Carbon Fee and Dividend: Legislative Action Needed
Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., was certainly right when he told a group of energy executives that cheap energy was necessary for our economy to be competitive and that legislation is needed to keep energy costs low (Wichita Eagle, Oct. 1 Business ).
Fossil fuels provide cheap energy because they do not pay their external costs , which include cost to people’s health, the environment, and to the economy. Renewable energy is becoming less expensive and does not have the external costs that fossil fuels do.

The best solution is legislation that would favor a shift to renewable energy.
The effect of rising energy costs on the economy could be offset by a carbon fee and dividend system , in which a fee would be added to fossil fuels at the source to cover their external costs. All the money collected would be distributed equally to every household as an energy dividend. Those who switch to renewable energy or who save energy would have more to spend, which would stimulate the economy.
We should all hope that the legislation that Senator Moran is considering would be a carbon fee and dividend system, as it uses market principles to reduce air and water pollution while protecting the economy from rising energy costs.
carbon fee and dividend , CCL , Citizens climate lobby , external costs , renewable energy , Sen. Jerry Moran
(c) 2016 – Que
Fossil fuels provide cheap energy because they do not pay their external costs , which include cost to people’s health, the environment, and to the economy.
"Fossils fuels" & "Citizens United" have sooooo much in common!
"because they do not pay their external costs , which include cost to people’s health, the environment, and to the economy. "
You said a mouthful there - disingenuous, deceitful & self serving, like statistics you gotta Look for the
Lie in the Truth &/or the Truth in the Lie just to get to the REAL Intent - as Intention Matters!
One of the more interesting applications I have seen is the construction of roads from solar panels. It would be expensive but would eventually pay for itself in benefits. I believe someone, maybe Jerry, posted an article about it a while ago.
If they even started building those aweful wind turbines around here I'd move and have no interest in paying higher taxes. Drill baby drill.
A.Mac is in a desperate fight against such a development (wind turbines) to be located just above his home.
While I agree that we need alternative energy, not all alternative energy is good for the environment. So while I support solar energy and other fuel alternatives, those turbines actually hurt wildlife. I think that we should be wise about the alternative, and not just create another problem is our desire to get off of fossil fuels.
Harnessing the tide, such as near the mouth of the St. Lawrence River where it meets the Atlantic Ocean, would be ideal. Where I grew up near Niagara Falls, the hydro-electric power provided the energy we required.
Legislation these days (early 20th & now) is not the "We" the People related stuff of old. Presently jaded INHERITANCE Babies with their daddies & grand-daddies sensibilities are RUNNING the Big Show!
The electric companies fear Solar, the government is being used in an Imminent Domain game that hides the many, many levels of Shell Corp.'s (the 3 card Monty type Shell) - it's Cute how some people who voted against the people based on prejudice, bigotry & discrimination actually think they're doing something New or productive esp. legislatively
Some people think SYG is about the Second, yet & the stance taken against the Dakota Indigenous -
Moran & the rest care less about the people & more about themselves & donor wants, but
Reality speaks with Stalin Commie money a lot Louder than what the "jaded" public service prostitute plays @ - just saying!
Nice piece though.