
Tagged: mask wearing

A mask-less Trader Joe's customer in Texas had a meltdown after being denied entry - and it reveals how states' new rules endanger workers

A mask-less Trader Joe's customer in Texas had a meltdown after being denied entry - and it reveals how states' new rules endanger workers

Via: tessylo  •  News & Politics  •  86 Comments  •  4 years ago

Right-wing Idaho activists burn masks, claiming COVID restrictions infringe on liberties

Right-wing Idaho activists burn masks, claiming COVID restrictions infringe on liberties

Via:   •  Confucius  •  10 Comments  •  4 years ago

BUZZ NOTE:  I find it quite fascinating that there are people who consider their "personal liberties" to be more important than the lives of their parents and grandparents. 
College students turned out in droves for Biden: Here's what they want in return

College students turned out in droves for Biden: Here's what they want in return

Via:   •  We the People  •  61 Comments  •  4 years ago

Can he take the heat? We shall see................or will this be similar to other silver tongued politicians