
Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing election workers

Via:  Ender  •  4 years ago  •  66 comments

By:   By LINDA SO SpecialReports (Reuters)

Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing election workers
Election officials and their families are living with threats of hanging, firing squads, torture and bomb blasts, interviews and documents reveal. The campaign of fear, sparked by Trump's voter-fraud falsehoods, threatens the U.S. electoral system.

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S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Late on the night of April 24, the wife of Georgia’s top election official got a chilling text message: “You and your family will be killed very slowly.”
A week earlier, Tricia Raffensperger, wife of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, had received another anonymous text: “We plan for the death of you and your family every day.”
That followed an April 5 text warning. A family member, the texter told her, was “going to have a very unfortunate incident.”
Those messages, which have not been previously reported, illustrate the continuing barrage of threats and intimidation against election officials and their families months after former U.S. President Donald Trump’s November election defeat. While reports of threats against Georgia officials emerged in the heated weeks after the voting, Reuters interviews with more than a dozen election workers and top officials – and a review of disturbing texts, voicemails and emails that they and their families received – reveal the previously hidden breadth and severity of the menacing tactics.
Trump’s relentless false claims that the vote was “rigged” against him sparked a campaign to terrorize election officials nationwide – from senior officials such as Raffensperger to the lowest-level local election workers. The intimidation has been particularly severe in Georgia, where Raffensperger and other Republican election officials refuted Trump’s stolen-election claims. The ongoing

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jrGroupDiscuss - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Ender    4 years ago
One email, sent on Jan. 2 to officials in nearly a dozen counties, threatened to bomb polling sites: “No one at these places will be spared unless and until Trump is guaranteed to be POTUS again.” The specific text of the threat has not been previously reported. The email, a state election official said, was forwarded to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which declined to comment for this story.
Professor Principal
2  seeder  Ender    4 years ago
Among those targeted was Barron’s registration chief, Ralph Jones, 56, who oversaw the county’s mail-in ballot operation and has worked on Georgia elections for more than three decades, including senior roles. Jones said callers left him death threats, including one shortly after the November election who called him a “n-----” who should be shot. Another threatened to kill him by dragging his body around with a truck. “It was unbelievable: your life being threatened just because you’re doing your job,” he said.
Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3  Trout Giggles    4 years ago

These assholes have no shame!

Professor Principal
3.1  seeder  Ender  replied to  Trout Giggles @3    4 years ago

And they are still doing it...

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
3.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Trout Giggles @3    4 years ago

Of course not.  Look who they idolize.

Professor Principal
3.3  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @3    4 years ago

I wish they would hurry up and make their stand. going to the pistol range twice a week is a pain in the ass. not like my eyesight is getting better over time. some of the fondest memories of my youth were exterminating rodent vermin.

Professor Expert
3.3.1  CB  replied to  devangelical @3.3    4 years ago

LOL! You are consistent in your commentary that's for sure! (Chuckles.)

Professor Principal
4  JohnRussell    4 years ago

The saddest part is that some of these officials whose family's lives have been threatened still say they would vote for Trump again. 

This country is extremely fucked up but few really want to face it. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
4.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @4    4 years ago

The trumpturds who sent him money and got ripped off would also vote for him again.

Professor Expert
5  CB    4 years ago

This is serious. This can affect everything election related. Even down to individual voters. We won't be intimidated. Contact DOJ and FBI each and every time. Track, chase, and capture these fools who think intimidating people will get them "the prize."  Make their perp walks loud and famous!

Professor Quiet
5.1  Ozzwald  replied to  CB @5    4 years ago
This is serious. This can affect everything election related. Even down to individual voters. We won't be intimidated. Contact DOJ and FBI each and every time. Track, chase, and capture these fools who think intimidating people will get them "the prize."  Make their perp walks loud and famous!

The silliest part to all this is that these MAGA asshats will still claim to be true patriots.

Professor Expert
5.1.1  CB  replied to  Ozzwald @5.1    4 years ago

Moreover, they attack even their own so-called, "true patriots" who can't take the stupe any longer and must fall away.' No loyalty among "thieves."

Our government should not allow these phony "patriots" to get away with affecting one voter's vote at-known affecting an entire system of elections! We are not that ass-backward country!

It is time to put the fear of God in these people.

Professor Quiet
5.1.2  Ozzwald  replied to  CB @5.1.1    4 years ago
It is time to put the fear of God in these people.

I'd rather put the fear of the justice system in them.  DOJ has a better track record.

Professor Expert
5.1.3  CB  replied to  Ozzwald @5.1.2    4 years ago

I started to modify that portion of my comment or make an addition with 'fear of law'. But opted to leave it as is. Do not underestimate the effectiveness of a fear of God to change hard-headed, stubborn hearts and minds. People have been known to just pray their way out of habitual, stupid, 'spaces' in life!

Professor Quiet
5.1.4  Ozzwald  replied to  CB @5.1.3    4 years ago

People have been known to just pray their way out of habitual, stupid, 'spaces' in life!

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are right.

Professor Expert
5.1.5  CB  replied to  Ozzwald @5.1.4    4 years ago


Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
5.1.6  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Ozzwald @5.1    4 years ago

They are the ROT in patRiOT.

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
5.2  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  CB @5    4 years ago

'This is serious.'

This is a huge understatement. And I can't see that the problem is even being identified.

You are discussing a symptom. Threats against election officials represent but one installment in the ongoing breakdown of 200+ year old constitutional norms.

'Trumpturds' and 'idiots' can be verbally castigated for being the rectal openings that they are. But this overlooks completely a far more grievous and inconvenient reality. Criminal and wild as they are, these behaviors are supported by a substantial faction of the ruling class. Trump -- let it not be forgotten -- threatened 'faithless electors' with bloodshed unless they handed him the presidency. To NOT recognize the class basis of the campaign is to cripple any counter-campaign to this malfeasance.

So where is the counter-campaign? Linda So's article is an article, not a campaign.

It is vital that a campaign be organized not only to defend the few, threadbare democratic trappings that remain, but also to restore what has been lost. The separation of powers must be vindicated. Pernicious doctrines and socio-political theories such as 'Manifest Destiny' and the unitary executive theory and the preemptive war theory and fascism must be repudiated. And frankly -- CLASS PRIVILEGE must also be remedied. This includes the accumulation of wealth in such measures as are incompatible with democracy.

The only force capable of carrying forward such a campaign is the working class. And I for one don't see sufficient class awareness here to suggest that anyone possesses the tools to equip the working class for this or any other fight based on class politics. It's as if we lived on a flat earth and the race to the rightward edge of the world is on. A sole voice sounds an alarm and responses tend to run on the order of, 'we'll hear more from you later,' or 'don't you take a pessimistic view of things!'

Prior to the last election, I pointed out that elections will resolve nothing. Some people thought that was a bad thing to say; I was not supposed to say that.

Well. Now you have it!

Before us is an open [lets call it a 'continuing'] refusal to recognize elections which do not elevate a preferred candidate.

And you call this serious?

No. This isn't serious.

Leon Trotsky said that it is necessary to call things by their proper name.

This is a political crisis.

Bodily functions and anatomical parts have no part in this discussion. The refusal to recognize and respond to this as the crisis that it is brings with it a level of capability. Those who will not face and lead in the face of a critical assault on institutions of governance can have no part in shaping the future.

CB: Even though I have posted this below your name, I don't address all of this to you. I wanted it some place in the middle of the thread where it might be more apt to be seen.

So there is the challenge. The question is -- what will be the response?

Professor Expert
5.2.1  CB  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @5.2    4 years ago

Noted. I am accessing the 'situation' specifics over time. There is a lot going on and yes, I keep praying for a proper miracle of some kind to end this chaos in positive fashion. This nation is in serious crisis, and more people are 'alerting' to this specific issue.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.2.2  Bob Nelson  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @5.2    4 years ago

Good post. 

America is falling to the fascists. It's a slow-motion fall, so most people don't see it... yet. And it's probable that - as with most democracies falling to fascism - by the time most people become aware... it will be too late.

Professor Expert
5.2.3  CB  replied to  Bob Nelson @5.2.2    4 years ago

I see it too. These are dangerous and dire straits times. However, our nation is a 'big ship of state" and more so it is dedicated constitutionally to an ideal - that has not fully run its course. Like our deeply established two-party political systems, capitalism is deeply entrenched and well-established in the hearts and minds of our citizenry. It shall not be easily 'dug out' and thrown on the trash heap of our nation's past. Certainly not with the "urgency" Trotsky Spectre seems to summon and exude. Worse, we are a principled nation on which other other nation's 'rest.' We will have to take stock of a great many matters and orders of varying magnitude before we cast off capitalism for another system.

Can it happen in our lifetime? I do not see it occurring in one generation.

Technically, it would be easier to just 'rid' ourselves of potential autocrats!  Case in point:

MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos' Ex-Wife, Donates $2.7 Billion to Address 'Disproportionate Wealth' Systems

People struggling against inequities deserve center stage in stories about change they are creating ," she wrote in a lengthy Medium blog post. "Any wealth is a product of a collective effort that included them. The social structures that inflate wealth present obstacles to them. And despite those obstacles, they are providing solutions that benefit us all."

She went on to explain her decision to donate the lump sum and the process she and Jewett, 46, went through to determine the recipients.

"Me, Dan, a constellation of researchers and administrators and advisors - we are all attempting to give away a fortune that was enabled by systems in need of change," Scott said, referring to her $59.7 billion net worth. "In this effort, we are governed by a humbling belief that it would be better if disproportionate wealth were not concentrated in a small number of hands, and that the solutions are best designed and implemented by others."


Ms. Scott gets it. She gets what we are talking about (in here now).

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.2.4  Bob Nelson  replied to  CB @5.2.3    4 years ago
Can it happen in our lifetime? I do not see it occurring in one generation.

Some would say it has already happened. America is already a plutocracy, with a hereditary owner-caste holding vastly more power than we proles.

We proles will be simple spectators, observing just how far our ultra-rich rulers wish to shove our faces in the mud. 

Professor Expert
5.2.5  CB  replied to  Bob Nelson @5.2.4    4 years ago

Hmmmm. Interesting summation.

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
5.2.6  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  Bob Nelson @5.2.2    4 years ago


'Good post.'

Thank you.

You are correct that the United States is falling to fascism. You are correct that the US is far from alone. It is true that most people don't 'see it,' and it is true that the working class is thankfully awakening to this danger.

But some have seen the danger of fascism all along. And they have addressed it. This matters. We cannot all be reinventing the wheel. We must take what others have done, learn from their analysis and build the necessary and effective, political response. Any other campaign is counter-productive -- draining resources and scattering focus. The danger is enormous and there is no time to waste.

In this year alone, well over 100 articles have been written and posted on Trump and the danger of fascism in America by the World Socialist Web Site.

Avail yourself of this resource! Rather than trying to convince others of our situation, we can learn from those who have been informing others of this for years!

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
5.2.7  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  CB @5.2.3    4 years ago

Dear CB:

A story is told of a Jew and an Arab with sufficiently mutual familiarity to regard each other as friends.

One day, the Arab asked to borrow a valuable vase. Family was coming, and his vase would make a very good impression. With some reluctance, the Jewish gentleman agreed. When he loaned the vase, he told his Arab friend, ‘don’t break the vase.’

After about a year, the Jew met the Arab on the street. The former said, ‘I want my vase back.’ So the Arab brought him the vase. The Jew looked at his vase and said, ‘you broke my vase.’

The Arab gentleman denied this with three points.

1] The vase was like this when you loaned it to me.
2] I loaned the vase to my brother, and he broke it.
3] Nothing about this vase is actually broken.

Each of these three answers disproves the other two!

Now watch:

1] Bob Nelson says that America is falling to the fascists.
2} You affirm Bob Nelson’s point by saying, ‘I see it too.’ Then you inform us that …
3] Deeply entrenched in hearts and minds, capitalist political economy won’t be dug out easily, and not in this generation.

Like the Jew and Arab story, I’m left wondering, ‘which is it?’

If the third point is granted, how are we in crisis? And if the first is granted, how can we be complacent? Was Germany a democracy? YES! And it’s a good thing. Were it not protected by a constitution and democratic institutions, who knows what beastly powers might have arisen in Germany during the 30s! Yet when our glorious, barely functioning kakistocracy comes within seconds of collapse as Pence made his Jan 6 get-away, you can’t see the state system falling within our generation!


Now an arcane movement, a sleight of hand gesture points us toward Scott’s reformist/voluntarism website! As if ‘do-goodism’ is an answer to America’s falling to fascism that you, along with Bob Nelson, admit to seeing. How is that a political solution? Didn’t Warren Buffett make similar noises? Didn’t Bernard Sanders? Didn’t Elizabeth Warren? Haven’t others? Political crises require political solutions. Nebulous, impressionistic ‘do-goodism’ is no answer to political crisis. I got a similar reply to an extensive post the other day when you said that capitalism ‘works.’ I found no attempt to define ‘works.’

Political struggles don’t concern factual arguments and/or logic. A political struggle is in essence a struggle of interests and forces. Trotsky put it: ‘The Bolsheviks in their turn conquered the petty-bourgeoisie democrats … through a new correlation of social forces’ [The Revolution Betrayed, p. 96]. Bob Nelson sees America falling victim to fascism not because of some nebulous sense impressions, but because he has at least some recognition of the correlation of social [class] forces that want it.

In one of your first posts to me, CB, you stated that some of us have done quite well [under capitalism]. Precisely! Trotsky indicated that political struggle is determined by class interests.

You cannot affirm with Bob Nelson that ‘America is falling to the fascists’ while at the same time being unable to see it happening ‘in our lifetime.’ Both positions can no more be true than the claims that the vase was broken, that my brother broke it and that there is nothing wrong with it anyway.

Take care!

Professor Expert
5.2.8  CB  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @5.2.7    4 years ago
You cannot affirm with Bob Nelson that ‘America is falling to the fascists’ while at the same time being unable to see it happening ‘in our lifetime.’ Both positions can no more be true than the claims that the vase was broken, that my brother broke it and that there is nothing wrong with it anyway.

Actually Trotsky's Spectre I wrote this (too):

These are dangerous and dire straits times. However, our nation is a 'big ship of state" and more so it is dedicated constitutionally to an ideal - that has not fully run its course. Like our deeply established two-party political systems, capitalism is deeply entrenched and well-established in the hearts and minds of our citizenry. It shall not be easily 'dug out' and thrown on the trash heap of our nation's past. Certainly not with the "urgency" Trotsky Spectre seems to summon and exude. Worse, we are a principled nation on which other other nation's 'rest.' We will have to take stock of a great many matters and orders of varying magnitude before we cast off capitalism for another system.

Can it happen in our lifetime? I do not see it occurring in one generation.

Technically, it would be easier to just 'rid' ourselves of potential autocrats!

First, how does one plan to turn our constitution mindset and attitudes on freedom around in one generation?

Will our constitutional system of state and federal governance even get onboard with such actions?

I can see the 'problem' and all the gloom and doom that is building like a storm cloud with thunderheads, but the solution to all that is a clear day!

Second, you are speaking of a violent upheaval of some catastrophe kind in our country, admit it.(I seem to remember you posted a graphic pix of planes crashing into buildings and fires and chaos 'galore' all in one collage before the 2020 general election).

Third, you do not have populism on your side. Keep in mind in 2020 our state and federal governments reached out and gave back (continues to till today) money free and clear to its citizens during a pandemic. As you can see the actions work and our system is moving back to an even-keel incrementally. And now that mask are coming off. . . . many attitudes will 'radiate,' readjust, and start all over again!

Fourth, other democracy's contractually depend on our nation being a democracy and republic and all that entails or they fear their own systems will fail and fall apart.

Finally, some of our 'elites' are getting with it without destroying capitalism:

MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos' Ex-Wife, Donates $2.7 Billion to Address 'Disproportionate Wealth' Systems

People struggling against inequities deserve center stage in stories about change they are creating ," she wrote in a lengthy Medium blog post. "Any wealth is a product of a collective effort that included them. The social structures that inflate wealth present obstacles to them. And despite those obstacles, they are providing solutions that benefit us all."

. . . .

"Me, Dan, a constellation of researchers and administrators and advisors - we are all attempting to give away a fortune that was enabled by systems in need of change," Scott said, referring to her $59.7 billion net worth. "In this effort, we are governed by a humbling belief that it would be better if disproportionate wealth were not concentrated in a small number of hands, and that the solutions are best designed and implemented by others."

These monies are not to be dismissed with insincerity. In the hands of the right 'constellation inhabitants' much change, satisfaction, and yes 'mileage' can spirit this country out of its present crisis of state!

Now that is the thinking inside of what I said. There can be breakage and their can be miracles that can make it all like new again too. Enter miracle worker: MacKenzie Scott as one such elite. Warren Buffet leaving his wealth to society's worthy causes upon his demise is another.

Am I reaching here? Yeah. These matters take their own time to come about.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.2.9  Bob Nelson  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @5.2.6    4 years ago

Political systems and economic systems are independent of each other.

We have known "democracy & capitalism", and "democracy & social-democracy". We have known "fascism & capitalism" and "fascism & socialism".

China is not America. They are headed in different directions. 

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
5.2.10  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  CB @5.2.8    4 years ago

The dynamics under discussion are driven not by mindsets and attitudes but by very concrete, class interests.

This week, the Federal Reserve Incorporated policy-making committee met to address fears that it was shifting from the policies which created a vast mountain of debt, fictitious capital, and an endless flow of ultra-cheap money to the ultra-rich financial oligarchy. 

Before the 2008 global fiscal crisis, the FRI held about $900 billion in fiscal assets on its books. As a result of quantitative easing, that quickly rose to $4+ trillion. In 2020, it rose to $8+ trillion. It is on course to reach $9+ trillion in 2021. FRI Chairperson made it clear that nothing would be done to upset fiscal markets. So FRI asset purchasing will continue at the rate of $120 billion/month.  What was initially a ‘temporary’ crisis fix is now standing FRI policy.

Several results proceed from these policies.

One is a massive upward transfer of wealth into the hands of the global corporate and fiscal oligarchy. In April 2020, Forbes data showed that collectively, the wealth of the world’s billionaires increased 60%, ‘the greatest acceleration of wealth in human history.’

The second result of FRI policies was a vast mountain of debt. Also this week, a Wall Street Journal article noted that after issuing $1.7 trillion in bonds last year [nearly $600 million above the previous high], the total debt of corporations at the end of the first quarter was the approximate equivalent to half the US gross domestic product. Let that sink deep.

In Europe, it is the same. Thousands of companies are kept open solely by a zero interest rate policy, and massive asset purchases by the European Central Bank, and by direct government support.

A third consequence of endless, money is a wave of speculation which pulls in commodities, the housing market, shares of stocks, crypto-currencies and so forth. 

It is critical that the proletarian class grasp clearly the import of this acceleration of speculation promoted by the FRI and other central banks. Debt, corporate bonds and other fiscal assets are what Marx called ‘fictitious capital.’ Read slowly:

Fictitious capital has no inherent value; it is a CLAIM on surplus value extracted from workers in the production process.

The escalation of fictitious capital has vital implications. It portends vastly intensified attacks on the proletariat. Surplus value in ever-increasing amounts must be extracted from the working class to meet the claims of these assets.

In the FRI post-presentation Q&A session, Powell had to spend considerable time discussing inflation and prospects for its increase. Prices are not the concern. The concern is that proletarian resistance is also rising – and with worker unity, wage and other demands, plus resistance to ‘restructuring’ of labor to meet the unending demands of finance capital to increase the flow of surplus value. For decades, the fiscal oligarchy used the corrupt/bought-off UAW, AFL-CIO, UMWA, USW etc. to isolate, strangle and break worker unity – thereby foiling effective struggle for worker demands in the interests of the fiscal oligarchy. But that stranglehold over workers is ending. While not stated in these words, Powell’s questioners wanted to hear whether FRI is prepared to unleash Inflation to punish workers and break their resistance.

You stated the other day that Capitalism works. Kapital’s basal is that so-called ‘free markets’ act like a natural law; they are the only viable form of social-economic organization. Consequently, a socialist program based on conscious control and economic regulation to meet human need is impossible and irrational.

The socialist movement exposes this absurdity continually – the claim that while humanity can probe the outer reaches of the universe and the inner universe of the atom and mechanics of life – it cannot consciously organize society.

Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire [France] recently said ‘we do not want to cut abruptly our support and trigger dozens of thousands of bankruptcies.’ He illustrated that no ‘free market’ exists and practice shreds the idea. Without daily FRI intervention, that market would collapse in an instant.

So there you have it!

You see me raining gloom and doom and assure me that all can be fixed with a clear day! Or perhaps, you're shoving sunshine up our collective butt?

You seem to think that you keep hearing hints of my discussing catastrophic upheaval. Not so. I’m SHOUTING! Are you hearing?

The federal and state give-out was a drop in the bucket beside the rest of the so-called ‘CARES Act’ which – let it not be forgotten – exists only on the books and gains actual value for the oligarchy ONLY as extracted from workers as surplus value.

‘…moving back to an even-keel incrementally’ is nebulous, impressionistic sentimentality.   ‘…now that mask are coming off [as vaccine-resistant variants mutate] … many attitudes will “radiate,” readjust …’ [the religion of Saint Pollyanna?].

Populism is a reactionary tendency. Trump sought a populist following. Marxists spurn populism for proletarian unity.

We are an oligarchy, not a democracy nor a democratic republic. Other ‘democracies’ will do as we say or we'll sanction them and, if necessary, bomb them.

‘Finally, some of our “elites” are getting with it without destroying capitalism…’ Translation: The issue isn’t irresolvable class conflict; it’s a failure of some people to ‘get it!’ Tell it to the Federal Reserve Incorporated policy committee! If a few bourgeois brats saying, ‘we get it’ will dissuade proletarian unity, those voices will sound off. But it won’t reverse policy. Kapital is a system which runs by its own laws.

Any administration which even considers turning off the free-money fiscal spigot risks devastating market collapse. It cannot go on forever, and we all know this. But neither can we stop it. Just ask Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire. A Chinese proverb says that if you have a tiger by the tail, you had better not let go!

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
5.2.11  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  Bob Nelson @5.2.9    4 years ago

I see socio-political and economic systems from the standpoint of integration. A complete separation sounds like an active [hot] war. That said, my concern is that China and the United States are heading in the same direction -- war. Wish I was wrong.

Professor Expert
5.2.12  CB  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @5.2.10    4 years ago

Interesting. Thank you.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.2.13  Bob Nelson  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @5.2.10    4 years ago
This week, the Federal Reserve Incorporated policy-making committee met to address fears that it was shifting from the policies which created a vast mountain of debt, fictitious capital, and an endless flow of ultra-cheap money to the ultra-rich financial oligarchy. 

Sorry.. but I do not share your analysis. 

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.2.14  Bob Nelson  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @5.2.11    4 years ago

China looks to me to be the more serene. It's playing a long game against an adversary who cannot see beyond the next election. 

Professor Expert
5.2.15  CB  replied to  Bob Nelson @5.2.14    4 years ago

Interesting. Thank you. Trotsky's Spectre and Bob Nelson I am taking it all in.

I will add this: From Trotsky's Spectre's comment on China I don't see how a conventional or nuclear war between the U. S. A and China is practical (do-able). What would be its end-game?

Trotsky's Spectre
Freshman Silent
5.2.16  Trotsky's Spectre  replied to  CB @5.2.12    4 years ago

'Interesting. Thank you.'

You're welcome. Now a correction. A word was lost in the editing process.

'Kapital’s basal is that so-called ‘free markets’ act like a natural law;'

This ought to read, 'Kapital's basal premise is that so-called ‘free markets’ act like a natural law;'

Professor Expert
5.2.17  CB  replied to  Trotsky's Spectre @5.2.16    4 years ago

Noted. Thank you.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.2.18  Bob Nelson  replied to  CB @5.2.15    4 years ago
I don't see how a conventional or nuclear war between the U. S. A and China is practical (do-able).

I agree. War between the United States and China would be a lose-lose.

Unless one of the Presidents is crazy, it won't happen. Xi isn't crazy, and he's in place for a long while. We know that America would never elect a crazy man as President.

Oh wait..... 

Professor Expert
5.2.19  CB  replied to  Bob Nelson @5.2.18    4 years ago

I don't even understand why somebody would imagine a nation of 350 million people thinking it can conventionally defeat a nation of 1 Billion plus. And nuclear is out of the question! I am perplexed that it is being considered here in discussion and even moreso that the Pentagon is going over plans and "rumors of war" with China.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.2.20  Bob Nelson  replied to  CB @5.2.19    4 years ago


In addition, China has direction. Its economy is capitalist, but its priorities are determined by the Party. If the Party decides for long-term investment in such-and-such a sector, it happens. 

America's corporations are oriented toward rapid dividends (and bigger pay packages for Top Management). With no regard for national well-being.

So America's already-rich are constantly getting ever richer... and China is taking over the world.

It's a simple question of "who calls the shots, and why?". 

Professor Expert
5.2.21  CB  replied to  Bob Nelson @5.2.20    4 years ago

And XI is the Director in China (to my understanding). He says, "Go!" — people go. He say, "Come!" — people come.

All the while, our congress, the people's representatives, cling to their petty biases, digging their heels and spurs into the hard dirt of political D.C.. Mitch McConnell's goal in life is to 'own Chuck Shumer' and Kevin McCarthy's mission to 'own Nancy Pelosi'!

Gross wastes of time and energy. These 'freaks' can not 'own China'!  No way!

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
5.2.22  Bob Nelson  replied to  CB @5.2.21    4 years ago

The problem with China is that it doesn't respect human rights. Hong Kong and all that.

Of course, a Republican America wouldn't either... 

Professor Principal
7  Kavika     4 years ago

Some of those on the right seem to think that death threats to election officials/workers are a patriotic thing to do. Of course, many of these ''patriots'' think that the insurrection was the correct thing as well.

Professor Principal
7.2  Hallux  replied to  Kavika @7    4 years ago

A patriot is someone who is elevated by the history of the winning side and especially so if he/she lost. America has Custer, and Quebec has Dollard des Ormeaux. 

Professor Principal
7.2.1  Kavika   replied to  Hallux @7.2    4 years ago
Dollard des Ormeaux. 

Petite guerre gone wrong.

Professor Principal
8  Hallux    4 years ago

Words are like Cicadas, they become activated and procreate before they die each hoping to be the generation that produces a frenzied swarm.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
9  Bob Nelson    4 years ago

The irony is superb. They menace election officials... in order to ensure honest elections. 

Professor Guide
10  Veronica    4 years ago

Fucking ridiculous.

Duck Hawk
Freshman Silent
11  Duck Hawk    4 years ago

Isn't it nice to see that law enforcement is not taking these treats seriously. They will beat the shit out of black man for nothing but when a white person makes a threat it's no big deal. Perhaps if someone (i.e. LE) were to take action against these threats people would not feel that it's and appropriate way to handle things. On the other hand someone is going to take this too far and wind up dead, maybe then LE will take some action. I guess it's just a matter of body counts until people are fed up with folks making political threats and violence.

Professor Principal
11.1  seeder  Ender  replied to  Duck Hawk @11    4 years ago

I read we have already had more mass shooting deaths this year than the whole of last year.

It seems that we have become numb and just turn a blind eye.

Professor Principal
11.1.2  seeder  Ender  replied to    4 years ago

And with the republicans making complete open carry...

Yeah, that's the ticket....

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
11.1.3  Bob Nelson  replied to  Ender @11.1    4 years ago
we have become numb

We have become convinced that nothing can be done to stop the slaughter. We see no reason to beat our heads against the wall - that won't make the slaughter any less. 

Professor Quiet
11.1.4  cjcold  replied to  Bob Nelson @11.1.3    4 years ago

Too many guns in the hands of too many crazy right wing fascists who think that everything can be solved with propaganda, lies and threats of second amendment options.

Bob Nelson
Professor Guide
11.1.5  Bob Nelson  replied to  cjcold @11.1.4    4 years ago
threats of second amendment options

I wonder when that dam will break. 

Professor Principal
11.1.6  devangelical  replied to  cjcold @11.1.4    4 years ago

it's all about the math to me. (- x - = +) AFAIC there's 40+ million unamerican domestic terrorists walking around with a gallon of ceiling and wall texture or fertilizer stored on top of their necks.


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