UPDATE 1-Zelenskiy asks Israel - why not send weapons to Ukraine?
By: Reuters (Yahoo)

Read full article March 20, 2022, 2:20 PM·2 min read
LVIV, Ukraine, March 20 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy chided Israel in an address to its parliament on Sunday, asking why it was not providing missile defences to his country or sanctioning Russia over its invasion.
Replying to Zelenskiy, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid was non-committal, saying in a statement that Israel, which has sent a field hospital and other humanitarian aid to Ukraine, would continue to assist its people "as much as we can".
A mediator in the Ukraine-Russia crisis, Israel has condemned the Russian invasion. But it has been wary of straining relations with Moscow, a powerbroker in neighbouring Syria where Israeli forces frequently attack pro-Iranian militia.
"Everybody knows that your missile defence systems are the best … and that you can definitely help our people, save the lives of Ukrainians, of Ukrainian Jews," Zelenskiy, who is Jewish himself, told the Knesset in a video call.
"We can ask why we can't receive weapons from you, why Israel has not imposed powerful sanctions on Russia or is not putting pressure on Russian business," he said in the address, one of several he has made to foreign legislatures.
He mentioned Israel's Iron Dome system, often used to intercept rockets fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza.
"Either way, the choice is yours to make, brothers and sisters, and you must then live with your answer, the people of Israel," Zelenskiy said.
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin two weeks ago in Moscow and has spoken frequently with him and Zelenskiy, since then, was among the more than 100 of the parliament's 120 members who took part in the video call.
He made no immediate comment after the Ukrainian leader spoke.
In his address, Zelenskiy drew a comparison between the Russian offensive and Nazi Germany's plan to exterminate European Jewry during World War Two.
Story continues
"Listen to what is being said now in Moscow, listen to how they are saying those words again: the final solution. But this time in relation to us, to the Ukrainian question," he said.
Zelenskiy cited no evidence in making that allegation or identify who might have used the term. Putin has used an expression which means "final decision/final resolution" once in the past 30 days, according to Reuters monitoring of his remarks, but not in a context that carried the same resonance or meaning as the Nazi terminology.
Zelenskiy's reference drew condemnation from Yad Vashem, Israel's memorial in Jerusalem to the six million Jews killed by Nazi Germany in World War Two. It said such "irresponsible statements" trivialised the historical facts of the Holocaust.
(Reporting by Pavel Polityuk and Max Hunder Writing by Matthias Williams and Ari Rabinovitch; Editing by Alexander Smith, Jeffrey Heller and Frances Kerry)

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I would like to see an answer to that question by Zelensky
Zelensky lost most of his family in the Holocaust. I don't see it as making an irresponsible statement.
There is your explanation.
That may be part of the answer JR. I think that the agreement they have with Russia on Syria and their ability to attack Iran and Hezbollah in Syria with Russia looking the other way has a lot to do with it.
When Israel has a right wing government everything comes down to advancing Israel's interests over all else.
Some of the articles that I've read is that the citizens do not agree with many of the decisions made by the government. Some of the decisions made by the government were changed because of the outcry of the citizens.
Is there a government in the world, right wing or left wing, including that of the USA, that would not be deemed irresponsible if they did otherwise?
And ironically, that was also true when they had a left wing government as well.
(For some reason the Israelis have always been a bit paranoid-- even fearing that many Arab countries want to exterminate them).
Although there's really no good reason to feel that way. (?sarc0
Map-- Israel and the Muslim world. (Israel and their vast occupied territories shown in red)
Yes-- that's one of the problems with democracies!
(Fortunately most of the Arab world doesn't have those sorts of problems
When the Jews finally regained part of their ancient homeland (creation of the modern state of Israel 1948), their government was very left wing. Socialists, even some Democratic Communists . (hence the Kibbutz movement).
In fact, it may surprise people here to know that the Communist USSR (under Stalin!!!) voted for creation of Israel! Why? Because Israel was such a strongly Socialist country at the time Stalin's USSR assumed Israel would joint the Soviet supporting block countries!
Currently, Israel is bordered by 4 Arab countries. Syria currently is a Russian puppet government-- Putin is a strong supporter of the barbaric Syria government of Assad. In fact, its an urgent priority of Putin's to keep Assad in power by any means necessary!!!
Assad's government survives because of the large Russian military presence in Syria, as well as support of the extremely violent terrorist group Hezb'Allah ("The party of Allah")-- who are committed to creating a judenfrei israel.
So what does this all have to do with Russia-- and the Ukraine?
Well, contrary to the views of so many on Social media, countries act in their self interest (or perhaps more accurately their perceived self-interest). And this is true whether their gov't is leftist, centrist, or right wing.
So what is the Russian's perceived self interest in Syria? Well, they could care less about the Arab-Israeli conflict. The reason they have such a powerful military presence in Syria has nothing to do with Israel-- rather, they perceive Russian control specifically of Syria to be crucial.
Israel, OTOH, has it own interests-- namely, keep the terror group Hizb'Allah in Syria contained. Its mainly been fairly successful...
While Israel is no fan of Putin, they know if they go out of their way to aggravate him, ...well, Israel is no match for Russian forces in Syria. And that would lead to horrendous casualties for tiny Israel.
Hard for it to support a government that is OK with fascists and Nazis.
It doesn't matter what Zelensky is. Ukrainian government tolerates the existence of fascist and Nazi militaristic groups; has taken the largest of them and rolled them into it's military; and allows them as political parties. Zelensky did absolutely nothing to curtail or fight against their growing presence in Ukraine; because the fascist/Nazi militias are good at fighting Russians.
Think Ukraine will turn on those two undesirable elements after the war with Russia is over? Or will their power continue to grow and their ranks swell?
Yet the United States tolerates Nazis and fascists...
It is called freedom. Something Russian don't know.
Not sure where that crap came from.
In the world of reality, if one tolerates Nazis and fascists, one supports them.
We tolerate a lot of vile opinions in the USA.
Your opinion, for instance, isn't mainstream!
Yet here you are expressing yourself freely...
That's hilarious.
You and your constantly attack ANY conservative opinions...simply because you don't like them.
I can assure you my opinion is mainstream
Very few people think like a loon leftist.
It seems that the extent of your ability to debate is ''loon leftist'' you could add TDS and give yourself a greater audience, perhaps as many as 5 or 6.
If you want to debate a comment you could, if possible, use your head and facts it would certainly help your image.
A couple of things, first is that the Azov regiment is less than 1,000 people what % do you think that is of the Ukraine army, the Territorial Defense units, and other volunteers?
It would seem that the US has a much greater number of white supremacists than Ukraine. So in your view, it would seem that Israel should not be supporting the US.
Morning...and no different to here as well..we have got them running around...
Funny thing is they attended some of the anti vac rallies and guess what they got.. covid...
Right. The US military tolerates openly fascist and Nazi elements. Think any officer could get away with wearing a Nazi patch on their uniform?
The US government not only tolerates the presence of fascists and Nazis; but creates laws to appease them. They also turn a blind eye to their harassment of the Roma; Jews, and anyone other ethnicity that doesn't fit their criteria.
Maybe only in the far left's dystopian view of the world.
By the way, we support Israel and not the other way around.
Until recently no other country in the world received as much yearly aid from the US as Israel. Afghanistan and Iraq claimed that title.
How many Roma in the U.S. have been prosecuted?
(Do you actually think that is a major problem in the U>S>? I could be wrong, but that seems like an attempted derail to me).
Back in the US Back in the US Back in the USSR!
The US tolerates the Nazi party, national socialize party, and numerous white nationalists AKA Nazi's. Our laws allow them to exist. Surely you know that.
Here is the current state of Anti Semitism in the US...Educate yourself.
Go waste someone else's time with your BS.
pfft, the GOP has the same problem here in america...
yes-- as far as I know, to cite one well-known example-- IIRC David Duke is still running around free... and continuing to spew his hatred:
Ex-KKK leader David Duke takes credit for Donald Trump and Tucker Carlson
As does the U.S.
(Although I'm sure someone as intelligent as yourself would hardly want to characterize the U.S. as a "pro-Nazi country").
Kind of gut wrenching to watch people in Mariupol digging mass graves between their burned out
apartment buildings and the Russians keep shelling.
While we sit here watching on TV or the internet.
Chamberlain appeased Hitler, others appeased Stalin,
When is time to stop this?
Ilyan inspired Putin already has ministers threatening Bosnia and NATO and our astronauts.
When will we learn?
Russia demanded that Mariupol surrender. The Mayor or Mariupol said we will not lay down our arms. The time frame given by the Russians ends at 10PM ET in about 5 minutes from now.
What gets me is putin started out saying things like the country was Russian people, their brothers, etc, yet he has no qualms massacring them.
90% of the buildings in Mariupol have already been damaged or destroyed by the Russians. If the Russians intend to follow through on their threats against the city, the only target left is the civilian population.
This has become a war of extinction perpetrated by a vile, murderous, fascist dictator.
I saw where they destroyed an old theatre. I don't remember where it was but it sounded like they were deliberately just destroying things.
I think the theater you are referring to is in Mariupol.
The Russians are deliberately destroying things. That's how they conduct war.
I should probably have said "deliberately targeting civilians and non-military locations". All war involves destruction of things.
IIRC, the reason it was targeted was because a large number of Ukrainian civilians were taking shelter there.
Putins attacks aren't random-- he is deliberately targeting civilians.
The American people and freedom loving people everywhere, need to learn NOW.
Putin's inspiration, Ivan Ilyin, was an avowed fascist. The war Putin is engaged in now was long-planned. Putin considers it just another battle in his war against western democratic values.
The former President of the United States, who is the leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, is allied with the fasciat murderer he calls a "genius". The language Trump uses, such as "fake news", was adopted directly from Putin. It is the same propaganda.
We had better get very serious.
An excellent source to understand Putin is the book by Prof. Timothy Snyder of Yale, "The Road to Unfreedom". I have been recommending it to everyone I know for the past 2 1/2 years. I know that SP is reading it now. It is ESSENTIAL reading.
Roger Stone sides with Putin and Russia.
He's best buds with Alex Jones. 'Nuff said.
Of course Stone supports Putin. No surprise at all. He's a Putin acolyte.
I bet he calls himself a "patriot"
With many here, if you don't do what America does or says, or you don't fall in lockstep with America, you are the enemy. America's UN Ambassador actually implied that when around 47 nations abstained in the UN vote. Isn't that some kind of Fascism, but on an international rather than national level?
But, Biden won't send weapons to Ukraine - for many who support Biden it makes sense not to start a world war. Then why do those same Biden supporters criticize Israel for not sending weapons to Ukraine? I sense that there is some kind of hypocrisy here. As well there are some who are critical of China for not taking sides in this conflict, struggling to maintain neutrality, especially after having been pushed by America and its recruited allies into strengthening its ties with Russia.
When Russia attacked and invaded a sovereign country that posed no threat to them it's time for the world to speak out, it's that simple.
I don't know where you're getting your information but Biden and the US have sent hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons to Ukraine as have a number of other countries including Canada. I sense that you should get better information before hollering ''hypocrisy''.
China wants to be recognized as a world leader. Leaders don't sit on their ass and straddle the line. How in the hell did the US or our allies force China to strengthen its ties with Russia. They have done that all on their own and for quite some time.
China and Russia have an alliance of convenience because as dictators they have a common interest in opposing the world's democracies. It's that simple. Absolutely nothing the U.S. has done has "pushed" two dictatorial regimes into an alliance.
Language, GG, Language. Why would China OPPOSE democracies when the USA and the EU are its best customers. I'm sure China would be very happy to see the citizens of those nations to be happy and successful and do lots of consuming. I don't see China, or Russia for that matter, doing whatever it can to "contain" and prevent the democracies from progressing (why would they bother, they're doing a good enough job of that to themselves), but somehow I get the feeling that the "democracies" are trying their best to contain and pressure China and prevent it from progressing. Am I wrong, and if so please educate me.
Evening... completely off topic....any news of survivors from the plane crash over there??
No news yet. China Eastern Airline - 132 on board including 9 crew. It was a bit of a shock to me, because China has a pretty good safety record and in my 15 1/2 years here I've never heard of a plane crash of a Chinese airline. But that makes me think of a movie - you'll appreciate this - Dustin Hoffman is autistic in the movie The Rain Man and he refuses to fly, and says that the only airline that has never had a crash is Quantas. (Don't know if it's true that Quantas has a perfect record).
Sad update. Apparently the plane, which was a Boeing 737-800NG that was less than 7 years old crashed in a forest in Guanxi Region, in a forest in an area where the Zhuang ethnic minority live which I once visited a number of years ago. A local person said the plane had disintegrated and he saw no human remains.
If you don't see it it's because you don't want to see it, Buzz. Russia has destroyed and killed hundreds of thousands in Chechyna, Syria, Georgia, Ukraine for starters and of late has threatened many other democratic countries. Of course, perfect China still has the Tibet thing hanging over its head and the constant threats at Taiwan, but they are bastions for democracy aren't they.
and weekly, if not daily issues with India,
they just threatened Bosnia with he same treatment as the Ukraine, even though Bosnia is surrounded by NATO members.
Why have you dragged China into this? You must have known it would not go well.
There are good reasons why China abstained and is maintaining neutrality, along with other nations that together represent a super-majority of humankind on this planet. China has a beneficial relationship with Russia, has common interests, shares a mutual border, while at the same time relies on Ukraine for a lot of its wheat and as an important link for its Belt and Road Initiative to Europe. It would be STUPID for China to take sides no matter how much America tries to push them into it. Instead, America DOES have the means to force Israel into taking sides - let's see if that happens.
You're right. I must have been confused by the fact that Biden was not going to send troops to Ukraine or close the sky over Ukraine because it could escalate the conflict into WW3.
IMO there are many who already recognize China to be A world leader, and note that I did not say "THE world leader".
China has already sent some humanitarian aid to Ukraine and has indicated that it will be sending a lot more. As well, REAL "world leaders" do what is best for the people in their own countries, and I've already explained the reason China will not take sides.
I didn't say "force" I said "pushed" and I have related how already about 3 or 4 times on NT articles but here we go again.
America has made accusations of Chinese INTENT to spread Covid-19 around the world. America has interfered in the domestic affairs of China, supporting the Hong Kong rioters and making accusations about the Uyghurs without actual proof of genocide, and of discrimination against Muslims and ethnic groups, and of creating and maintaining unfair trade tariffs that even cause unnecessary expense to its own citizens, of causing the closing of the Chinese Houston consulate accusing it of complicity in spying, then contrary to International Protocols breaking into the consulate and STILL not able to come up with proof of the accusation. America created groups of allies with the intent and purpose of containing China, of suppressing it from progressing, such as QUAD and promoting the containment of China among other nations as VP Kamela Harris did during her trip in Asia. America has nuclearized the Asia-Pacific around China with its sale of Nuclear subs to Australia, and continually provokes China by sailing warships through the narrow passage between China and Taiwan. America even did the childish unsportsmanlike political boycott of the Olympics in China (followed by its poodles) notwithstanding that such politicizing of the Olympics is contrary to the spirit of the Olympics, the one event where all of humanity can share and be part of one world. The American media continually demonizes China with every opportunity that happens, and never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity to do so, and you wonder why China has recently been strengthening its ties with Russia. I'm sure there is a lot more that can be said but it's time for lunch and I've said enough.
Here is a list of those that voted against sanctions or abstained or didn't vote at all. A real list of democratic countries. /s
China can forget about its belt and road rail program through Eurasia into Europe.
As for Israel, the US doesn't have to do anything, Zelensky said it best and Israel hasn't given an answer.
China does what is best for its leaders for christ's sake.
As for your last paragraph, I won't waste my time addressing each point you tried to make. If you don't think that China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs you've really bought into the Chinese BS.
The Uyghurs are all lying every last one of them including the kids...
If you meant that to be a reply to me, I can't open the two links you posted so they don't convince me of anything. I would like to see the OPINION why China can forget about its BRI. As for your last comment, since America and its poodles have been doing whatever they can to contain China and to pressure other nations to do so as well (and are you going to deny that?) maybe what it has to say about the Uyghurs is BS as well - I don't know the truth, but you pin beliefs on me that I never said. What I related is what America is doing, not what I BELIEVE about what China has been doing. All I ever did was relate what China's side of the story is or what other talking heads had said, i.e. the OTHER side of the story, BUT NEVER DID I SAY I BELIEVED IT, OR THAT IT WAS MY SIDE OF THE STORY.
I don't know why you can't open them, perhaps the great democracy of China is blocking them.
Not going to deny it at all. Happy that we are doing it. As for ''America and its poodles'', LOL you're sounding more Chinese by the day. So that makes Canada a poodle as well as numerous countries in Asia and Europe as well..
You have defended what China is doing to the Uyghurs on many occasions. If you really don't know what China is doing why bother to comment on it?
You can have the last word, I'm done responding to your nonsense.
Morning Buzz ..
You do realise that when the Chinese snake head keeps referring to us as poodles he looks like a fool ..
Poodles are the most intelligent of all the dog breeds.. someone should tell him..
So while the snake head thinks he is throwing insults, it is actually a compliment..
Not quite sure where the Pekingese fit in...
What Does Poodle Mean In Text? [2022] - The Dog Visitor
Never met a passive poodle yet .
But have run into heaps of snakes ..
Sadly four US Marines were killed in a training accident in Norway.
RIP Marines.
He mentioned Israel's Iron Dome system, often used to intercept rockets fired by Palestinian militants in Gaza.
Which raises the question-- why hasn't Biden sent Iron Dome to help Ukraine -- the way Obama did to assist Israel when under attack?
The White House
President Barack Obama
Ensuring Israel's Qualitative Military Edge
. . . that is why last year, the President asked Congress to authorize $205 million to support the production of an Israeli-developed short range rocket defense system called Iron Dome.
Iron Dome is part of a comprehensive layered defense against the threat of short range rockets fired at the Israeli population.
Our funding enables Israel to expand and accelerate Iron Dome production and deployment and improve its multi-tiered defense against short-range rockets. This system is proving its worth. Having deployed several Iron Dome units to protect areas in southern Israel, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak noted that Iron Dome was showing “exceptional” results.
Helping to make Israel's population more secure from the short range rocket and missile threat its border towns face is not only the right thing to do, but it is the type of strategic step that is good for Israel’s security and for the United States’ interests in the region.
Our support for Iron Dome and similar efforts help provide Israel with the capabilities and the confidence that it needs to take the tough decisions ahead for a comprehensive peace.
Actually, I had also been wondering why Biden hasn't sent the Iron Dome system to Ukraine.
But perhaps the answer is quite simple-- Iron Dome is extremely effective-- against short range reockets fired by the terrorist government of Palestinian ruled Gaza against civilian targets in israel.
But upon researching it, it seems that it would not be effective against the longer range type missiles Russia has been firing against civilian targets in Ukraine.
So it would be pointless for Biden to send iron Dome to Ukraine.
(And Israel can't send them anyway-- they have only a few which they need to keep to protect their civilians from terrorist rocket attacks from Palestinian ruled "Hamastan" (AKA the Gaza Strip).
I was going to say it's not what Ukraine needs (iron dome) but you've already found that out.
The question remains why is Israel reacting to the Russian attack on Ukraine the way they are?
Freedom of the skies over Syria?
You mean why are they trying to remain neutral? Israel does not want to take sides because it would be detrimental for Israel to do so, just as it would be detrimental for China to take sides, and it appears neither intend to do so no matter how hard America is trying to get them involved. Although there is no way I can think of that America will be able to force and drag China into it America CAN force Israel to do so because Israel relies on America for more than one benefit. I've noted that you agree that America should have the "exceptional" right to tell other nations what to do.
What if America decided to be neutral towards Israel ?
That's what I meant - withholding the military aid, UNSC vetoes and the intent to defend Israel are tools America can use to blackmail Israel into compliance with its wishes.
So in your mind Israel is justified in being "neutral" in some instance, but America is not.
Morning... wouldn't sell Israel short by any means...as we know they stand on their own two feet very well...
Most western countries do have similar interests and political policies so it is almost a given who we are going to support..
If the US with holds military aid I am sure Israel can go else where if required...and everyone knows that.
Actually it was just announced we are meant to be implementing some new military missile?? space project here..
Hope they don't call it the boomerang as we won't want it back..
What is in my mind? America can do and will do whatever it fucking well pleases - with 750 military bases spread around the world in 80 countries, who's going to argue with it?
LOL. Well they can call it the billabong (cry me a river?)
A billabong is the opposite it's a water hole has no running water in or out like a creek or river...
Tourists love them, so do crocs.
Okay, you just convinced me to read through this. (LINK) ->
Arvo Buzz...yep everyday language..
Sitting here killing myself laughing as I think nothing of it...then I have to stop and translate when I remember. A few others.
Cactus...means dead
Carked it...also means dead
Ute...is a pick up truck sort of...
We will probably cop it now for getting off track..but couldn't give a rabbits..(don't care).
The article has been up for 24 hours. I'll be closing it now.