Ilhan Omar's daughter says she's homeless after being suspended from college over anti-Israel protests
By: nypmetro (New York Post)

The privileged daughter of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar amazingly claims she's homeless and can't get food after being kicked out of her prestigious $90,000-per-year Barnard College dorm following her arrest at last week's anti-Israel protests on Columbia University's campus.
Isra Hirsi, 21, and a handful of other Barnard students were slapped with suspensions after they were among the more than 100 protestors cuffed and hauled away for refusing to clear out from a tent encampment on the Ivy League school's campus last Thursday.
"I was a little bit frantic, like, where am I going to sleep? Where am I gonna go?" she whined to Teen Vogue after learning she'd been evicted from campus housing and banned from using the dining hall.
"And also all of my s-t is thrown in a random lot. It's pretty horrible," said the disgraced student still supported by her Democratic "squad" member mom, who said she is " enormously proud" of her daughter.
"I have like four shirts, two pairs of pants," Hirsi complained. "I don't know when I can go home, and I don't know if I ever will be able to."
Hirsi, who is a member of the anti-Israel student group Apartheid Divest, had already received notice of her suspension early Thursday — hours before the NYPD was called in to arrest protestors and help dismantle the anti-Israel protest encampment.
Barnard administrators had initially started warning their students late Wednesday that they risked being suspended if they didn't clear out.
When Hirsi sought help from Barnard administration after being cut loose from jail on Thursday, she whined that she'd heard crickets.
"I sent them an email like, 'Hey, I rely on campus for my meals, I rely on my dining plan,' and they were like, Oh, you can come pick up a prepackaged bag of food, a full 48 hours after I was suspended," she told the magazine.
"There was no food support, no nothing."
Speaking about her arrest, Hirsi said she was held in custody for roughly eight hours.
"We had so many people who were born female in our group that they didn't have enough space for us," Hirsi told Teen Vogue of her arrest. "It was a very slow process in getting everybody into the cells.
"I was zip-tied for about seven hours and wasn't released for about eight," she added.
Elsewhere, she also complained about Barnard's president, Laura Rosenbury, was taking a tougher stance on students that Columbia University.
"Only Barnard students are evicted, and I think it's pretty crazy," Hirsi griped.
"I think it's really on a school-by-school basis, and Barnard has decided to take a very egregious stand against us," she continued.
No personal insults..
Stay on topic. The source is NOT THE TOPIC.
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All of NT's rules apply.
Post your meme's on your own articles. They will be ticketed and deleted.
Calling members "trolls" or ""dishonest" will result in your comment being deleted.

Should have thought about that beforehand.
Go home to Mommy dearest, you two deserve each other!
Elsewhere, she also complained about Barnard's president, Laura Rosenbury, was taking a tougher stance on students that Columbia University.
"Only Barnard students are evicted, and I think it's pretty crazy," Hirsi griped.
"I think it's really on a school-by-school basis, and Barnard has decided to take a very egregious stand against us," she continued.
Guess she also doesn't understand that Rosenbury, as the "President" of Barnard dorm can only punish Barnard's residents and not the other non-Barnard students - ya think?
Aw, that is so sad. And to think of all the shit her mother pulled to get here.
All ruined because she wanted to ack just like "mommy".
Does she have a brother to marry?
FFS I hope not. Imagine that procreating. Another Whittaker family.
They end up with poor vision.
And the mental acuity of a sledge hammer. Oh, wait, they're already there.
Hapsburg jaws....
Do we pay off their student loans before or after they shout "death to America"?
“…they shout "death to America"?”
While your shouts of election interference, DOJ interference, universities interference,, are the most insidious and the most dangerous affronts to the America we know.
[deleted] [✘] you would see that the process is working as intended, along all lines…
…one knows, or chooses to forget, the Constitution and the rights therein confirmed.
You stand with them?
“You stand with them?”
I stand with their right to do so.
So you should have no problems standing with the right of those shouts of election interference, DOJ interference, universities interference,
I do not. Our rights cannot be defined by any partisan ideology for that is a death sentence to our democracy
All it takes is accepting the facts presented and making one’s determination of the truth given the facts.
Challenging an election is not the "death sentence for our democracy". That's nothing more than a talking point to instill fear into the gullible. Elections have been challenged as long as elections have been happening.
They want to kill Jews, age and gender don't matter.
So you're saying you support that?
Notwithstanding that as that call gets proliferated and louder, the effect it will have on those whose mentality would guide them into doing something towards fulfilling that wish. Good thing you're "afrayedknot", eh?
I don't see many doing that.
Hillary is that you. In fact is it any Democrat screaming about any election laws that Republicans enact.
Can we consider this your apology to Barr and all of the other Republican AG's?
Funny how we never hear about this from Democrats- of course Democrats run universities so why would they bitch about them?
Substitute in Trump; and you have your answer.
Lawfare rules! Funny how it only ever applies to one side. Trying to get a Democrat charged is near impossible. Just ask Hunter, Hillary, Bill, and Brandon. Trying to keep candidates (not just Trump but independents as well) off the state ballots.
Are you talking about all of the Democrat and leftist bitching as Trump exercises his Constitutional right to appeal about the delays in court cases? Why are they so damn desperate to get the trials done before the election. They sure as shit aren't worried about Huinter's trials being slow walked into oblivion. Think a single damn one of them will start before the election. He has been under investigation far longer than Trump.
When it comes to the law and Constitution Democrats shit on them daily. So please spare us.
I have to wonder, do these students sign a contract with these institutions that contains a code of conduct?
Reason I wonder is if so, that contract could negate whatever perceived constitutionally protected rights they might involk while on the institutions property.
I don’t remember signing a contract but unacceptable behavior would get you kicked out of the dorm. Happened all the time.
Ok, so it could have been hidden in the small print of admission papers or a student handbook persay?
Perhaps but I’m thinking it was more like just policy.
Code of conduct at most liberal colleges and universities nowadays? What code of conduct is that? Seems they have none for leftist liberal students and teachers.
Awwwww ….cry me a river …. Down to the sea ….. you will be free ……
I condemn the antisemitic protests," BIDEN tells reporters. "I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.”
Can't wait to hear the explosion of anger from those who turned the "very fine people on both sides" soundbite into a month long scandal.
Was Biden for it before he was against it? he will get a pass on this with a myriad of excuses why.
Although he lost me before this, I'll repeat what I said before about Biden, that IMO he has now shown that he would s**k c***s to get votes.
get a grip buzz
Well, JR, as you know I don't always agree with your opinions.
You are not the one that needs to "get a grip.." Buzz.
It has worked for his VP's entire career, maybe an old dog can learn new tricks. Pun intended.
And you're not the only one who knows that, and I'm sorry to see that someone who agrees with me was ticketed for doing so.
Trumps equivocations about Charlottesville were so obvious he had to come back with a press conference three days later at Trump Tower to clarify his denunciation of white supremacy.
To compare these anti-Israel protests with Charlottesville is to say there is no legitimate basis for sympathy for the Palestinians.
Charlottesville was a white supremacist rally that Trump had trouble coming to grips with.
The protestors are now calling themselves Hamas. They have gone from anti-Israel to anti-Jew in less than a heartbeat.
Charlottesville was a white supremacist rally that Trump had trouble coming to grips with.
Charlottesville was about ripping down statues. Something that triggered all the crazies on both sides.
The statue issue by itself did have fine people on both sides.
Joe Biden continues to lie about it.
Trump was, or should have been aware of what the Unite The Right rally was about. It was well known for weeks what it was about.
You should know that it was about a much bigger issue than some extremist rally.
antifa also showed up.
How long has Biden had to grasp what these anti-Semitic protests are about? Six months?
Joe is on a tightrope with this. His radical base on one side and the American people on the other.
Long enough for them to have slid from pro-Palestinian to "We are Hamas pig"...
i think you know very little about that rally
Weren't they shouting "Jews won't replace us"?
And strangely enough they were wrong, The Jewish people have replaced white supremist and nazis as the most hated group by a lot of democrats and their progressive storm troopers on college campus's.
I'm a democrat and I don't hate them. I admire them for the tenacity , strength, and will power it took to survive a millennium under Christian rule.
And then the hate of 1930's Europe? Hell, even the US didn't want them here.
And what party controlled the Presidency? Senate and house then? I'm assuming you are talking about the St Louis?
Democrats do not hate Jews. It is absurd.
I know and that's why his statement is asinine and heinous
Or thinking Biden is "doing a good job".
Those aren't republicans attacking Jewish people on college campus's.
Ilhan Omar and other members of the squad prove otherwise.
It is in line with Biden. He's the one that released Iran's frozen assets, left millions in US military equipment to the Taliban and now the fuck up he's carrying out in Niger.
Gee, looks like some people have gone to silent running mode. They cannot rebut the previous five comments.😏
Actions have consequences, it's best to learn this lesson early in life
She's in NYC, all she needs to do is ask:
I must find a place to hide
A place for me to hide\
I can't make it anymore
The man is at the door
As I've said before, I'm sure she would be quite welcome where her forbears belonged, on a Somalia pirate boat.
Did she go to college to go to class and learn or to act up and cause trouble??
I think she just looked at her Mother and Father-Uncle and followed their lead on how to be stupid.
This would make a great parody video addition to "Weird Al" Yankovich's Dare To Be Stupid.
She doesn't have a brother to hook-up with, so she doesn't know what to do.
"Did she go to college to go to class and learn or to act up and cause trouble??".
With most leftist liberal colleges lately, one seems to lead to the other for the mentally challenged student activists they seem to produce on a regular basis.
This wave of antisemitism belongs 100% to the democrats and the Biden administration, we are seeing their views displayed and acted on in real time.
And unfortunately the Jewish population of the country will mostly ignore that and vote for them anyway.
They have a word for those who blame the Jews for their political losses. Those who denigrate Jews as a group. Anti-something...
Are you implying that I am anti-Semitic? If you are it is just another thing to add to your list of false accusations. I fully support Israel and always have. Israel can rid the world of all of the Hamas, Hezbollah and their supporters. I am somewhat disappointed in Israel very limited response to Iran's attack. I think they should have hit them harder.
Don't be so sure about that. Jews are not sheep like MAGAts. Jews believe in personal freedoms, but now they must balance between support for Israel and the issue of abortion.
We will see. If AOC going on national TV spreading a blood libel about mass graves in Gaza to deflect from anti-semitic riots on college campuses, doesn't wake up democratic sheep, nothing will.
AOC is a radical academia trained stooge, just a few years removed from these radical protesters. A few years earlier she’d be the one standing behind the barricades screaming that she is Hamas …..
That is without question the stupidest comment anyone has ever written on NT.
that sounds like a sweeping generalization
At the very least. It's also completely false, of course.