Americans Warned of Possible 'Coordinated Attack' on the Homeland
By: Connor Cavanaugh (The Western Journal)

Yep. Let 'em go and scatter all over the country.

By Connor Cavanaugh April 12, 2024 at 7:31am
The FBI is worried about a potential string of organized attacks on the American homeland similar to the recent attack at a Russian concert hall.
FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before Congress on Thursday where he shared the concerns the department has over terrorism within the country.
"As I look back over my career in law enforcement, I would be hard-pressed to think of a time where so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated all at once," the government official said according to Reuters.
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"But that is the case as I sit here today."
Wray alluded to a March 22 terrorism incident that took the lives of at least 144 Russian citizens.
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He feared that the same style of attack could be coming to the United States as radical Islamic groups become inspired by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
"Now increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the ISIS-K attack we saw at the Russia concert hall a couple weeks ago," he warned Congress.
The FBI director spoke about these concerns in an attempt to persuade Congress to provide the department with more funding.
He also alluded to the increase in staff that the FBI has seen for more reasons to receive additional funding.
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"We have seen a substantial jump in threats towards FBI personnel and facilities from fiscal year 2022 to fiscal year 2023," Wray said.
Republican members have already begun pushing back against Wray and his narrative, alluding to the tension that the party has had between it and the department.
Former President Donald Trump previously was investigated by the FBI to see if his 2016 campaign had connections to the Russian government, something that he pushed back heavily against.
"I'll be honest with you, and this pains me to say this, but I don't trust you," California Republican Rep. Mike Garcia bluntly told Wray during the hearing.
I was very direct with FBI Director Wray: I don't trust him, and he's failing to protect Americans from the national security and humanitarian crisis at our southern border.
Under this administration there have been… -7.5 million illegal crossings -1.7 million known gotaways…
— Rep. Mike Garcia (@RepMikeGarcia) April 11, 2024
"I don't think that this is necessarily a funding problem that we have for your agency as much as a leadership problem."
While the issue of a large-scale terrorist threat is undeniable, the question ultimately arises if the FBI itself is even up to the task of preventing it.
FBI leadership has been so keen on prosecuting the Democrats' opposition in recent times it's questionable if they even know what their primary purpose is anymore.
So when Rep. Garcia questions if the FBI would even succeed in doing better with more money, there's good reason for it.
The country has been in a chaotic state for a while as an immense amount of notable threats to the country pour across the southern border — what has the FBI been doing all this time?
Is this even something the FBI can fix? Perhaps instead of giving the FBI more funding, the country could get a president with enough of a spine to scare away would-be attackers.
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No Trump, Fascism References, Memes, Source Dissing.

I sure hope this is just to caution so we will be vigilant but if not, whatever happens is on this dumbass administration.
Thankfully no one with any sense is really trying to defund the FBI.
“Thankfully no one with any sense is really trying to defund the FBI.”
Nor the DOJ nor the Department of Education nor any federal agency.
A policy of retaliation is no policy. It is a self serving act that is not only detrimental, it is but another internal attack on our democracy. 1/6 is just a precursor to what we can expect should this abomination win or lose.
Shame on those that willingly refuse to see… in their myopic ignorance, fear and thus hatred.
Seems to me as though a large number of abominations, myopic ignorance, fear and thus hatred has been loosed upon this nation as of late..
Hello razing - good to see you : )
My goodness. Good to know you are still kicking. Miss you hereabouts.
Yeah, I am still kicking - my oldest son found me in time... suffice to say the first 3 months of my new year were rough - I hope to never see a hospital again!
How are you holding up? Boyz doing good?
“Boyz doing good?”
Youngest engaged to be married in September. Oldest still scrapping but has a brilliant mind and an even bigger heart. Thanks for always asking after them and thanks be you are on the mend. We are blessed beyond belief.
But what about the so-called " Right-to-Lifers"- - those who want to kill people?
A leaked video appears to show Republican officials at a meeting held by an anti-abortion group
They are called " Right to Life rs" because they want to kill people:
Texas Republicans supporting the death penalty for women who seek abortions
They are called " Right to Lifers" because they want to kill people:
Texas Republicans supporting the death penalty for women who seek abortions
Amyone else see the irony in that?
Wray still trying to save his ass. Anybody with a functioning brain has known this from the moment Traitor Joe stopped securing the border.
Well, at least Trump completed the border fence-- so now the entire border is totally secure as he promised!
And beyond that-- he actually got the Mexicans to pay for the whole thing!
And it's all on Traitor Joe.
Democrats and leftists will still blame Trump- that is all they ever do when things go wrong.
We should all be paragons of bipartisanship like you fellas?
I don't know, will Democrats/Leftists ever take responsibility for the last 8 years and counting of non stop violations of the law and Constitution?
Will all of you ever take responsibility for putting Brandon the Human Fuck Up Machine in office?
Till then take your bipartisanship and stuff it.
Ever considered giving self awareness a chance?
Nice to meet another fan of Trader Joe's! And on The Newstalkers of all places!
I usually shop at Whole Foods, but sometime shop at trader Joe's!
What are your favourite foods you shop for at Trader Joe's?
I just hear the present supporters of Hamas who are marching and demonstrating all across America changing their shout to "From the sea to the sea, we will be free."
And sometimes they chant this:
"From the sea to the sea, Palestine will be free."
(Many of them still believe in the Imaginary Land of Palestine-- a self-governing country which never actually existed!)
And then they promote the myth:
FREE PALESTINE! (With the purchase of a second Palestine of equal or greater value!)
Palestinian governing is a real fantasy.
Beware, my brothers, of Armageddon approaching, as the doomsday clock ticks away, because Iran is going to make the bomb, and as they supply their proxies with arms and training, they will provide the terrorists with the bomb, terrorists who welcome death as martyrs should they take part in the killing of the INFIDELS, and they have proven that they are not even concerned about killing their own, as they just proved in Russia, so what do they care about retaliation or retribution? So those of you who despise Israel, who blame it for genocide, who would see arms to Israel stop, know that you will eliminate what former general and Secretary of State Alexander Haig has called the biggest American aircraft carrier in the world, poised in the middle of the Middle East, not requiring one American soldier on board, and providing the eyes and ears to know what will happen in order to not only warn the west of danger but with the ability and intent to do something to prevent it.
Actually "usually reliable sources" say an Iran strike at Israel is immanent. But according to that information, it will not be nuclear, nor will it be huge.
(Iran has a dilemma-- they want to strike Israel in retaliation for the recent Israeli attack-- but they don't want to start a major war between iran and this time).
(Why? I think they are awaiting the completion of their nukes-- then they can start a fullscale war)
But according to these sources it will be very soon . . .
Iran remains largely dangerous but inept.
And part of the problem is that the current government faces a lot of opposition-- and protests-- from Iranians who want more freedoms.
With all that internal dissent, they probably don't want to engage in a major war with another country.
You really think common sense would have any effect on a Jihadist nation?
I'm pretty confident that Iran would not use a nuclear weapon itself, it has already shown that its attacks can be accomplished by its terrorist proxies.