Men displaying 'Trump won' banner removed from Yankee Stadium | TheHill
By: Celine Castronuovo (TheHill)

oh look, somebody thought it was insurrectionist moron day at the stadium...

Two men were removed from Yankee Stadium during a Thursday night game after they displayed a large banner declaring "Trump Won Save America."
Videos and photos posted to social media showed many other fans booing the men who unfurled the banner while some appeared to clap. The men unfurled the banner from the second deck behind first base.
In a video posted by Sports Illustrated reporter Max Goodman, fans continued to boo the sign as one person could be seen attempting to pull down the banner from his seat below the two men.
A couple fans at Yankee Stadium just unveiled a massive banner that reads "Trump Won Save America"
Sounded like the entire crowd was booing until security confiscated the banner, which then resulted in a loud cheer. — Max Goodman (@MaxTGoodman) May 28, 2021
In pictures taken by the New York Post, a Yankees Stadium security official could be seen struggling to take the flag from the two men as they resisted.
A later video posted to Facebook showed more security guards arriving before they confiscated the banner and appeared to handcuff one of the men.
Security officials led the men away, prompting a round of cheers inside the stadium. The incident took place during the second game of a doubleheader between the Yankees and Toronto Blue Jays.
Now we have extremely loud cheering as the conspiracy theory banner people are led out of the section by security. — Lindsey Adler (@lindseyadler) May 28, 2021
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too bad they weren't giving away souvenir louisville sluggers that day ...
Dumb Day at Yankee Stadium.
They could have just worn shirts saying "I'm a f#@k'n idiot". Idiots.
members that vote up their own comments will have all of those comments deleted.
Love that, lol.
do you think they realize Trump wasn't even playing....?
Can you see him running the bases, lol.
hanging the banner next to a nathan's sign was the pinnacle of irony.
the only way he would (or could) get around the bases is in a golf cart
Just put a bucket of KFC on 1st base.
his daughter has a better right arm. just ask trump...
cuz he knew people would boo him
That or some hamberders.
That's because he's Russian to have it, and be, Putins' Catcher in the raw rye, as he's needy and seedy like a moldy oldy spore spurned by his shirtless while he's skirtless lover, from the KGB alumni Team, as Putin puts it in our face, butt mainly in Trumps' eye via the White Power houses back door team
Oh, covfefe.
I was thinking alternating KFC and Diet Coke at each base, and a defibrillator at home plate. But you're right, by the time he got to 3rd, he'd probably like a hamberder for a change.
Keep your political displays at home. Nobody at the ball game wants to see this shit.
"Disturbing the peace" seems like an appropriate charge.