
Tagged: declassification

CNN Exclusive: 'Ludicrous.' 'Ridiculous.' 'A complete fiction.': Former Trump officials say his claim of 'standing order' to declassify is nonsense - CNNPolitics

CNN Exclusive: 'Ludicrous.' 'Ridiculous.' 'A complete fiction.': Former Trump officials say his claim of 'standing order' to declassify is nonsense - CNNPolitics

Via: tig  •  News & Politics  •  14 Comments  •  3 years ago

Not surprising that there is no evidence of a declassification.
Trump gives AG Barr authority to declassify documents related to 2016 campaign surveillance

Trump gives AG Barr authority to declassify documents related to 2016 campaign surveillance

Via:   •  We the People  •  111 Comments  •  6 years ago

President Trump on Thursday night issued a memo giving Attorney General William Barr the authority to declassify any documents related to surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016. "Today, at...