
Tagged: student loan

Biden's new student loan forgiveness plan could help 30 million borrowers. Here's who would qualify. - CBS News

Biden's new student loan forgiveness plan could help 30 million borrowers. Here's who would qualify. - CBS News

Via: sparty-on  •  News & Politics  •  11 Comments  •  11 months ago

Nearly 100 Republicans demand Pelosi hold Biden accountable for $500B student debt handout

Nearly 100 Republicans demand Pelosi hold Biden accountable for $500B student debt handout

Via:   •  News Viners  •  45 Comments  •  3 years ago

$500 billion?  That's more than the unprecedented, historic spending to address climate change in the Inflation Reduction Act.  And the student loan forgiveness hasn't been spread over 10 years as...
College students turned out in droves for Biden: Here's what they want in return

College students turned out in droves for Biden: Here's what they want in return

Via:   •  We the People  •  61 Comments  •  4 years ago

Can he take the heat? We shall see................or will this be similar to other silver tongued politicians