert:
Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Port-au-Prince, Haiti (March 6, 2024)Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Port-au-Prince, Haiti (March 6, 2024)
U.S. citizens in Haiti should depart Haiti as soon as possible by commercial or other privately available transportation options, in light of the current security situation and infrastructure challenges. U.S. citizens wishing to depart Port-au-Prince should monitor local news and information on security conditions from commercial transportation providers and should arrange to leave Haiti when security conditions and commercial transportation options permit doing so.
At this time, the U.S. Embassy is not able to facilitate air travel for private citizens. U.S. citizens are advised to regularly monitor our webpage for Alerts which may include updates on options to depart Haiti. We also recommend consulting with commercial carriers who operate flights into and out of Haiti, and travel agencies. Private carriers and many travel agencies provide timely information on available options to depart the country.
Yesterday, Rep.Cory Mills worked with a group of veterans to evacuate 10 Americans at an orphanage in Port-au-Prince. lls told Florida Politics he personally paid for the evacuation operation from Haiti. He was on the flights transporting individuals off the island.
Mills is an Army veteran who served in Iraq. He previously carried out missions to rescue Americans stuck in Afghanistan during the withdrawal and from Israel after the Oct 7 attack by Hamas.
There we go... Some actual helpful information.
Helpful from Drinker, not so much from the Biden administration.
Again why should I care?
Exactly, State told our citizens to get out after the airport was shut down. That didn't stop Joe US citizen from pulling out his Express Card though and renting a helicopter.
Beats me, empathy is so over rated.
Kudos to Mills for getting a small portion of the job done while the Brandon administration dithers.
So he's been active rescuing people the Biden Administration has abandoned.
Over the last two weeks, Haitian gangs joined together and launched a series of large, coordinated attacks on government institutions. Government buildings, police stations and the presidential palace have all been targeted. Prison breaks have freed thousands of prisoners, and constant gunfire has forced the international airport to close and has all but sealed off Port-au-Prince from the outside world. Bodies lay uncollected in the streets, videos of catabolism are shared as the country spirals out of control. Jimmy Cherizier, known as “Barbeque,” is gang leader #1, and declares, “We have chosen to take our destiny in our own hands."
“It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that black face the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power, of craven terror—of an intense and hopeless despair…He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision—he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath: 'The horror! The horror!’”
Kind of hard to just leave when the airport and port are shut down/occupied.
They weren't shut down in Jan when the gang violence first started, nor in February when it was evident the Haitian government couldn't get a handle on the problem.
There is a remote possibility that they could leave via the Dominican Republic. After the earthquake they shut down their border. Can't rule out that there may be something that can be worked with them.
The problem really is we already know the Biden Administration won't do a damn thing.
Nothing is keeping them from renting an off shore helicopter, establishing a landing site and taking off.
Exactly, these silly people felt a sense of responsibility to their orphanages, clinics and aid centers that they managed.
What ? No divine intervention, Holy Shit !