5 days ago
Gosh there are so many good quotes
This is a brief overview of the the life of Adolf Hitler, how he rose to power, and how he fell.
While it doesn't dive that deeply into the weeds, I think it is an accurate synopsis. The first hour is on his rise.
Well Thomas, you have to get us started with a first comment!
Okay, I assisted!
I just put this out as a point of historical reference. It is rather long for modern attention spans, but it is really three shows put together so it can be digested in parts.
The first part deals with the forces that shaped him into who he became. It follows his childhood, early military career, right up through the book burnings of 1933.
I've began watching the footage. "A savior complex" - eh?
Echoes from the past reverberate into the future, carried on human experience and leveraged on perceived wrongs.
And in childhood, Hitler suffered from a "Strict father complex," thus growing up to have a similar complex and control issues. In my opinion.