Floods blow gates off Trump’s border wall
By: Andrew Buncombe (The Independent)

Floods blow gates off Trump's border wall
Donald Trump 's ill-fated border wall between the US and Mexico is already failing at its sole task - being a wall.
Flooding caused by monsoons in Arizona has broken the floodgates on portions of the wall, separating metal panels from their hinges and leaving huge openings in the barrier.
Gizmodo reports that the damaged section of the wall is located near San Bernardino Ranch, just east of Douglas and just northeast of the Mexican town of Agua Prieta.
While most of the southwest is desperate for water, portions of southern Arizona have experienced record-setting rainfalls. Rainfall in nearby Douglas has doubled the average monsoon season rainfall.
The rains have also brought flooding.
Gizmodo reports that six gates were knocked off their hinges, and others were damaged by the floodwaters.
The crumbling wall comes as little surprise to those familiar with the region's climate and geology.
Because Mr Trump's wall was a passion project and a foundational promise of his campaign, the former president rushed to start its construction.
"Nobody builds walls better than me, believe me," Mr Trump said in 2015. "And I'll build them very inexpensively."
The former president may have exaggerated his wall building expertise by just a bit. Had Mr Trump not sidelined environmental laws to commence construction, he likely would have learned that Arizona's monsoon season would uproot his wall.
Myles Traphagen of the Wildlands Network said that he believed that the companies that who worked on the wall were more concerned with finish the project than they were its long-term viability. He said that he could understand other projects - like dams - having a net benefit to society even if they did damage to the environment, but did not feel the same about the border wall.
According to Mr Traphagen, the "border wall is a complete suck of money. We don't benefit by any of that."
Since Mr Trump left office, Joe Biden has put a halt on building the wall. However, the already built section - 452 miles of wall - has resulted in extensive damaged to the borderlands ecosystem.
Photos taken by Wildlands Network's trail cameras reportedly shoe javelinas and jaguars stuck pacing along the wall because they cannot find a way around.

This was supposed to be a video. This is the best I can find
This would make for an awesome campaign ad for his opponents if he were to run again, lol.
As if he personally built it. It was bad planning on the contractor's part.
Maybe they should go after Mexico, they paid for it right ?
I think Mr.Trump disagrees, lol.
Then can we say that Biden is not responsible for Afghanistan as he was not part of the logistics?
I mean after all, he did not personally go to the country and evacuate people...
This is what he said during his first campaign:
"I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I'll build them very inexpensively," Trump said. "I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I'll have Mexico pay for that wall."
This is what a gust of wind did in 2019:
He is responsible for this nightmare. And make no mistake, he is 100% responsible.
Well, but...
That's different.
I live in Douglas, AZ about 5 miles from where these photos were taken. This section of the wall was left unfinished courtesy of President Biden when he put a complete halt on any further construction. If that section had been allowed to be finished this would not have happened. Funny how the article fails to mention that.
those hinges were made in china! this is a multinational conspiracy against the USA!!!
What in the world to they think will happen when you put shit like that on a riverbank...
Shouldn't a steel wall hold up to that? Shoddy construction
What gets me in all of this is what it could do to wildlife. They are basically cutting of access to the river.
Why does it look like they tried to prop it up with seaweed...
I will bet dimes to donuts that a lot of the funding went into Trump's pockets.
I think those are wet tumbleweeds
Ah, I have never seen a waterlogged tumbleweed.
You could use the strongest materials available but if it's not secured into the ground with caissons or similar it will fail.
Did you read this..........................
"Floods Blow Gates Off Trump's Border Wall"
I am sure that seaweed was imbedded in the flood waters. Which, by the way are quite powerful. Shouldn't have done that possibly but according to what I copied/pasted above, This was gates. It wasn't solid wall embedded deep into the river bed. And probably gates to be opened occasionally for your wildlife concern.
And they should have been opened during the flood. If there was that much water and pressure, I don't think anyone would have been able to cross in an inner tube. JMHO
And as said, it was GATE sections. So no there would not have been anything holding the bottom.
That's wet tumble weed, lol.
Yes. So the question is-- why would Trump a wall which had sections where nothing was holding the bottom, and Mexicans (or otherss) could easilty get past?
I just read an article about it. So basically the 'wall' was built with gates that they keep open for portions of the year...
Not exactly what some had in mind...
If they keep the gates open for part of the year...then why the hell are they bitching about the immigrants poring over the border. Somebody left the gate open!
Bottom line, it's an abysmal failure. No surprise there.
You "Humble Opinion" is correct-- the wall was flawed-- very stupidly designed.
An you all blame Trump. He is by NO means a design engineer NOR was there a button to push to open the gates. Piss poor management and he isn't in charge any more is he.
Didn't he say he builds the best of everything...
He touted that he is the best builder, he will build the best walls...
Now it is wrong to say donald has any blame?
And Mexico will pay for it.
That kind of defeats the purpose of a wall.
Depends on the volume of water projected to run through it during that time. If it's kept open just because of the threat of flash flooding, yeah poor design.
A wall is only as long as people are kept in or out. An opening will negate the function of the wall.
You're damn skippy it did.
It's like you've never even heard the man speak! He has spent years telling us he's the best at everything, and that includes building this stupidpieceofshit wall!
He's smarter than the doctors.
He's smarter than the scientists.
He's smarter than college professors.
He knows the best people.
He picks the best people.
...and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on...
Yeah whenever they open those gates everyone just leaves and they don't watch them, shoot they're probably not watching the damaged gates right now. If no one is guarding the openings while their sitting there damaged and open, is it Trump's fault or Biden's?
Biden's. The "buck" is back to stopping at that desk in the Oval Office.
So you don't think the terrain should have any factor in design? A wall should be a wall?
Do you want to keep people out?
CBP is responsible for border security
The only thing picked for his best people are jurors.
Trumpy's wall comes falling down, falling down, falling down
Trumpy's wall comes falling down, in the river....
Excellent article-- glad to see someone finally seeded it!
LOL! It's not really an article! It's a photo which was supposed to be a video. But thanks
Now it's fixed!
I thought I deleted this seed! LOL!
“If the point of the wall is to keep people out, with all these doors open it’s not going to do that,” Jordahl told an Arizona TV news station in late July .
I think its obvious. The actual purpose of the wall was not to stop Mexicans (or anyone else) from getting in to the U.S.
Rather, it was an old political ruse: First create a problem (an imaginary one) and tell your supporters about it (In this case supposedly that there is a YUGE number of drug dealers and sex-slavers constantly entering from Mexico)
And then come up with a "solution" ("I'm gonna stop it by building a wall").
If it was, t here are ways to build "foolproof" walls and barriers. ... if that was your real goal.
But Trump's wall was just for show-- otherwise it wouldn't have been so easy to breach: not only by those doors...but its been overcome by the use of $5 ladders!!!
People are climbing over Trump’s $15 billion border wall with $5 ladders
Its obvious Trump wanted it just as propaganda for his "base", not really as an effective way to stop people!
A wall that couldn't stand up to water? And that evil Seaweed-- Oh the evil seaweed that's so common in the middle of the Arizona desert!
But wait-- there's more!
Not only is the wall vulnerable from Attack By the Insidious Desert Seaweed...and also by $5 ladders.
There are other easy ways to defeat the purpose of Trump's extremely shoddy Wall!
Migrants, smugglers cutting through new Arizona border wall
The only good news, if any-- Mexico has gladly pay for the entire Wall-- even gladly voluntarily paying for any cost over-runs!
No worries Mexico paid for the wall, it was built with Chinese steel using illegal Eastern European labor, a win win win all the way around.
There are no flash floods it’s the desert for goodness sake, I’m sure that it was the “deep state” that sabotaged the wall and they used space lasers.
Obviously a far left Socialistic Communist like Joe Biden!
(Maybe the MAGA-cultists now want to "Play the Hillary Card" yet again?)
Exceedingly dry desert environments are ideal conditions for flash flooding. Desert sand fails to soak up rainwater quickly. Consequently, and without warning, heavy rains in these arid parts can lead to flash flooding.
That was sarcasm on my part.
My bad. Sometimes I don't recognize sarcasm.
Señor, I don’t know what happened - one minute I’m having a siesta, the next minute I’m floating through this gate and I’m in America!