
Tagged: bill clinton

1993 FLASHBACK: Clinton Touts Reinventing Government Plan To Streamline Bureaucracy, Cut Spending Federal Jobs

1993 FLASHBACK: Clinton Touts Reinventing Government Plan To Streamline Bureaucracy, Cut Spending Federal Jobs

Via:   •  News Viners  •  11 Comments  •  6 days ago

How's everyone loving REGO 2.0?  Aren't Democrats thrilled at renewed interest in Bill Clinton's legacy of efficiency and lower cost from a streamlined government?  The preliminary remarks by Al...
1993 FLASHBACK: Clinton Touts Reinventing Government Plan To Streamline Bureaucracy, Cut Spending Federal Jobs

1993 FLASHBACK: Clinton Touts Reinventing Government Plan To Streamline Bureaucracy, Cut Spending Federal Jobs

Via:   •  News Viners  •  1 Comments  •  3 weeks ago

The political lie being circulated through the unbiased liberal press is that Elon Musk's DOGE has nothing in common with  Bill Clinton's National Partnership to Reinvent Government.  Lies, lies,...
Trump's Project 2025 agenda caps decades-long resistance to 20th century progressive reform

Trump's Project 2025 agenda caps decades-long resistance to 20th century progressive reform

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  12 Comments  •  one month ago

Who will turn the Democrats around?

Who will turn the Democrats around?

Via:   •  News Viners  •  7 Comments  •  4 months ago

Democrats ain't Trump.  So, it must be Donald Trump's fault. Well, yes.  Yes, it is Donald Trump's fault.  Trump offered voters an alternative to the business-as-usual, kick-the-can politics that...
Stephanopoulos: Biggest debate question should be 'Who won the last election?'

Stephanopoulos: Biggest debate question should be 'Who won the last election?'

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  18 Comments  •  9 months ago

Biden's tall tales encapsulate the liberal mentality

Biden's tall tales encapsulate the liberal mentality

Via:   •  We the People  •  11 Comments  •  2 years ago

And the hits just keep on coming
Opinion | A Defense of G.O.P. Paranoia - The New York Times

Opinion | A Defense of G.O.P. Paranoia - The New York Times

Via:   •  NEWSMucks  •  5 Comments  •  3 years ago

I removed most of this article in order to focus attention on these closing paragraphs. 
Christopher Sign, Alabama news anchor who broke Clinton tarmac story, dead at 45

Christopher Sign, Alabama news anchor who broke Clinton tarmac story, dead at 45

Via:   •  We the People  •  21 Comments  •  4 years ago

Just when you thought it was safe.