Tagged: health care
Leaked CDC document exposes Biden administration’s COVID-19 cover-up
Via: trotskys-spectre
News & Politics
4 years ago
People can and will spar and politicize the failed pandemic response of both sections of the ruling class. But as fall and winter come, there will be no masking of this failure. ALL of those...
Sweden has developed herd immunity after refusing to lock down, some health experts claim, with coronavirus infection rate falling
Via: dean-moriarty
News & Politics
5 years ago
This is great news if they have indeed achieved herd immunity they are far ahead of many of the neighboring countries.
What You Need To Know About President Trump’s Drug Pricing Plan
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
7 years ago
On Friday, President Trump gave a Rose Garden speech outlining his plan , entitled “America’s Patients First,” to combat rising drug prices. The plan incorporates policy ideas included in...
After Experiencing British And U.S. Health Care, This Family Says Single-Payer Is Abominable
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
8 years ago
As the GOP’s latest, half-hearted effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act crashed and burned this summer, the Left celebrated. President Obama’s signature policy lives. Still, it’s not at all...
This is How You Make Health Care Affordable
Via: cornhusker4palin
News & Politics
8 years ago
As the debate continues to rage in Washington, D.C., and around the country regarding the fate of Obamacare, one elegantly simple concept that would have a dramatic impact on healthcare costs is...