Do We Take Ourselves Too Seriously?

I came across some very interesting quotes and sayings that we should all think about before we get all in a huff about a situation or about some comment some random individual makes.
Perhaps we should consider source
To me, political office should be like jury duty. You should just get a notice in mail one day and be like, "I'm Secretary of State next month!" -- Wanda Sykes
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” -- – Confucius
“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine .” -- – Ralph Waldo
“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere.” - Dr. Seuss
“Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place.” -- – Mark Twain
Have some fun with this
Sometimes we all need to lighten up and not take ourselves or our situation so seriously.
Please comment on the quotes I cited and provide your own quotes or themes that let you take life a little less seriously.
We live in trying times, we needn't make them more so if it can be avoided
Not sure who said it but it fits for people that take themselves seriously or try so hard to be taken seriously:
I know I don't!

Neither do I. I also don't take others too seriously, especially those that strive to be taken seriously. Man does that piss them off.
I could expand on that, but I'm not going to.
If not for the expectations of others. Only YOU can prevent forest fires.
As with most things, seriousness has been imposed upon us by the expectations of others. We're expected to be serious about a host of issues. If we do not take ourselves seriously then we risk public scorn.
Don't ask me why, but that poster is making me feel self-conscious.
I won't ask, but I am thinking "closet pyromaniac" or accidentally set the family outhouse on fire?
Probably didn't make a donation to the .
If we don't take ourselves seriously then how can we be made to feel guilty?
The people, who should feel guilty, don't have the ability to do so because they're probably sadists who derive pleasure from other people's pain.
The rest of us make mistakes, make apologies, make amends (if appropriate), learn from our mistakes and do our best not to repeat them.
Continually beating ourselves up for not setting ourselves on fire to make other people warm is an unproductive and unhealthy waste of our lives. No one really notices or appreciates door mats.
Might be the dreaded pointing finger. I got a lot of those as a child. Guilt is kind of a drooling dog response. Something Gen Z doesn't understand.
Assassins tend to have issues understanding guilt. Hopefully, Gen Z's career counselors are not sadists.
Don't ask me why, but that poster is making me feel self-conscious.
Here's another version of ONLY YOU that IMO is much nicer: (Not Smokey but rather . . . The Platters, 1955!)
Interesting point, but it is expected by whom?
Aren't you expecting a serious answer? So, it appears you've answered your own question.
I am not and was not expecting a serious answer, that would be taking myself way too seriously which I try to avoid doing
I expect people to be responsible for their decisions and actions.
Humor is needed in some situations when the best laid plans go awry.
My sense of humor tends to be sarcastic so I tend to only share it with the people who understand it instead of looking for an excuse to be offended.
Girl have you come to the wrong place. Yes, I am being sarcastic. My wife tells me my humor is an acquired taste and she has not yet acquired it after 40 years of marriage
I am snickering at all of the possible replies I would like to make, but won't.
Caution to all gentle readers of NTers, don’t look at this if you are easily offended
Available for purchase at Black Rifle Coffee:
lol …. Another good one
Sarcasm can be a useful approach to people who take themselves too seriously, for they often miss the sarcasm totally.
That is hilarious.
I usually tailor my sarcasm to the level of the understanding of the target and the audience.
I dearly hate to be misunderstood. LOL!
Occasionally online conversations get boring. So personally, I always enjoy a little clever sarcasm when its injected into a blah conversation!
On NT, no way.
My humour is bigger than your humor, as "U" can see.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
Elbert Hubbard
Hey, stay within yourself ……
I am glad people are having a little fun with this, that was my intention.
Ain't it though
There is very little that don't need to be made fun of
One of my favorite songs was written by a man making fun of himself.
A recent video by a couple critiquing the lyrics of "It's Hard to Be Humble" by Mac Davis. Enjoy!
Great tune!
People who are always boastful can become annoying.
Here's a somewhat humble video I posted a while back-- re-posting it here now (for no good reason
Loved this.
A sense of humor and humility are two very important personal skills that make life worth living and sharing with others.
I have used this Walt Kelly cartoon many times as a reply to members who get too damn serious here.
Last year, I discovered Bob Mortimer. I am not sure this man is capable of taking himself seriously. And it is very difficult for anyone else to. I have literally laughed until it hurt at some of his life stories.
Below are clips of Bob Mortimer on a British panel show called "Would I Lie to You?" Note: Not all of the stories are true.