Harris vs. Pence: The 2020 vice presidential debate
By: PBS News Hour

I think it is instructive to observe Harris in debate with Pence. Pence was well prepared and engaged in —by all rights— a very strong defense of Trump. Harris too was well prepared and executed a spirited and challenging debate.
Trump is nowhere close to Pence in debate skills. He will not have facts, he will simply make up his own facts (lies) during the debate. He will be his usual loose-cannon self, rambling all over the place and will not have the presidential demeanor that both Pence and Harris exhibited in this debate.
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The idea that Harris cannot deal with tough questions or debate is ridiculous.
This debate was not scripted (for those who somehow think otherwise) and no teleprompters were in place.
I'll believe there's actually going to be a debate when I see the maga coward on the stage that night...
Well, from all accounts, she hasn't encountered any tough questions yet, including this sham interview.
She wouldn't have really needed a teleprompter anyway, since Dana was gently tossing softballs.
It would be interesting to know what and how much was edited out of this prerecorded interview.
Greg, you apparently do not understand that this seed is about the 2020 vice-presidential debate between Harris and Pence. It is not the Dana Bash interview.
I recommend you review articles before leaping in head first.
After all, the title itself should be a clue.
The only thing I am worried about in this upcoming debate is that she will go too easy on him.
I think that is a real possibility.
My concern is different. It is tough to deal with someone who not only lies perpetually, but for a large part gets away with it.
I can see her getting trapped in a quagmire of trying to deal with a barrage of lies. Her debate prep needs to develop a way to dismiss the lies and then make a rebuttal in general but still be specific enough to be effective for the audience.
Another way of saying this is that there is no way to actually have a debate with Trump.
She will not win a debate on "policies". Not that her policies arent better, but people have been indoctrinated into the idea that things were better for them under Trump.
She has to make him unacceptable on a character basis. It is easy to do, but Im not sure her campaign totally understands that.
Well, this makes me think of the night when I was living in Arkansas. My house was out in the country so I could observe the stars easily. I was standing on the edge of my carport, looking at stars, so all of the lights were off, when I heard this noise...
A few seconds went by...
This continued for awhile and I noticed my cat, CeeAyeTee, was on the edge of the carport. I went and turned on the light, and when I got back to where CeeAyeTee was, I saw that he had drug up a copperhead to the edge of the concrete and that popping sound was his paw contacting the concrete as he struck the snake to keep it straightened out.
Why is this night remembered while discussing a Trump-Harris debate?
Because, even though the snake and Trump both represent possible existential demise, the result of the confrontation was never in doubt.
The people who believe Trump is their hero will not be persuaded by anything.
She needs to convince rational people that she is the better choice. That is done with facts and reason. And, in this case, a parallel strategy is to help illustrate the abysmal character of Trump while Harris remains presidential.
This is Trump having a stream of consciousness today, and expressing it.
He is attempting to make the point that in 2011 he was leading all the polls but then he had to step back from the race because he had to "finish two buildings". In fact what happened is that his polling collapsed after Obama released his birth certificate to the media.
In this clip Trumps mind is wandering and he sounds like a complete fool. Its probably too late for the Republicans to force him out of the race, so now they will have to lie in the soiled bed they made.
I found that debate dry and Dated.