This is when I first met Robert and he was holding "Open Mike" at this brewery every Thursday night. You couldn't fall down in that place on Thursdays. We usually played a few songs before others would come up and play. One night a fellow came in who was a clone of James Taylor and played James Taylor songs as well. I mean you couldn't tell the difference in his appearance or the way he sounded. It actually took me a few minutes to actually believe he wasn't JT. He had just moved to Charlotte and took his ball cap off and damn if he wasn't bald on top of that. He introduced himself and became a regular player all over Charlotte for years. He probably is still playing somewhere. I don't seem to have the time to get out and in fact never really went out that much. If I didn't play I usually didn't go out except when I was younger and chasing the women and didn't care who the band was at that time or how they sounded.
This is when I first met Robert and he was holding "Open Mike" at this brewery every Thursday night. You couldn't fall down in that place on Thursdays. We usually played a few songs before others would come up and play. One night a fellow came in who was a clone of James Taylor and played James Taylor songs as well. I mean you couldn't tell the difference in his appearance or the way he sounded. It actually took me a few minutes to actually believe he wasn't JT. He had just moved to Charlotte and took his ball cap off and damn if he wasn't bald on top of that. He introduced himself and became a regular player all over Charlotte for years. He probably is still playing somewhere. I don't seem to have the time to get out and in fact never really went out that much. If I didn't play I usually didn't go out except when I was younger and chasing the women and didn't care who the band was at that time or how they sounded.