Dream Team or simply a Shit Show

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who voted to find Trump guilty at his second impeachment trial during his first term, said "I don't think this is a serious nomination for the attorney general."
A simple survey on the latest announced cabinet picks
1. Is it a dream team or a shit show?
2. Which pick shocked you more than all the others?
3. Which of the nominees do you think will fail to get 50 votes in the Senate?
4. Is this "shock and awe" so that when some of these picks are withdrawn, the replacement nominee will look so much better that they will sail through confirmation?
Red Box Rules
Just answer the questions - no need to rehash why the picks are great or horrible depending on your side of the fence
Do not denigrate other responders, be civil
Polls can be won
1. With the exception of Rubio for Secy of State it is a Shit Show with (capital S's)
2. Gaetz with Hegseth a fairly close 2nd place
3. Gaetz for sure in my view, in fact I think he will be withdrawn by Trump
4. I think there could be a little of "shock and awe" tactics at play here
So a sexual predator has nominated a pedophile for attorney general. MAGA!!!!
major assholes getting analized ...
So a sexual predator has nominated a pedophile for attorney general. MAGA!!!!
I hope the Senators see it the same way and block this appointment
Gaetz is almost as disliked as Cruz is throughout Congress. He also has an ethics investigation. But they very well do what Trump tells them to do while they are groveling at his feet.
Th Trump fear factor is certainly an issue, but I think there are some Senators (enough) that will draw a line in the sand and this is too much and will just say no
Some Senators, yes (democrat ones). But republican Senators have yet to show enough balls to stand against him.
Who is the traitor?
their nuts can only descend from their body cavity when it's a secret ballot ...
Nothing but PD and D
I'm funny and you are uninformed on what the Republican senators will or will not do
So I guess we will both have to wait and see
I have seen no evidence to support that. Their nuts are firmly fixed in whichever cavity Trump tells them to put them in.
I would not be surprised if Trump is doing this to lower the bar.
With the spineless current members of the GOP, this is likely to work.
I don't see how the maga bar could get much lower ...
Who is the traitor?
“I would not be surprised if Trump is doing this to lower the bar.”
As the ultimate power broker, he could not care less about anything in reference to lowering a bar…only concerned in what bars his self serving agenda, only in what bars him from defining his self serving legacy, and ultimately, only in the bars he is trying to avoid.
With Gaetz, I think Trump might have hit rock bottom. But who knows, maybe he will put Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge of controlling the weather.
I think she's going to be liason to the Israeli space agency.....
trump. the guy you swore an oath to defend the constitution from, the domestic enemy you voted for ...
When did he commit treason?
I look forward to everyone's thoughts on this important issue
I’m fine with everyone except gaetz. I think Rubio is the cream of the crop with Homan not far behind. The rest would all get at least Bs.
Fun gaetz fact. Morning joe was suspended from msnbc for donating to his campaign in 2010.
what qualifies tulsi gabbard to be in charge of american intelligence agencies? no one will trust her.
I totally agree with you on Gabbard
I have to say this, but OMG, if Gaetz gets the position. I'm fine with Rubio. So many of them are just unqualified for the job—they have no experience. Someone out of college would be just as qualified, which is not a good statement.
Trump's 2nd term = Second verse, same as the first, another Trump administration with a revolving door.
I don't think so. I think his first administration picked people who were qualified but eventually disagreed with him, which is why he kicked them out. This time, he is picking people who are loyal to him, and that is all that matters to him.
Btw, I love the meme
Even if that is true (and it probably is) that tis bad for the country and many of this group should be in office even for a day - hopefully cooler heads in the Senate will "Just Say No"
I hope you are wrong. The only thing that saved us from his 1st administration was its overwhelming incompetence. And so far, many of those picks indicate that he is simply rewarding his sycophants with positions which they are not qualified for. Can we say Rick Perry.....
... uh, 7 cabinet members that were either under investigation, referred to the DOJ for criminal prosecution, or resigned in disgrace. lawfare! boo hoo hoo hoo ...
I am in line with your thoughts - Rubio is a pretty good choice for State, but there are serious "not qualified" flags to be thrown on many of the others and Gaetz and Hegseth are totally unqualified for the positions they were nominated for. Hopefully enough of the Senators see it the same way to block these appointments.
I wouldn't go that fat. Let's just say that there could have been worse choices for Secretary or State, or if you really want to pump him up say that at least it wasn't MTG.......
The questions ignore the possibility of political maneuvering. Trump really does have a mandate within the Republican Party. So, it's politically unwise to refuse Trump. Trump can use that mandate to shape the Republican controlled Congress.
It's quite possible that Trump offered Gaetz the AG post just to get him out of the way. Gaetz can't repeat what he did to Kevin McCarthy. House Republicans owe Trump a political debt for giving Gaetz an easy out.
Hegseth is a political message to a politicized Defense Department. If the damned generals want to play politics to resist Trump's agenda then Trump will oblige. Liberals attacked Trump over anti-DEI positions last time. So, Hegseth is as serious as has been DEI politics in the military.
Trump is playing bare naked politics because he doesn't need to care what anyone thinks. Trump is preemptively attacking the political Resistance in the bureaucracy. Trump's gonna hit the Resistance before they have a chance to do anything.
I applaud Hegseth's service to our country
Having commanded nothing larger than an Infantry Company leaves him hopelessly unqualified to lead the department of Defense
Absolutely agree. With numerous family members, both men and women, who have served this land, dating back to the Civil War, Hegseth's level of service does not in any way qualify him to head the US DOD.
I feel it is a huge disgrace and insult to our men and women in uniform who lay their lives on the line for their country and its people, to put them in the hands of such a totally unqualified leader.
However, Trumps selecting Hegseth for such a very serious and highly important position only indicates to me that Trump, who has never dared to serve in the military, only sees our military personnel as nothing more that mere fodder for the battleground, with the obligation to make him look like a famous leader.
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I agree with that. But the left-leaning media seems more upset that Trump didn't nominate someone who is already owned by the military-industry complex.
Trump is preemptively attacking the political Resistance in the bureaucracy. Trump's gonna hit the Resistance before they have a chance to do anything.
that explains a lot.
An old boss of mine always said that the best way to prevent having to defend is to put in the offense first.
Trump reminds me more of a carpenter ho owns only one tool "a hammer" and everything looks like a nail but nothing gets built that will last.
1. Is it a dream team or a shit show? Yes
2. Which pick shocked you more than all the others? Matt Gaetz... who else?
3. Which of the nominees do you think will fail to get 50 votes in the Senate? Matt is the winner again
4. Is this "shock and awe" so that when some of these picks are withdrawn, the replacement nominee will look so much better that they will sail through confirmation? absolutely. Matt will be out and someone a little more palatable will be nominated. I just don't know whom
Thanks for understanding the request and giving cogent answers
Perhaps Gaetz will not be the only one "returned to sender" by the Senate
We can hope
It was an easy assignment
Kennedy is supposedly hhs. He was a loon when Obama considered him for the job and is a loon now. Bad pick.
Probably but a hell of a lot better than this...
100% which is why I'm not too upset about it.
If he makes our food more like Europe's i'm good with that. but his stance on vaccines needs some work.
We agree on that
I agree. I just hope he focuses on the right issues and doesn't get lost down a rabbit hole with nutters on things like vaccines.
I fear that the likelihood that he gets lost down a rabbit hole is above 90%
I hope you are wrong, but I wish I were more confident that you were.
I agree with you, I think RFK Jr can do a lot more harm than good and he is absolutely a bad choice for HHS
Totally agree. With him in charge of the HHS we may see another serious COVID-19 outbreak here in America, which could mean many more deaths at all levels.
Could be that if one of his own family should be seriously ill from the COVID variations he would suddenly be in favor of the vaccines.
I saw this cartoon and it seemed an apt addition to the discussion thread -
David Horsey/Tribune Content Agency
Opinion: The latest political cartoons