
Trump's Super Power Over Putin

By:  TᵢG  •  3 hours ago  •  6 comments

Trump's Super Power Over Putin
President Putin and I would talk about Ukraine. ... But he never—there was never a chance of him going in, and I told him, "You better not go in. Don't go in. Don't go in." And he understood that. He understood it fully.

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Critical Thinkers

Here is a reminder of what Trump claims regarding his power over Putin.   He is recounting a conversation he had with Putin about Ukraine.   He claims he knew Putin wanted to invade Ukraine but that he did not do so because he (Trump) cautioned him to not do so.

Trump is presenting himself as some powerful figure who single-handedly prevented Putin from invading Ukraine.    He claims the Ukraine war would have never happened if he were PotUS at the time and as candidate bragged that he would end the war with a phone call (even as president-elect).

The reality is that Putin is the one controlling Trump.   Putin apparently has realized how to manipulate Trump with praise and likely promises of even greater power.   In result we see the PotUS doing something that no other PotUS has ever done ... trash an ally during a time of war and create propaganda for the invading adversary.   Russian media is no doubt showing 24x7 the PotUS declaring that Ukraine started the war, that Zelensky is a dictator with a 4% approval rating, that Zelensky is being unreasonable and disrespectful, and that Ukraine has already lost the war.

Then, to make things worse, Trump cuts off Ukraine's intelligence and halts aid to our ally.   (He later reversed himself ...)

What does it take for Trump supporters to realize that Trump is not only full of shit, but he is entirely incompetent.   He is wholly unfit for office in terms of character alone, but now further demonstrates that he is also incompetent and dangerous.

He has single-handedly:

  • created a trade war with China, Canada, Mexico, and the EU
  • abandoned our allies in the Ukraine war
  • damaged all international relationships since now the planet knows that whatever trust they gad in the integrity of the USA must be substantially reduced
  • triggered inflation rather than reduce prices (the key reason he was elected)
  • raised fears of a recession and disrupted a booming stock market

And that does not even get into the stupidity of renaming the Gulf of Mexico, trying to remove birthright citizenship (jus soli), threatening to take back the Panama canal, hacking up the federal government rather than carefully trimming the fat, etc.

So review this clip and see this lying sack of shit make grand claims and compare that with the reality of him behaving as Putin's useful idiot and violating the long-standing position of the USA as the reliable leader of the free world.

The contrast is sickening.


President Putin and I would talk about Ukraine. It was the apple of his eye, I will tell you that. But he never—there was never a chance of him going in, and I told him, "You better not go in. Don't go in. Don't go in." And he understood that. He understood it fully.

But I'm only interested—I want to see if I can save maybe millions of lives. This could even end up in a World War III. I mean, to be honest with you, you've been hearing—now Europe is saying, "Well, I think we're going to go in, and we're going to go."

All of a sudden, you're going to end up in World War III over something that should have never happened.


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Professor Principal
1  author  TᵢG    3 hours ago

Putin's useful idiot.

Professor Principal
2  JBB    2 hours ago

Putin was supposed to give up and go home when Trump ascended...


Professor Principal
2.1  devangelical  replied to  JBB @2    2 hours ago

trumpski would end the war in 1 day with 1 phone call ...


Professor Principal
2.2  author  TᵢG  replied to  JBB @2    an hour ago

The contrast is staggering.   Trump is so full of shit on most matters.   He makes bold promises and then fails to deliver (of course) and then lies about it.  

Remember during the campaign when asked about the mere 80 miles of new wall he put up and 372 miles of wall repair?   He claimed that he put up more wall than he thought was necessary.   Yet he campaigned in 2016 on a great wall (impenetrable, tall) covering the Southern border with all sorts of technology (sensors above and below ground, towers, aerial surveillance, ...) and that Mexico would pay for it ... 100%.

And this from an interview regarding what he actually did:

Trump: I think what we will do is we will complete—and when you say and when I say complete the wall, I built much more wall than I ever thought necessary. But as you build it, you find out that you need it. And we built it, and there were certain areas then you find out that are leaking and they leak. Like a politician leaks, they leak. And we would get that and we would build that and then you build something else. And it was just a system, we had a great system going. And we could have added another 200 miles of wall and good territory for it. Because it really does work, you know, walls work. Walls and wheels. I would say, you know, a lot of, see what you have here, your tape recorder, everything else is going to be obsolete in about six months. You'll have something that's much better. But the two things that are never obsolete are walls and wheels.

Just one whopping lie after another and his supporters keep defending this insanity.   Trump has made the most outrageous claims of any PotUS in my lifetime, has failed miserably to deliver, yet his supporters just keep lapping up his bullshit.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3  Greg Jones    2 hours ago

What did Obama or Biden do to either prevent or end this war?

Professor Principal
3.1  author  TᵢG  replied to  Greg Jones @3    an hour ago

You need us to explain to you the history of what Biden did regarding the Ukraine war?   This is something you have to do on your own.  You are armed with incredible tools which will deliver a substantial supply of all that Biden did to counter Putin.

Now, look at what the buffoon Trump has done.   Instead of shoring up our ally (Ukraine) and setting up a position of strength prior to negotiation, Trump instead did something that no other PotUS has ever done ... trash an ally during a time of war and create propaganda for the invading adversary.   Russian media is no doubt showing 24x7 the PotUS declaring that Ukraine started the war, that Zelensky is a dictator with a 4% approval rating, that Zelensky is being unreasonable and disrespectful, and that Ukraine has already lost the war.

What kind of grand idiot thinks that the best way to negotiate peace is to kowtow to the stronger side (the invader) and diminish the weaker side (the victim)?   How does anyone with any concept of negotiation think that strengthening Putin's position will make him more willing to come to the negotiation table?

But you ignore the total incompetence of Trump and try to deflect to Biden (and Obama).   Pathetic.


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