Tucker Carlson Calls Obama 'Creepy Old Guy' for Urging Vaccination
By: Grace Panetta (Business Insider)

Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday called former President Barack Obama "a creepy old guy" and attacked him and other public figures for promoting COVID-19 vaccines.
Obama recently filmed a public service announcement for Yahoo News in which he encouraged vaccination. A short version of the PSA was posted on Yahoo News' TikTok account, targeted to the platform's predominately young users.
"I want to talk about you getting yours," Obama said. "The vaccine is safe, it's effective, it's free. I got one, Michelle got one, people you know got one. And now, you can get one too."
During Monday night's show, Tucker called the PSA encouraging young people to get the COVID-19 vaccine "a creepy little video telling small children to get the shot."
Carlson described Obama as "some creepy old guy telling your children, your little kids, to take medicine whose effects we do not fully understand." He also attacked NBC News and CNN personalities and contributors for strongly promoting vaccination and framing it as the path back to normalcy.
There is no COVID-19 vaccine, however, that has been authorized to be given to young children.
So far, Pfizer - BioNTech's vaccine is only approved for people 16 and older. The drugmaker has been conducting trials of it's vaccine's safety and efficacy in children aged 12 to 15, with The New York Times reporting that the Food and Drug Administration could greenlight the shot for that younger age group as soon as next week.
Carlson, in recent weeks, has cast doubt over the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine on his show. He even suggested that the vaccine is being forced on American people.
In Monday night's show, Carlson called out "unresolved concerns" over the COVID-19 vaccine's effect on women's fertility.
However, as Insider's Anna Medaris Miller and Rachel Hosie have reported, there is no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine includes ingredients that could hamper fertility. In reality, the vaccine was proven safe for pregnant women, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officially recommending that pregnant people get vaccinated.
The falsehood that vaccines cause infertility appears to have originated with a December 2020 Facebook post incorrectly claiming that the vaccines and Pfizer's shot, in particular, cause the body to attack proteins integral in forming the placenta.
Carlson also went after GOP pollster Frank Luntz, who has been conducting a number of focus groups on vaccine hesitancy among former President Donald Trump's supporters. The Fox News host also seized the opportunity to lash out at House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who has rented a space from Luntz in the Penn Quarter neighborhood of Washington, DC.

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What the hell is wrong with this twit.
Where does one start?
More importantly, why does FOX News Headquarters permit it? Follow the money. . . .
His name rhymes with fucker, that's always a bad sign....
That's what's wrong with him! The kids bullied him about his name and called him Tucker the Pig Fucker!
Don't mess with me. Go after that fucker tucker....
Is that my Split Personality? Hey you! What have you done with SP?! (Chuckles.)
Gasp! Trout G' - Can you stop by the front office on your out tonight! (Chuckles!)
It's the name game!
Tucker tucker bo-bucker, banana-fanna fo-fucker, fee-fie mo mucker, Tucker!
Am I getting a demerit?
HA! (Nope.)
In the hood he's known as a ''enda moosh noosh''..(real dumb ass)
Good question. But judging from what I have recently seen it is not just him who seems to have issues.
Tucker seems to grow increasingly worse over time.
I think most radicals do no matter what they are radical about. It feeds on itself. The mind stops accepting reality because reality is such a challenge to their long held radical beliefs.
IMO: Eating a diet of radicalism could be dangerous to one's health. Mentally and otherwise.
Creepy old guy, eh? Takes one to know one, Mr Creepy Old Git
He is the last one that should talk about creepy.
Every time I see some pic or vid of him he has the creepiest look possible...
At least he finally lost the bow tie
And with it his sanity, apparently...
Ah! Yes, and I was too distracted by the 'wavy' hair-do to pin-point that annoying bow-tie was gone. (The bow-tie shtick goes all the way to Tucker's MSNBC days.)
Pee Wee Herman wanted them back.
It amazes me on how quickly they switched sides on the vaccine. It is so transparent.
When it is "all about the benjamins," (check Tucker's salary) . . . . One simply has to ask how much 'filthy lucre' does Tucker Carlson opinion and commentary bring into the FOX Cable News Channel?
Also to the point: If a liberal says something - it's easy - just go with the opposing viewpoint! Cha-ching!! [Cash register sound goes here.]
So he was telling people to call the police on kids wearing masks now he is telling people to not get the vaccine...
Anti-mask, anti-vac.
And who was it that tried to say this was not the republicans...
His words are dangerous
I swear, anything to help stop the spread of the virus, he and his ilk seem to be against.
Makes one wonder...
I am beginning to think they actually want a herd immunity where the weak die off.
A side note, my late Uncle watched fox all the time. My Aunt put her foot down when it came to tucker. She let my Uncle watch all the fox he wanted but when tucker the twit came on she would make him change the channel. She said he was nothing but hate.
Good for your Aunt!
Was something I guess. Haha
Back in the day when I leaned more republican I watched fox.
Now where I am now I can see how watching things like only fox all day long can warp ones view.
I used to watch FOX News. I was onboard when cable news channels started to proliferate. Fox News Cable being one of them. I hung in there tight with them until 2007 when they showed their "asses" on Obama! I see them differently, since then. And, for 99.99 percent of the time Fox News Cable is not in my channel 'line-up.'
The dog's ass smells better than FOX also.
Has that peewee Herman wannabe motherfucker looked in a mirror lately? If I’m keeping my kids away from anyone it’s tucker.
It's like he is completely unaware that his own creep-o-meter setting is at full throttle.
It's as if we have not been informed that he takes personal and private phone calls from one of the most prolific liars and dangerous men on planet Earth today: Donald J. Trump.
How "creep-show" is that?!!
"race lady"
I usually don't watch MSNBC yet I really like her. She is good.
All of the MSNBC women are good ... the men? Meh, I would not miss any of them.
Did he say 'whitey'...Haha
Looking at tucker's clips, I am starting to think he wears a wig.
That's what Tucker called Joy Reid, isn't it?
Now THAT's a 'goody'!
Nobody lifted their leg on the TV?
Ok well that is a straight up lie. I don't know how to say it any clearer. Tucker Carlson just lied.
Two lies and and a red herring, actually.
First, Obama was not talking to anyone's children or little kids.
Second, he didn't say anything about telling kids to take any medicine, or even this vaccine. In fact, he specifically prefaced his remarks by noting that everyone 16 or older is now eligible to get the vaccine. No one with two brain cells to rub together can honestly think that he is talking about "little kids."
And the red herring: No, we don't "fully understand" the effects of the various vaccines. But we don't "fully understand" a lot of things. We don't need to. We do, however, understand enough. We understand that over a billion people (Yeah, that's Billion with a B!) have received some kind of Covid shot and are doing fine. We also understand that it reduces your risk of Covid infection (a virus which has, to date, killed over 3 million people) - and particularly hospitalization or death to very near zero.
And somehow getting vaccinated is the scary thing? This anti-vax shit is demented. It's insane.
I got both shots. Not a problem.
I've been "fully vaccinated" too! (Smile.)
I got the Moderna (sp?) one.
mRNA-1273, more commonly known as the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. Me too! You spelled it right!
Still waiting for the second shot on the 14th (Moderna)
That's great. You're helping to make it happen!
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
That took 25 minutes thereabouts of time to get through: IT WAS WORTH IT. It's not a laugh-track event either. It is John Oliver at his personal best: A man with a microphone!
Great wisdom from a comic genius, y'all!
India has almost caught up with the deaths that Trump was responsible for here.
Incidentally, when the coronavirus lockdown's went into effects (and continued after the initial 15 days approved by the White House) FOX NEWS kept its anchors broadcasting from home (trucked studios outside their homes) set to mirror their regular studio set. Even as those anchors would come on air telling people to resist lockdowns in their homes.
Does anybody know if Tucker Carlson (and other FOX NEW anchors) has been vaccinated? And, yet is being mealy-mouth about vaccinations as a propaganda? if he has been 'vac'ed' then this is some shady bull patty coming from him about Obama's PSA!
If dumb asses don't want to get shots, wear masks and social distance where appropriate they might deserve the repercussions of their actions.