retired military ex Republican

tax dollars support

By:  retired military ex Republican  •   •  12 years ago  •  3 comments

tax dollars support
How can it be legal for the Federal government to support the Christian Churches with tax money in the form of vouchers that go to the Church owned schools. Lucky for the church as their number of church memberships are dwindling in almost all churches. Profits go to the church. How is this legal because the House of Representatives says so? ???? Be a great funding cut update the Public Schools don't pay the religious sectors to upgrade theirs. We coud pay all churches to run schools..How does this all fit into separation of Church and State.


jrBlog - desc
retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago
Maybe we could have the churches turn over the school to the States. Maybe the Church would accept students needing the more structured enviroment instead of cherry picking.
retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago
Some church schools are in disrepair so insure they are in full repair if they must use public school students to survive.
retired military ex Republican
Freshman Silent
link   author  retired military ex Republican    12 years ago

Is finding Religious schools with federal tax payer dollars state tax dollars for that matter. Equal funds are taken away from public schools who teach the biggest portion of Americans.