
Critical Thinkers

Critical Thinkers

Critical Thinking (Oxford):  "The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement."

Individuals who value following the facts to wherever they lead regardless of the desired result and in spite of emotions.



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Harris vs. Pence: The 2020 vice presidential debate

Harris vs. Pence: The 2020 vice presidential debate

Via: TᵢG  •  13 Comments  •  2 months ago
Thomas last wrote: I found that debate dry and Dated.  📽
We fact-checked Trump's recent news conference : NPR

We fact-checked Trump's recent news conference : NPR

Via: TᵢG  •  67 Comments  •  2 months ago
Devangelical last wrote: oops. ... given ...


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@TᵢG @Hal A. Lujah @sandy-2021492 @markpup @Gordy327 @Coral Atlas @John Wythe @Freewill @John Russell @Perrie Berlin-Halpern @Sim Rost @Phoenyx13 @Krishna @DocPhil @Dig @True American Pat @epistte @Steve Ott @sixpick @MrFrost @charger 383 @Freefaller @cjcold @DRHunk @Trout Giggles @Dismayed Patriot @Raven Wing @mocowgirl @Skrekk @Split Personality @Tacos! @bccrane @lennylynx @Padre Bear @Bob Nelson @katrix @Ender @Enoch @Dulay @Drakkonis @Wheel @Tessylo @Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @Nerm_L @dave-2693993 @Perrie Halpern @Kavika @Vic Eldred @Spikegary @Transyferous Rex @igknorantzrulz @Ed-NavDoc @Save Me Jebus @Sunshine @evilone @Buzz of the Orient @bbl-1 @Jack_TX @JBB @Greg Jones @Don Overton @lady in black @Veronica @BizEBea @r.t..b... @TTGA @Sparty On @lib50 @KDMichigan @pat wilson @luther28 @livefreeordie @SteevieGee @Atheist @CB @PJ @al Jizzerror @Groucho @Dean Moriarty @NV-Robin6 @Devangelical @Karri @Dale95 @Sean @Harpo @Thomas @FLYNAVY1 @1stwarrior @Eat The Press Do Not Read It @Gsquared @Duck Hawk @Snuffy @MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) @Just Jim NC TttH @Old Hermit @Ozzwald

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