I Sell Luxury 'Doomsday Bunkers' and Business Is Booming Under Biden
By: Business Insider

the entire GOP faithful is a target rich environment of the gullible for scammers. ... grifter heaven

The bunker business is hotter than ever this year. Day and night, my phone is ringing off the hook from people across the country looking to buy a bunker.
Before starting my bunker business in 2011, I worked building custom iron doors for 30 years. Now, I don't even know all of my customers' full names or where their bunkers will be located because we ship to a local third-party.
It's all pretty discreet, because people don't necessarily want to announce they're buying a bunker or its whereabouts. Customers don't finance their bunkers either — they're plunking down cash upfront and in full via wire transfer.
In the second week of August, we made over $1.7 million in sales in one week.
The kitchen of a bunker featuring a stainless sink, microwave, fridge, and dining area. Ron Hubbard/Atlas Survival Shelters
Our bunkers on offer range from 100 square feet in size for around $50,000, to over 10,000 square feet for close to $5,000,000. People are snapping up everything we have, from in-stock standard models to custom-built designs.
I credit the increase in sales to the reality that people are scared of what's happening in the world right now. Many are buying a bunker to be somewhere safe to hide regardless of what the future holds, as a survival Plan B.
The lion's share of our business comes to us via our YouTube Channel, which has close to 350,000 subscribers and is typically how people first learn about us.
Our customers tend to be pro-Trump, pro-gun, educated, upper-class Christians.
The entrance and outside of a custom bunker being constructed. Ron Hubbard/Atlas Survival Shelters
These clients often bring up their political views when talking about why they want to buy a bunker. They'd rather build a shelter they may never need than risk not having one should the need ever arise. Everyone from CEOs to billionaires to celebrities are buying our bunkers.
In my experience, you know who doesn't buy bunkers? Democrats — at least they don't buy Doomsday Bunkers. They might buy our tornado or fallout shelters or safe cellars to store wine but that's about it.
Since Biden took office, more and more customers have reached out wanting bunkers to prepare for a potential disaster. Every time Biden appears on the news, it prompts another Republican to call me up and say 'This country is going downhill. I need a bunker!' Our sales are up because Biden is unknowingly driving a bunker boom, and we're here for it.
The standard bunkers we build are always in stock and ready to be shipped from our Texas warehouse.
A standard size bunker. Rob Hubbard/Atlas Survival Shelters
They have military-grade nuclear, biological, and chemical air filtration systems, a mudroom and decontamination shower, air and gas-tight waterproof doors, and power sources. Beyond that, customers can outfit and design their place however they like, so it feels like a real home.
Custom jobs typically take two to three months, and larger projects that require poured in place concrete can take over six months to complete. We've designed lots of custom bunkers, many that are 2,000 to 3,000 square feet. The largest we've sold to date was a whopping 4,000 square feet.
Wine racks border a TV in the living room of an Atlas bunker. Ron Hubbard/Atlas Survival Shelters
For customers looking for a bit extra, we offer our Platinum Series, which begins at $300 per square foot, with 24 inches of under the floor storage and built-in water tanks. These bunkers have spacious master bedrooms with full baths and walk-in showers, as well as enough area for dining rooms, game rooms, and gun rooms. We also offer high-end upgrades such as stainless steel appliances, ceramic-tiled backsplashes, granite countertops, oak flooring, and sliding barn doors.
All of our platinum bunkers really pack a "wow" factor. I mean, who doesn't want to have a secret passageway to a secret escape tunnel that leads to a secret bunker?
These aren't your grandfather's bunkers we're building anymore.
Times have changed. If you're going to be hunkered down below ground for a while, it may as well be in style.
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the ultimate maga man cave...
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Too funny considering all of the excavations and the accompanying pictures of the excavations.
Hardly discreet.
an excavator to dig the hole, a semi to haul it in on, and a crane to unload it. none of the neighbors will get wise...
As I recall , there was a time during the Obama years when some outfit planned a Christian redoubt in, I believe either Utah or Idaho, which was to be a fortress like structure that would house x amount of people who were determined to protect themselves from the "Obama horde" , which was supposedly drug crazed inner city gangbangers who were going to be ordered by Obama to pillage and rape white Christians across the country. The saps, er I mean , patriotic Christian Americans were charged so much thousands to be part of this group and move their families into the redoubt.
I'm not sure what happened when the Obama horde failed to materialize.
Sell! Sell! Sell! Buy! Buy! Buy!
I remember it. 2012 in northern Idaho. The outfit was basically one guy named Winkler and the whole thing amounted to nothing. Basically, he spent the winter there on the property, which was at the 3,500 foot line, so, probably got snowbound and essentially froze is butt off. He harvested trees illegally and soon after, the property was auctioned off. He apparently knew Butler back when he was alive and still in that area. Some sort of disciple. However, he was Christian Identity, not a Christian in any recognizable sense of the word. Christian Identity didn't even come from Christianity but, some weird thing in England where the lost tribes of Israel ended up, supposedly. Even weirder, when adherents brought a form of it back to the states it somehow turns anti-Semitic. Go figure.
It's not only anti-semitic, it's also racist.
Yes, that's true. I sort of felt that was a given so I didn't mention it. Sorry.
As for the wiki reference, that's all true enough but to understand just how crazy the whole Christian Identity thing is it's helpful to look at how it began. Rather than including a quote, which would take up a lot of space, I'll put a link here to the Anti Defamation League's treatment of the subject. The relevant portion starts at "The Lost Tribes Found" header. It really is worth the read if you're at all interested. One should be able to see that Christian Identity isn't driven by Biblical ideas but, rather, racial beliefs.
For sale in South Dakota. Buy direct from the government and cut out the middleman.
Oh boy! Prairie mounds! See what hatred and bile personages can cause to happen to an otherwise successful society? Yes, we should all be alarmed just looking at a potential future!
Buried alive !
Are people living in those right now?
Well, can the "Buy Gold!" ads and commercials revenue incoming to FOX NEWS be far behind? Or, have those ads already begin on FN? Incidentally, do you ever, ever see democrats "selling and buying" for an impending apocalypse when republicans are in office? I can't recall that I have.
Yes, they are. There was a report on 60 minutes a few weeks ago about it.
Vivos xPoint The Worlds Largest Survival Bunker Complex | Vivos Survival Shelters and Bunkers (terravivos.com)
That's discrete.....
You know what really cracks me up about this? Somebody owns all that acreage or did and has either sold parcels or leases those parcels
Yeah, let's make it clear that when the 'hitting' starts: "Bunkerville" SD goes too.
All for one and one for All! Nobody gets saved; nobody gets "left behind" I say!
You have really got to love "big sky" and detest diversity to prefer life in a outdoor shelter.
Trump deadenders dig holes and crawl into them...
What’s the point? Eventually you have to open the door and try to live in an unlivable world, or stay inside and die of something only a hospital can fix.
I believe that it's when the hoards of ''those people'' that are not like them are their concern. It's the modern version of ''circle the wagons''...
That's because we will all become zombies...but the zombie hoards will starve because there won't be any brains to eat
Sounds like they are doing the hoards a favor. Yes, please isolate yourselves in box underground.
then most trumpsters aren't in any danger...
Exactly! We are the ones that are going to starve if we become zombies
Great game, BTW..
Why would Christians worry about the end of the world? Haven't they been looking forward to that for the last 2 millennia?
I would rather be one of the first ones to go in any kind of apocalypse. I don't want to hang around to see what happens in the aftermath
Why would Christians worry about the end of the world? Haven't they been looking forward to that for the last 2 millennia?
It’s evidence that most people only believe in god because of Pascal’s wager. They don’t really think it’s true, but what if it is … they just go through life faking a belief that an omnipotent, omnipresent god would surely see right through anyways. I feel like if there’s a god and I show up next to one of them for judgement, the god would tell me to come on in and tell the other to go to hell (literally). At least I wasn’t spending my life lying about what I believe in.
You'll have to go to Redding to get the answer.
I would rather go to Hell
It's incoherent. Because in addition, its the right-wing Evangelical types that 'swear' God puts them up to being an obstacle to a cooperative world of diversity and unity. So they lack the appropriate measure of love and humility that should endure and improve the world. Then, when the world they bring about if it occur comes, they flee to their bunkers to wait out the calamity/ites and if there is a God survive to reemerge "TRIUMPHANT" as God's chosen SURVIVORS!
All that is left from the horde and rif-raff are malnourished rag-tag bands that can be rounded-up, corralled, and "dispensed."
Now "real" love for your fellow kind can commence!
Making sense yet?
Yeah...it is becoming more clear. Which is why I want to go up in the first puff of smoke
Better yet, just make it clear to survivors that if we all can't survive none will! Consequently, they better get back to helping instead of hindering life in this country! ALL OR NOTHING!
It doubles as a bomb shelter for the less fortunate.
It could work but it needs a bit more hardening...like about 6 feet of dirt on the roof
Yeah, 'rusty shelter' is more like it after the first flash flood in the area! Death Trap! (It's more like a 'fair weather flat.')
It could be fixed up. I have ideas but I don't know if it would work. Like maybe instead of dirt, you could pour concrete all around it, but that might collapse the roof
It's a tin-can not designed for permanent 'habitating'! Compact it. Start with a new (construction) design project! That thing is for 'crack-heads' and your standard lay-abouts! No self-respecting survivalist would be seen within ten-feet of it!
ok.......I was just thinking aloud
I "heart" you, TG! (Smile.)
I have never understood people who want to "save" themselves from the end times when all they love will be gone. If my kids were gone I wouldn't want to go on. Who wants to live Mad Max?
My family laughs at me because I have no will to go on once it all falls apart. I think they are all kidding themselves if they think they can survive an apocalypse
All I would want is for us all to be together if it comes down to the end. My brother is a prepper - has shit stored in his basement and his wife & him practise living without modern conveniences for weeks at a time during the summer. I guess if it makes them happy. Me, I would rather go out with my coffee maker.
If rule number one of the apocalypse is cardio I'm done. I get winded thinking about taking out the trash. LOL! If I could wait it out in a bunker I might be okay, but then again who wants to sit in a hole for 2 years or more? I'd get bored after less than a week, want to go exploring, and then I'd be zombie food.
No coffee maker to me IS an apocalyptic event!
Frankly, I can see the value in living off the land and reinventing 'frontier living. For those who do it properly it is likely empowering.
'Frontier 'justice' is something else altogether, nevertheless.
Preferably, I would like to see a fully functional nation of communities thriving and exploring outer space—not nestled in pods resorting to fighting for its "daily bread."
I would very quickly become a "zombie artista" with suitable prosthetics even! Smear a little blood and gore in spots, growl, grrr, grimace, and shuffle accordingly. Fit right in on my 'rounds.'
Fake it, till you make it I say!
Oh, and lest I forget: The cray-cray 'effect.' I would let the zombies see Zombie-me boiling my 'fellow' zombies —even zombies got 'standards'! I would be zombie-infamous!
PREPPERS! They would like to think they are going on for the good of humanity. Although, truth being told, it would be their negative input to society which drove it to destruction!