
Tagged: united states government

Ukraine will be outgunned by Russia 10 to 1 in weeks without US help, top Europe general says

Ukraine will be outgunned by Russia 10 to 1 in weeks without US help, top Europe general says

Via:   •  News Viners  •  16 Comments  •  11 months ago

The eight-star military brasswipes have confirmed that NATO cannot defend Europe.  These brasswipes are telling us that the largest, most powerful military organization on the planet cannot even...
US is running out of money for Ukraine, White House warns

US is running out of money for Ukraine, White House warns

Via:   •  News Viners  •  3 Comments  •  2 years ago

So, where the hell is NATO?  Where the hell is Europe?  Why does the fate of the free world always rest on the shoulders of American taxpayers?
Biden says support for Israel, Ukraine is 'vital' for US security

Biden says support for Israel, Ukraine is 'vital' for US security

Via:   •  News Viners  •  3 Comments  •  2 years ago

Does everyone understand now?  For those of us who are older than dirt, Biden's wanderings through the geopolitical past was familiar enough that we could at least make up something meaningful from...
US shoots down Turkish drone in Syria; came close to troops

US shoots down Turkish drone in Syria; came close to troops

Via:   •  News Viners  •  1 Comments  •  2 years ago

Obama's quagmire is back in the news.  The ten year anniversary of US intervention in Syria will be commemorated a couple of months before the 2024 election.  Syria is just another decades long...
Just 34% approve of Biden's handling of the economy as he hits the road to talk up 'Bidenomics' | AP News

Just 34% approve of Biden's handling of the economy as he hits the road to talk up 'Bidenomics' | AP News

Via:   •  We the People  •  13 Comments  •  2 years ago

O.O.T. Out--------Of----------Touch