Trump says he was being a ‘bit sarcastic’ when he promised to end Russia-Ukraine war in 24 hours

Given Trump routinely makes face-value-absurd claims, why does anyone believe him?
He clearly has no idea what he is doing with Ukraine. Putin got Trump to publicly claim that Ukraine started the war and that has no doubt been playing continuously as propaganda on Russian media. On top of that, they are playing the disastrous Oval Office fiasco where the PotUS declares Ukraine has lost the war.
Then Trump cuts off intelligence and arms to Ukraine (WTF??? of course) and Putin accordingly attacks.
Well played Putin, you have Trump dancing like a fool. We Americans are all so proud!
How can anyone believe this buffoon has clue one about negotiating peace between Ukraine and Russia?

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — President Donald Trump said Friday that he was “being a little bit sarcastic” when he repeatedly claimed as a candidate that he would have the Russia-Ukraine war solved within 24 hours — and even before he even took office.
Trump was asked about the vow he repeatedly made on the campaign trail during an interview for the “Full Measure” television program as his administration is still trying to broker a solution 54 days into his second term.
“Well, I was being a little bit sarcastic when I said that,” Trump said in a clip released ahead of the episode airing Sunday. “What I really mean is I’d like to get it settled and, I’ll, I think, I think I’ll be successful.”
It was a rare admission from Trump, who has a long record of making exaggerated claims.
Trump said at a CNN town hall in May 2023, “They’re dying, Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying. And I’ll have that done — I’ll have that done in 24 hours.”
“That is a war that’s dying to be settled. I will get it settled before I even become president,” Trump said during his September debate with then-Vice President Kamala Harris. “If I win, when I’m president-elect, and what I’ll do is I’ll speak to one, I’ll speak to the other. I’ll get them together.”

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And we see how well that has gone.
This is one thing we all hope Trump can actually pull off. So far, he has done the opposite.
I would like to see Trump pull off jumping from the top of Trump Tower and floating harmlessly to the ground.
He could probably do it.
He stole my best dress!
... while holding a large anvil.
We learned long ago that Trump is a blow hard and blabber mouth prone to exaggerate and bloviate and simply tune him out.
Dems on the other hand take his every word literally and seriously. I hope he can get these fools together and that they will agree to a cease fire and the end of's up to them.
Pretty sure everyone who can think knows this. And if you tune him out, then why on Earth did you vote for this idiot to be president?
I truly doubt that; it makes no sense. Although I have noticed Trump supporters like to make that silly claim.
It would be Trump supporters (mostly Rs) who would take him seriously. Or did you knowingly vote for someone who lies continuously to be PotUS?
I hope so too, but thus far he has shown nothing but incompetence and foolishness (being manipulated by Putin).
Once again we hear from a MAGA that we shouldn't take everything trmp says seriously.
And I ask again....when should we take him seriously?
a POTUS that end runs due process during his term, should be exempt from it's protections after his term ...
Those of us who do not support Trump clearly know he is a pathological liar.
If MAGA do not take Trump seriously (as they try now to claim), they why did they vote for him? Why vote for someone who cannot be trusted to wield the power of the presidency. How irresponsible can a voter be?
And given what he is doing, why are MAGA still supporting him? How irrational can one be?
As is always the case, Trump supporters tend to take him seriously, while not quite literally and Trump haters always take him literally but never seriously.
That is an invented bullshit line. Yet another fabrication in lieu of the ability to make an actual argument based on truth.
If Trump supporters do not take him seriously then why do you support him? If you cannot trust what he says then why are you defending him? Why support a PotUS who acts irresponsibly and continually spews contradictions and lies?
Those who disapprove of Trump are the ones who recognize that he is a pathological liar who cannot be trusted and whose actions demonstrate that he is vindictive, incompetent and stubbornly stupid.
Seems to me it is Trump supporters who are much more likely to believe comforting lies rather than face the inconvenient truth.
It seems Donald Trump is the only person in existence that can save us. God must really hate his creation.
One question: How do you get Trump supporters not taking him seriously from:
Trump supporters tend to take him seriously,
Because you also said 'not literally' which contradicts your (ill-formed) statement. Note how you did not even quote your entire sentence. So clearly you know this.
Trump was elected primarily to deal with the economy. Did you take him seriously? That is what he promised: reduce consumer prices. Hell, he even claimed he would cut energy costs by 50%.
You cannot split these hairs, Vic. Either you buy what this demagogue con-man is selling or you do not.
Your posts scream that you buy what Trump is selling.
It does not.
Taking Trump seriously means agreeing with his overall views & policies.
Taking Trump literally is what the left does, pissing their pants every time he says something wild to provoke people.
So you are going to ignore what he actually does and cling to some abstract notions?
It is irrational to simply trust that Trump is going to actually do good things when he lies about what he will do, lies about what he has done, and his actions are thus far predominantly stupid and/or damaging to the USA. Hoping that it will all just magically work out in the end is a very bad way to operate. Trusting that this buffoon is some amazing genius and pretending his mistakes are actually brilliant moves that we just cannot understand is a fundamental failure of fact, logic and history.
Those who oppose Trump do not take him literally; they (we) recognize that he is a lying sack of shit and criticize his continued lies (and actions worthy of criticism).
Vics denials scream paradoxical pre-emptive wars are being fought in the head, about the Truth about the L:IES in and from Trumps swollen head that he cuts off to spite his knows, not abouts, and his cheeks smell of Rose and Shit covered glasses, from so many trying to brown nose sew many stitched tight asses that have been churched like masses up that steep hill, and upon the steeple, cause human sacrifice for all but the Uber wealthy Lyft them away further and not exactl;y stealthy, cause heads are gonna roll sooner or later, down that steeple without a chaser, as shots being taken to horde the bacon, bitz and peaces skuttled while Trump and Putin Huddled, asz they divide up the resources from Ukraine without as much as a strain of their sweaty palms, cause Trump LIES do NOT EVER CALM, down though we continue to go, and weather or knot his supporters realize the storm is behind their eyes ore not, is the irony where asz they believe his lies, especially when he is sitting up in bed , at night, tweeting some other gosh awful LIE that they feel compelled to buy as they've bought into too many now to quit, and all from a lying miscreant messiah who's words are just full of shit !!!
"while not quite literally and Trump haters always take him literally but never seriously."
I'm sorry, I just can't quite wrap my head around that logic, so sorry Vic, should have addressed that one to you, but i don't know, or want to know, your address.
“…every time he says something wild to provoke people.”
And in what world, in admittedly doing so, does it equate to being presidential?
We need leadership that is capable of making important, informed decisions without the rancorous, childish, immoral, and potentially illegitimate actions.
Trump can be the biggest jackass that ever lived and that is fine with his cult, as long as he is "owning" the libs.
That is the disgrace they will all take with them to their graves.
Well, we definitely got the wrong Felon in office for that !
gee, now who's weaponizing the federal gov't ...
Never seem someone 'project' so much
As far as I can tell their defense so far has been "Trump is rubber, you leftists are all glue, whatever you say bounces off him and sticks to you".
If he says something and follows through his sycophants take him at his word! But if he says something and then backs off or changes his mind or simply drops it, he was just bloviating and playing to his crowd! His sycophants love it and take him at his 'not word'!? He's bobbing, he's weaving, you'll never know what he'll do next which is why his sycophants can rely on him!? Any negative is seen as a positive and any positive is seen as a double-triple-quadruple positive! Do the math! All MAGAite mental equations = Emperor Trump who can do no wrong.
and it was barely a year ago when republicans seemed so concerned about a dementia addled POTUS ...
And it was barely a year ago when democrats said being senile didn't matter.
Trump said yesterday that Ukrainian "assets" will be divided up.
Not reassuring at all.
that won't be the only country getting carved up if trumpski capitulates to putin. it doesn't take much social science aptitude to guess where our current divide is heading. I really can't see trumpski keeping up his daily debacle pace for too long ...
He also said he was being sarcastic when he promised to lower grocery prices on day one and that tariffs on imported goods won't be paid by American consumers.
novel approach. he got elected on sarcasm, not campaign promises ...
Let's not forget that every time he says something ridiculous - too many times to count - his propaganda people keep saying he's "just joking".
Or he was taken out of context ...
that's the easiest way for maga to defend him ...
“Oh, did you think I was serious? Nah, I thought everyone knew I was being sarcastic”. Fucking criminal.
That's just it. The man does not have the art of sarcasm. You can't be a little bit sarcastic.
I do believe he thought he could accomplish all those things he said on the campaign trail. His butt lickers lapped it up. Told us to take him seriously. And now....he's joking again
When he realized he couldn't live up to his promises he back tracked and told more big lies
I can.
I was a little bit sarcastic right there in my reply.
I've been a little bit sarcastic since i learned to talk.
I've been a little bit more sarcastic since i haven't learned to write.
Yet, as a 'writer' of wrong left behind by the MENSA Members round here,
my only feeble reply is WO WO down there boys, cause I only like WO MENSA members, not little Mensa boyz playin with their little Mensa toys toyin around with US here, but, NOW i want a BEER
outta here !
a lot of my sarcasm gets documented for me ...
it goes in your permanent record (your ticket list)
that's not permanent, because they cycle out every 30 days. too bad, there was some comedy gold in there ...
You should save it so we can laugh at it
you need to be real quick to see my best stuff here ...
Anyone who can’t recognize that trump’s entire schtick is exaggerating and speaking in superlatives is telling on themselves as lacking some basic reasoning skills.
He’s dominated national politics for the last 10 years, how can anyone not have figured this out yet?
You just described maga to a T.
I don't see MAGA going "But, But Trump promised to end the Ukraine War and lower grocery prices on Day 1. He lied!" This websites entire history proves you wrong.
MAGA believes everything that spills out of this lunatic’s brain. Then they get upset when they lose their job because of him and eggs are too expensive. As Musk would say, maga is retarded.
Of course not, they are in deep confirmation bias. Thus they need to be reminded that Trump is a lying sack of shit who is not worthy of support.
It is truly bizarre for someone to recognize that Trump is a pathological liar and still support him wielding the power of the presidency.
Your language implies that you do not consider yourself 'MAGA' yet your posts always defend Trump. Do you (somehow) NOT consider yourself a Trump supporter?
It's too humiliating to admit one was wrong....about something so YUGE!
Yes, so instead of being honest and admitting reality, we have people trying to foolishly push an alternate reality. And they think that is better than just dealing with reality and acknowledging that they made a mistake voting for Trump?
People are strange to quote the late great Jim Morrison
Your language implies that you do not consider yourself 'MAGA' yet your posts always defend Trump.
With some, it’s less about being maga and more about an unwavering hatred of democrats and literally everything they stand for or care about.
Indeed. And supporting Trump as a way to express partisan, emotional, irrationality shows the level to which blind partisanship defeats critical thinking.
There really no path for a Trump presidency to be beneficial in the long run. First of all is Trumps all constant dishonesty. The idea that this behavior could benefit this country seems quite strange to me. Secondly, he encourages disunion if not hate between different ideological and class groups, and urban and rural for that matter. Next is his policies. He has William Mc Kinley as his favorite president and his role model in terms of economics. That was 130 years ago, before labor rights were won, before any social safety net, and during the era of the robber barrons who had the laws written to expedite their rule over the country's economy.
The path of progress for humanity is not and cannot be lets go back to an exploitive model. Not that we dont have one now but most people realize that is not good for the future. We have to keep going forward.
At best Trump is a bump in the road to progress. Unfortunately there is a possible worst.
More like Repubs view him as a pothole, and they the reason, as in the assphaults that allowed what should not be heard by the herd aloud. There is mortar than enuff concrete evidence to support this, cause the 'possible worst' is Trump is the cataclysmic abysmal abyss that we should have, and certainly won't when gone , MISS
Trump’s only achievement is demonstrating where absolute bottom is, as should be expected from an individual with so many infamous traits and records.
I must definitely disagree here. He has shown me a lowered accepted bottom a few hundred times deeper on his way to China via Xi, as he continues to dig deeper than I ever imagined we would or could go.
ruly bizarre for someone to recognize that Trump is a pathological liar and still support him wielding the power of the presidency.
People who voted for the Clintons and Joe Biden sure didn't care about that. Why do you think it should only matter to Trump voters?
Do you (somehow) NOT consider yourself a Trump supporter
I'm very happy he won over Harris, but I didn't vote for him.
You have to understand on this site anyone who's not a parrot for the most asinine left wing talking points is considered MAGA. This board isn't reality as the left wing here is much, much farther to the left than the right wing is right. Thus someone with Bill Clinton's second term political sensibilities is a "far right fascist" in NT terms and that leads to a massive amount of shit posts based on a fringe left viewpoint. Simply countering that extreme viewpoint and trying to point out reality gets one called "MAGA" on this site.
I don't have a problem with sane, informed criticisms of Trump and probably agree with a lot of them. Though because of the extreme partisan makeup of this site, they remain few and far between with actual discussion starting from viewpoints that would likely cause Che Guevara to say "well, that's a little much. Calm down."
Do you support Trump's use of tariffs as a means to raise revenue (as he denies it is effectively a tax on consumers) and the unnecessary trade wars he has triggered?
No because tariffs, like any other tax on businesses, will raise costs on consumers. The juice isn't worth the squeeze.
Spot on.
At least you admit what those who disapprove of Trump see.
So given you recognize that he is a pathological liar who cannot be trusted, why do you support Trump?
Trumps dishonesty , lack of character and extremely erratic thinking should be a bridge too far for ANY patriotic American. Any and all. We are left to believe that when Trump said only he could fix it he was telling the truth (for MAGAs). Only he can fix it? There are hundreds of prominent Republican officials in the country but none of them other than Trump can get the job done?
This is the dead giveaway that Trump runs a cult.
another hint are all his Kool Aids
and west wing bimbos ...
He was being sarcastic? Like when he admitted to criminal fraud and sexually assaulting women?
I'm not sure Trump understands what "sarcastic" means. I mean it is a big word.
He does what other politicians do, but to an even more dangerous extreme. He exaggerates, boasts and makes outlandish claims. He says whatever he feels will get him elected (or make him popular) with no regard for consequences. It can also blow shit up.
Having said that, it does appear that at least some progress is finally being made in the Russia-Ukraine negotiations .
Let's just hope he doesn't fuck it up with his flapper.
Yep it has more than his usual one syllable
I thought the same thing. If he was being sarcastic then his meaning would be the opposite of the normal reading of his words ... suggesting that he is largely incapable of negotiating peace.
I suspect that in Trump-speak, 'being sarcastic' means 'lying'.
Well I think he probably meant he was exaggerating, although if he thought people might actually believe he could stop the hostilities in 24 hours, or even before he took office, then he lied to them. Why not just be upfront and honest?
Yes, when one exaggerates at that level, there is almost no difference between that and a blatant lie.
Was the Frenchman who said we should send the Statue of liberty back exaggerating?
How come none of you took him literally?
Why does he have such license, but never Trump?
I didn't take him or Trump literally. I literally said that Trump likely meant he was exaggerating. How people view or react to the exaggeration is out of my control. I'm simply saying, why not be honest and up front rather than exaggerate, especially on something of this magnitude?
He inherited this war (or at least the policies in reaction to it) from the previous administration and he knows that we are in pretty deep already and that finding a mutually agreed upon solution is not going to be easy. He could have said that, and that he would try to negotiate a viable agreement as soon as possible. That would have been more honest don't you think?
Trump is the PotUS. Do you truly not understand why people would want a PotUS to not lie continuously? To be able to get information from the PotUS that has some relationship to truth?
Progress for who? Trump has not lifted a finger to help Ukraine into a better negotiating position. He has helped Putin.
Very likely. Details forthcoming.
it'll be fun watching his supporters here make up the difference for their cult leader's short comings in ukraine ...