Footage Trump Doesn’t Want You to See SURGES Into National Spotlight

He [Trump] is a con-artist. Friends do not let friends vote for a con-artist.
Always good to be reminded that modern politicians are slimy. Trump's likely V.P. picks all started out being honest about Trump but now kiss his ring.

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I still am amazed, even now, at how so many in the public eye (with public records) discard all integrity and serve as sycophants for Trump. At one point in time I believed there are lines that politicians will not cross in pursuit of power. Not sure where that line is anymore.
I hear you, I felt the same when I was a teenager...
Lovely, the first comment is a slimy attack.
Your snark, if taken literally, means that you believe there is no limit to what the average modern politician would do in the pursuit of power. So you do not rule out Marco Rubio having a political opponent assassinated?
There is a line, but I am not sure where it is anymore.
We are seeing modern politicians totally reverse themselves to serve as sycophants for a traitor, a con-man who clearly places himself over everything including the nation. Trump is arguably the most unpresidential scoundrel ever to hold the office of the presidency.
Yet we see politicians making complete fools of themselves to grovel at his feet.
But you think this is just business as usual.
Amazing how much you got out of that one sentence post...../s
You are a 'wordsmith', so ...
What?... The pursuit of power? Yeah, I do....
No one holds a candle to you...... shine on you crazy diamond
True friends let friends vote for who their hearts and conscience dictate, right or wrong.
Sure, true friends will try to provide their friends with guidance if they believe they are making a big mistake. And when it is clear the friend has decided, the friend will likely accept that. That is exactly what is taking place with me and my best friend who, last time we discussed politics, was favoring Trump.
I never discuss politics with him now. Our friendship is more important than politics.
Instead I opine and make logical arguments on a social media forum which has members who voluntarily engage with others.
That established, what point were you trying to make?
Wasn't really trying to make any specific point. I was just stating my own personal opinion.
Not sure there is one at all anymore.
That was disturbing to watch. I'm surprised we could see Tim Scott's face, it was so far up Trump's ass.
This should be included in Biden campaign ads. Probably will be as soon as Trump picks his V.P.
Just another "Uncle Tom". How black folks can support Trump is beyond any reality.
Wasn’t Uncle Tom a hero in the novel?
If you consider being subservient heroic, possibly.
People who use "Uncle Tom" as an insult never read the book.
Perhaps you’ve never read the novel.
When Simon Legree orders Tom to whip another slave, he refuses as is beaten for that.
Later, Legree threatens Tom with death unless he tells where some missing slaves are. Tom refuses to tell.
Tom loads a woman’s bag with cotton that he has picked when he sees her falling behind.
Maybe passive resistance as practiced by MLK, Ghandi, and Mandela isn’t your thing.
What makes you think I'm white?
Are you not?
Passive isn't my forte.
Yes, you could have been killed at the beginning and achieved nothing.
Stowe made her character a physically strong and morally courageous man. The novel was written when blacks were widely regarded by whites as subhuman, lustful, or comically irresponsible. Her character was anything but that.
Tom was courageous and dignified. If at all curious, this real man was her likely model for Tom.
That was then, this is NOW ! Today Black Americans need not "yassa" anyone. My statement stands. He is nothing more than a bag licking, ladder climbing, and yes, "Uncle Tom" !
Exactly, the novel is set in the 1850's and this year is 2024!
Has someone said that they need to.
Ladder climbing? Stand or sit, your statement is void of context.[✘]
Don't be so smug. On this forum I prefer the Merriam-Webster definition of Uncle Tom. It definitely applies to Tim Scott !
And I hope it keeps you up at night!
No, I usually sleep very well, must be my clear conscience.
“Today Black Americans need not "yassa" anyone.”
That statement is in conflict with this statement.
“He is nothing more than a bag licking, ladder climbing, and yes, "Uncle Tom" !”[✘]
Refer you to my 2.2.15.
2.2.11 sums it up just fine, contradiction and all.
Brian Tyler Cohen is not an objective presenter of truth, even if he does wear a suit. BTW, Joe Biden ran for President one year before Brian Tyler Cohen was born. Brian Tyler Cohen is just a Trump wannabe. Cohen wants the spotlight and will say or do whatever is necessary to get what he wants. Just because Brian Tyler Cohen is a neoliberal ass kisser doesn't make him the second coming of John the Baptist.
You know, Hillary Clinton bad mouthed Barack Obama before Obama won the nomination. So decrying the duplicity and fecklessness of politicians based upon one's own personal bias is certainly not honest discourse. The legacy of post-WWII American politics has been to find the most divisive, scurrilous, scandalous non-issue possible and avoid talking about the things that matter most for the future of the country.
The United States has already survived one term of Trump as President. The jury is till out on whether or not the United States can survive one term of Joe Biden as President. Donald Trump confronted adversaries of the United States and negotiated with them. Joe Biden scapegoats adversaries of the United States, threatens those adversaries, and tries to isolate those adversaries by shifting the burden onto ordinary people. The world didn't fall apart into chaos and conflict while Donald Trump was President. Joe Biden cannot make the same claim. Donald Trump tried to guide the country forward with a promise that America would continue being America. Joe Biden has done his best to tear down American traditions, history, and culture so that the country will little resemble America in the future.
Donald Trump tried to sell America. Joe Biden tries to sell out America. Donald Trump told us America came first. Joe Biden tells us that's not who we are as a nation.
And we're supposed to choose Biden over Trump? We're supposed to believe that a YouTube influencer, on the make, is telling us the objective truth?
A well thought out reply. Accurate, cogent and applicable to the issue at hand.
I can feel the vibrations all the way over here in Michigan.
Biden has ignored decisions by the Supreme Court on numerous occasions, mostly related to immigration. He has new rules for Title IX that flies in the face of common sense that negates the intent and spirit of law.
How many of these EOs he has issued can pass constitutional muster? Does he not believe in the separation of powers? Doesn't this amount to treason?
So? As trump said, Presidents can do anything they want.
Because they have a pen and a phone?
Pretty common items, I would assume so..
This list of felons associated with Trump - not to mention himself - is impressive.
The headline was a bit startling. I would guess that it was not you who created it.
If this video has indeed surge: Yay! I agree with the sentiment.
I have to use the title specified by the author.
(Pssst! I knew that.
Pssst, y r u whispering ?