By: Thomas • History • 6 comments • 3 weeks ago
This is a brief overview of the the life of Adolf Hitler, how he rose to power, and how he fell.
While it doesn't dive that deeply into the weeds, I think it is an accurate synopsis. The first hour is on his rise.
American Dreams
By: Thomas • Opinion • 48 comments • 2 years ago
The American Dream, according to some, is under attack. Depending on who one listens to, it is under assault from the left, the right, Marxists, Communists, the Republicans, the Democrats, Anti-fascists, Fascists ...the list goes on.
When I think about "what is the American Dream" I have to think it is somewhat individualized depending on who one is: how one was raised, what conditions one has...
Jon Stewart Is Back to Weigh In - The New York Times
By: Thomas • placeholder • 1 comments • 5 years ago
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Jon Stewart Is Back to Weigh In
By David Marchese
For all the value Jon Stewart delivered as a political satirist and voice of reason during his 16-year-run as the host of ''The Daily Show,'' it's quite plausible to suggest that the political and media Bizarro World in which we live — where skepticism is the default, news is often indistinguishable from...