VIDEO: Paula White speaks in tongues to secure Trump's reelection - Business Insider
By: Sophia Ankel (Business Insider)

Paula White delivered a livestreamed speech on Wednesday. Twitter/Right Wing Watch
- The televangelist and spiritual advisor Paula White led an impassioned prayer on Wednesday in a bid to secure President Donald Trump's reelection.
- During a livestream, White spoke in tongues and claimed that "demonic confederacies" were attempting to steal the election from Trump.
- Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, was pulling ahead on Wednesday in the race to the White House.
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President Donald Trump's spiritual advisor Paula White led a passionate prayer event on Wednesday in a bid to secure his reelection.
During a prayer broadcast livestreamed on her YouTube channel, White claimed that "demonic confederacies" were attempting to steal the election from Trump.
"I hear victory, victory, victory, victory in the quarters of heaven," White said as she closed her eyes and gestured passionately.
At one point White proclaimed that "angels are being dispatched right now" and appeared to speak in tongues.
"Angels are being dispatched from Africa right now," she said, adding, "They're coming here."
Speaking in tongues, in which a person utters sounds thought of as a secret language unknown to the speaker, features in Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity, as well as other religions.
Watch the moment below:
—Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) November 5, 2020
The televangelist also criticized the election results so far. "We declare that we overcome every strategy of hell that has been aligned against this election, that has been aligned against your will, that has been aligned against the church," she said.
Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, was pulling ahead on Wednesday in the race to the White House, winning the crucial states of Wisconsin and Michigan. But the states that could put Biden over the top — Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania — were still counting ballots on Thursday.
Speaking from his home state of Delaware on Wednesday, Biden said he was "confident we will emerge victorious."
President Donald Trump embraces White in the White House Rose Garden in May 2019. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Image
"The people rule," Biden said. "Power can't be taken or asserted. It flows from the people, and it is their will that determines who will be the president of the United States, and their will alone."
White, who most recently headed a Florida megachurch, has a close relationship with the president and his family. She was appointed to the White House's Faith and Opportunity Initiative in the Office of Public Liaison in late 2019.
White, 54, is considered a controversial figure in Christian circles because she preaches the prosperity gospel, which teaches that God will reward believers with material wealth if they donate generously to ministers.
In a 2017 interview with CNN, she called the criticism of her "absolute absurdity."
- Read more:
- Paula White, a White House employee and Trump's spiritual adviser, calls for 'satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now'
- Trump's spiritual adviser is a controversial Florida televangelist who preaches that God will reward believers with material wealth
- Some Christians say Trump has pushed young people away from their churches — and his impact on Christianity could last well beyond his presidency
- 'They're all hustlers': President Trump privately ridicules Christian leaders, according to new report
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gee, aren't there any local angels? here's some more speaking in tongues.
I'm not sure which is worse: people who put on such acts, or those who actually buy into them.
We ship those jobs overseas, too.
Moosh noosh, that is speaking in tongues and it translates to, ''dumb ass''
I've said it before, never underestimate the stupidity of some people. Nonsense like speaking tongues is a sad commentary on our country.
If there is ever a need for far right insane Christian female rappers she will be well positioned.
If that cat could understand English he’d be hissing and spitting at her.
He'd just knock her off the stage, like cats do.
Here's another fun one:
What a hoot!
I hope she is the first one besides Trump who is thrown out of the WH. She and her tongues can pound sand.
How on Earth does anyone observe this and not recognize a manipulative con-artist? How can so many people in 2020 be so gullible as to enable a market for this degree of over-the-top religious sophistry?
Wishful thinking, and a taste for bad drama.