
Dr. Richard Ireland, Psychic Demonstration. Real . . . or Fake? (Steve Allen Show 1960)

Via:  Krishna  •  6 years ago  •  33 comments

Dr. Richard Ireland, Psychic Demonstration. Real . . . or Fake? (Steve Allen Show 1960)
Mae West: "She's quite an incredible person. Very psychic herself by the way".

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Critical Thinkers

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Richard Ireland demonstrates his psychic abilities on the Steve Allen Show in 1969. 

During the show, Steve Allen, an ardent skeptic, even provides commentary to acknowledge the validity of Ireland's unusual capacity. Biographical information on Richard Ireland can be found in the newly released book, Soul Shift: Finding Where the Dead Go, written by his son Mark Ireland.

Any person seeking to "debunk" this video faces a monumental task, because there are so many aspects to consider. In a typical demonstration, Ireland would provide highly specific messages—similar to those on this video—to approximately 50 people in an audience of 100, eliminating the theory of audience "plants."

Also, on three separate occasions—during live demonstrations, a former employer sent him currency wrapped in aluminum foil, yet Ireland was still able to correctly state the serial number on each bill. In the 1980s, members of the Hawaiian Remote Viewers Guild tested Ireland by applying a flour paste over his face, yet he still demonstrated the same ability to see while blinded.

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Burden of Proof

When someone declares something to be true one must now show it is so.   That is the burden of proof. ( Link to discussion )


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Professor Expert
1  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

Is this real-- or some sort of clever trickery?

Professor Expert
2  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

Do you believe that psychic ability exists?

Why or why not?

Sophomore Quiet
2.1  katrix  replied to  Krishna @2    6 years ago

I don't.  Until someone actually sets up the proper experiments, I won't.  Same with ghosts, gods, and other paranormal things. 

I have friends who swear that they've had ghostly and/or psychic experiences, and my view is that the mind can do amazing things and convince us of things that don't actually exist.  If true, you think one single instance would have been able to be proven at some point, and it never has.

But it's fun to think about, unless you read Firestarter ;)

Professor Expert
2.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  katrix @2.1    6 years ago

I have friends who swear that they've had ghostly and/or psychic experiences, and my view is that the mind can do amazing things and convince us of things that don't actually exist.  If true, you think one single instance would have been able to be proven at some point, and it never has.

I believe in these things-- beyond a shadow of a doubt. because I've experienced them. (On numerous occasions psychics have told me things when there's no explanation as to how they would know them-- except that psychic ability exists and that they have that ability).

That being said, I also know that there's no way to "prove" to another person that I experienced what I did. 

I suppose you could "take it on faith"-- but that's certainly not proof, at least for me. IMO the only way to know for sure they exist is to experience them. (And my guess is that the vast majority of people never have and probably never will). So the commonly held view in our society is that these things are not real. 

Professor Principal
3  TᵢG    6 years ago

Many mentalists (and magicians in general) put on some damn impressive shows.   Most of the time the audience has no clue how the magic was pulled off.   

Here we cannot tell how he did this.   We assume that this is all honest, but that assumption cannot be justified.  Proof of this power requires a controlled experiment.   The experiment would establish conditions that would make it impossible to cheat (i.e. to perform 'magic').

From what I can tell, Dr. Ireland never engaged in any proof of his powers.   Rather, he continued on as a performer and personal psychic until his death in 1992.  So basically we have no data.   But we can certainly place him alongside many magicians whose illusions leave our minds boggled.

Professor Expert
3.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  TᵢG @3    6 years ago

Many mentalists (and magicians in general) put on some damn impressive shows.   Most of the time the audience has no clue how the magic was pulled off.   

The first time I saw any magicians was as a fairly young child. I was amazed at some of these feats. But one thing I found annoying-- when asked how they did it, the magicians always refused to tell! 

Of course I later realized that they were basically entertainers-- they wanted to amaze the audience-- and if you know how a trick is done, its no longer impressive. So of course they never reveal their secrets.

(Some magic tricks that are fairly common:  pulling a rabbit out of an "empty" hat, sawing a lady in half-- and many card tricks. If anyone is interested, there are numerous videos on YouTube revealing the secrets behind some of the more common magic tricks. Also some instructional videos about how to some fairly impressive card tricks yourself...)

Professor Expert
4  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago

IMO, This video raises two questions:

1. Does ESP ("Extra Sensory Perception" AKA "Psychic Ability") really exist? Are there some individuals who have this ability-- or is all a hoax?

2. If it is real-- can Dr. Ireland actually do it?

In answer to the first question, there's not the slightest doubt in my mind it exists. In fact, I am learning how to do it-- although I am nowhere nearly as good as this guy. Also, I've had numerous psychic readings where the reader told me things about myself that could only be known by means of psychic powers.

Can I prove that it exists? Or for that matter prove that I can do it? Probably not. (Anyway, I have no interest in "proving" it to anyone).

BTW, I am currently taking a course in developing psychic abilities. I have seen myself and others in the class improve these abilities over time.

In answer to the second question, I really don't know for sure if this man is a fake-- although I've read about him (& just finished reading one of his books). The teacher of my Psychic class (She's a professional psychic who has worked for police depts.) said she watched this video a few times and it seems to her he's probably genuine.

Professor Quiet
4.1  cjcold  replied to  Krishna @4    6 years ago

I knew you were going to ask these questions.

Professor Expert
4.1.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  cjcold @4.1    6 years ago

I knew you were going to ask these questions.

That's amazing-- you must be Psychic!

Since you knew what the questions will be, I'd rate your Psychic ability as Good.

(If you want to raise your rating to Excellent -- you also have to tell us what you know the answers will be! jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif )

Professor Expert
4.1.2  seeder  Krishna  replied to  cjcold @4.1    6 years ago

I knew you were going to ask these questions.

That reminds me of an old joke (its pretty corny, but it does relate to this topic).

A guy calls up the Psychic Detective Agency. He get their machine, and hears this message:

Hello. You have reached the Offices of The Psychic Detective Agency. We already know who you are, your phone number, and the purpose of your call. But if you still want to leave a message, please wait for the beep . . . 

Professor Quiet
4.2  Freefaller  replied to  Krishna @4    6 years ago


1.  No

2.  No

Like you in neither case can I prove my opinion, no.  Nor have I any interest in doing so it's just my opinion

Professor Expert
4.2.1  seeder  Krishna  replied to  Freefaller @4.2    6 years ago


1.  No

2.  No

Like you in neither case can I prove my opinion, no.  Nor have I any interest in doing so it's just my opinion

Well, first of all let me say that I'm not trying to prosthelytize here-- I'm not try to "convert" people into believing in Psychic ability. Rather I just thought it might be an interesting discussion. (And I was curious to see how many people here believe in it and how many don't).

I myself do believe in it, but as far as Dr. Ireland goes-- I'm not sure either way. Many Psychics that are stage performers are fakes-- but IMO he gave one of the most convincing performances I've seen. However there's no way of knowing for sure if this performance is genuine. 

If he gave me a reading  and told me things that he couldn't know except by psychic means...in that case I'd be convinced. But otherwise I can't say either way.

P.S: the only way he could read me is if someone channels his spirit, as he is deceased. But "mediumship" (getting in touch with people who are deceased) is a whole other level--- so we should probably stick with discussing the more "ordinary" types of psychic phenonena here) 

Professor Quiet
4.2.2  Freefaller  replied to  Krishna @4.2.1    6 years ago
I myself do believe in it

And that's cool too

Professor Expert
6  seeder  Krishna    6 years ago
Psychics, voodoo, witchcraft, wizardry? Just stop already....

Are you familiar with the concept of "Chi"? Is it a hoax-- or a real thing?

What about Acupuncture meridians?


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