Scott Yenor, Boise State University Professor, Calls for Women to Be Kept Out of Engineering and Law
By: Allison Quinn (The Daily Beast)

A political-science professor is under fire after declaring that "independent women" are a threat to society and should stick to "feminine goals."
A political-science professor at one of Idaho's top universities has sparked outrage after openly calling for women to be kept out of engineering, medical school, and law so that they can instead focus on "feminine goals" such as "homemaking and having children."
Boise State University Scott Yenor, who previously served on far-right Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin's task force investigating right-wing claims of "indoctrination" in schools, made the bizarre declaration during the National Conservatism Conference in Orlando in late October, theIdaho Statesmanreports.
After his comments went viral on social media this week, female students and female lawmakers alike in Idaho said they are utterly freaked out.
"He has power. He has power to issue a grade. It's disgusting. He needs to come into the current century, but it doesn't sound like he will," Boise State MBA student Emily Walton told the Statesman.
Yenor's comments at the Oct. 31 event went well beyond sexist stereotypes, with the professor suggesting a nation could only be "great" if men and women were kept apart in their respective spheres.
"Young men must be respectable and responsible to inspire young women to be secure with feminine goals of homemaking and having children," he told the crowd. "Every effort must be made not to recruit women into engineering, but rather to recruit and demand more of men who become engineers. Ditto for med school, and the law, and every trade," he said.
He also expressed nostalgia for the time when "women used to have many children when the odds of dying in childbirth were actually very high," apparently lamenting the availability of birth control.
Yenor has not yet commented publicly on the uproar over his comments, but after video of his speech went viral, he reshared it on Twitter and doubled down on his stance, writing that "our independent women are more medicated, meddlesome, and quarrelsome than women need to be."
"Without connections to eternity delivered through their family, such women gain their meaning through their seeming participation in the global project," he wrote.
While some students have called on the university to take action against the professor, a spokesperson for Boise State made clear in comments to the Statesman that Yenor will not face consequences.
"Boise State University understands that the open exchange of ideas, which is fundamental to education, can introduce uncomfortable and even offensive ideas," Mike Sharp told the newspaper. "However, the university cannot infringe upon the First Amendment rights of any members of our community, regardless of whether we, as individual leaders, agree or disagree with the message. No single faculty member defines what Boise State—or any public university—endorses or stands for."
State Sen. Melissa Wintrow, a Democrat, expressed alarm over Yenor's comments and concern at the possibility that he might discriminate against female students.
"You start to wonder, what is the goal here? If it's to set us back in time and disenfranchise women from as far as we've come, that's a problem," she said.

Ok. I guess not all universities are Liberal bastions...
Neither is this one...apparently.
Whew! Boy! Who does this sound like? I'm talking a prolific author and seeder right here at NT.
Is he nervous because more women are seeking the less "feminine" professions of engineering/law/medicine? A few of the female engineers I work with would like to have a Come to Jesus meeting with him.
If my only options as a woman were to be a "wife and mother" I doubt I would have done that. I'd probably become a librarian and hide myself in the stacks
I'd ask for 3 guesses as to who, but I only need one and it's not a guess.
Did that guy just drop in from the 13th Century?
You don't even have to go back that far. I think he just time traveled here from the 1950's
He just dropped in from the right wing conservative Christian alternate Universe.
He's your standard right wing Christian conservative that doesn't see misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia and xenophobia as bad things but as cherished religious beliefs that need to be protected and preserved.
The bane of our society.
the never ending quest to completely alienate voters from supporting a now fascist, sexist, and racist ideology.
I disagree with the professor
He is just pissed that he can't score with intelligent women. His best chance of getting laid would be to crawl up a hen's ass and hope it squats.
Now that is FUNNY!!!!!
I will be here all week. Be sure to tip your waitress.
I suggest all the women at Boise State avoid his political science classes
Either that, or make sure that his classes are filled with women. I would love to see him try to spout his line of reasoning with a roomful of ladies who would rather kick his silly behind.
Ahem <Assuming my most ladylike and prissy demeanor>
Fuck that guy sideways with a cactus.
All right!!!!!!!!!!! You go, Sandy!
What Sandy said.
Whelp, I doubt he has a job much longer. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have people actually tell me I cannot or should not do this or that because of my sex.
Seriously, what a fuck head.
I didnt see a wikipedia page for this guy, but there was this
The Claremont Institute has become a far right haven for extremists.
What the Hell Happened to the Claremont Institute? - The ...
Jul 13, 2021 · The institute’s new Center for the American Way of Life, which has opened an office just one block from the Capitol, takes as its purpose combating American multiculturalism. Claremont considers multiculturalism an “existential threat,” as Klingenstein puts it , …
In other words, this guy Yenor is a RWNJ
It seems that not all college profs are left-wing liberal commies. We have a dyed in the wool, RWNJ.
I think that one of the feminine goals should be a drop kick the chimook in the balls. GOOOOOOOOL.
A little connective information
this is a site named American Greatness
American Greatness › Next Generation Conservatism (
American Greatness is a website of the Claremont Institute's Center for the American Way of Life, the group for which the professor in the story works part time.
On the American Greatness website there is a section titled Winston 84.
Winston 84 gives links to social media feeds for various right wing personalities and web sites.
One of the links in Winston 84 is to AmRen, also known as American Rennaissance , a vile white racist website.
Oh by the way, we have members on this site who have used American Greatness as a source.
Ibram Kendi is not a racist . Jared Taylor of American Renaissance is.
Jared Taylor - Wikipedia
Samuel Jared Taylor (born September 15, 1951) is an American white supremacist and editor of American Renaissance