10 people were killed in a shooting at a supermarket in Buffalo, N.Y. : NPR
By: NPR. org
Updated May 14, 20226:45 PM ET Originally published May 14, 20223:45 PM ET
A gunman wearing military-style clothing and body armor opened fire with a rifle at a supermarket in Buffalo, N.Y., killing 10 people in a shooting officials are investigating as a racially motivated hate crime. The alleged gunman has been taken into custody, law enforcement officials said.
A total of 13 people were shot at the Tops Friendly Market on Saturday afternoon, officials said at a press conference. Of the 13 victims, four were store employees, while the rest were customers. Two of the victims were white, said Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia; the rest were Black.
"It was straight up a racially motivated hate crime," said Erie County Sheriff John Garcia. "This was pure evil."
The supermarket is in a predominately Black neighborhood, about 3 miles north of downtown Buffalo. The surrounding area is primarily residential, with a Family Dollar store and fire station near the store.
Buffalo police have not publicly identified the suspect, but said he is an 18-year-old white male. He is not from the Buffalo area but is from another county in New York state.
The shooter live-streamed the incident on the platform Twitch, according to a spokeswoman for the company. Twitch did not say how many viewers the live-stream received, but the company says it is monitoring the platform for restreams of any parts of the graphic footage, which violates its rules against streaming violence.
Twitch has also indefinitely suspended the user from the service and is cooperating with law enforcement.
"We are devastated to hear about the shooting that took place this afternoon in Buffalo, New York. Our hearts go out to the community impacted by this tragedy," said Twitch spokeswoman Samantha Faught.
This is a breaking news story and will be updated.
I can't believe the type of mind that would live-stream such a thing. Sickening is right.
I'm not familiar with the name of the platform he used or the people that participate on it, but his 15 minutes of infamy came at too high a price.
To some it doesn't matter why their famous just that they're famous (or infamous)
Exactly, So many lives wasted and so many more altered forever.
It's 'next-level' video gaming expression: first person shooter (for the "extremists back home and in prison.")
I just got off the phone with my friend from buffalo that informed me the sister of a family acquaintance was one of the store employee victims.
I'm sorry for their loss.
on his behalf, thank you. he's known this person for more than 4 decades. it cast a pall over our usually very jovial monthly phone conversation. he's loading up his bike today to leave tomorrow and cycle thru canada for the summer just to "get away from people".
I can understand that.
This is what is so upsetting to me, killing ten people and wounding others all over a misperception that minorities want to 'overrun' white people. When all that is being asked for, okay-strongly requested is respect, decency, equality, and equity in proper proportions. But, some of these baby 'numb-nuts' have to get it twisted in their minds and go off making up stupid crap that gets innocent people laying on a coroner's table. Just for needing a day out on the town looking for something to eat.
And people want to 'low-ball' this. Many of us are considered old (or will be 'decrepit' soon) and we can't even enjoy a stroll to and through the grocery aisle without fear of some 'sprite' young maniac blowing our brains out (or the brains of our children, parents, elderly, or relatives) simply because we can't get out of the way fast enough. Not cool.
Who wants to do that?
You got that right.
"I can't believe the type of mind that would live-stream such a thing. Sickening is right."
I couldn't believe that when I heard it on the news this morning. They've had problems with this kid before, in high school. So much hate for 18 years old. Some kind of racial slur on the gun. Another white supremacist in training.
Never heard of it either. So much hate at such a young age. Look at the parents. This kid has a history.
That's terrible. My dad gave me a postcard years ago and it is so apt sometimes - it says 'other people ruin everything'
I'm just so saddened by this latest hateful attack on black folks. Just waiting to hear now how it's the fault of the victims, or Democrats/s
Another shooting, another day when lives are changed forever.
But the names and shattered families will sadly become anonymous and just a statistic once the next inevitable event occurs.
How long will we accept this before we have the courage to address it? It is a sickness, both for those that feel compelled to commit the act and those that somehow feel compelled to continually excuse it.
We all have been and continued to be inculcated in this! Because apparently we do not have the intellect to stop it. We've all become guilty of the innocents that die around the country in our stead. Because as the phrase goes, "But for the grace of God, there go I."
What do you think that we should do?
Not too sure I have heard anyone excusing such a vile act.
Once again a mass shooting in America.
Sadly this reminds me of the song by Los Lobos, ''One Night in America''.
At least he didn't kill himself as these cowards so often do. Now he can serve life without parole in gen pop where he will face prison justice.
I don't think life without parole is a severe enough punishment for mass shooters that are taken alive.
Maybe, but then Paula's suggestion isn't such a bad alternative.
State administered torture?
It is the only option as NY does not have the DP.
Heard while Pat hand-signals the commercial wood chipper to back up to the prison loading dock.
Morning. The news here always starts off.. there has been another mass shooting in the States...I hold my breath waiting for the numbers of lost souls...so many lives will never be the same again...🥀🥀🥀
Mourning as well, shona.
We need to follow your and your neighbors in NZ example…lives may have been spared and no lives have been drastically altered due to the new, common sense laws.
Arvo afray...no our regulations would never work in the States...
We have a very different mind set when it comes to guns and that is just the way we like it...
Once was enough for us but that is not to say it can't happen here again...for our sakes I certainly hope not... Port Arthur rocked and shocked this country to its core and shattered us completely...
You first need to amend the US Constitution.
Arvo drinker...and I am sure that would go off like a bucket of prawns (shrimps) in the sun over there..
U r correct. It will NOT happen here, as we as in US, are too above the rest of the world to be inconvenienced. And I own guns, enjoy shooting, and would not want to see gun rights vanish, but , some common sense Laws should and could be implemented, where as possibly both sides might be placated, but when you have the NRA ( who’s leaders are living lavishly) via blue collar member donations constantly stating one change, one modification, is the beginning of the end, and the only message they religiously send, it’s easy to see US never mending, cause not an inch are they gonna be bending, unless, it’s over
Yep you are literally dead right on that ig..I come from a hunting shooting family as well.
Duck season is on here at the moment and my brother goes out every weekend...
We are very well armed in this country and no not all guns are banned here as many think...and it is the same in NZ.
I hadn't heard this one before, a good and appropriate saying.
This one made the lead story on CGTN (China Global Television Network - the Chinese English language news channel) today, as well as one of the main stories in the China Daily. I think the Chinese people are totally astonished by the gun violence in America, especially the consistant mass shootings, probably since no ordinary people here have or even want a gun. The only people in China with guns are the military, special SWAT police (ordinary police do not carry guns), and bank money delivery van guards (bank guards do not have guns). I assume prison staff may have them.
It's too late. Guns have been just too important to Americans for too long, and now it's just too late to do anything meaningful about the continually increasing gun violence. You're damned to live with it.
Another day in America and his friends and family will say they had no idea he was a danger and was a nice quiet person
I wonder if the extremist pundits out there will say this is another false flag operation
“…pundits out there…”
Silent hereabouts…perhaps waiting upon the partisan narrative to be formed. Guaranteed to fall back on all the tired tropes that never come close to even admitting a significant problem exists.
Multiple significant problems. Hate, mental illness, ignored warning signs and an easy availability of guns.
For sure we will see the arguments that gun controls will not take guns away from the gangs, BUT HOW MANY OF THE MASS SHOOTINGS WERE BY GANG MEMBERS? ANSWER THAT!!!!
That might be a hard stat to come by and might depend on the definition of mass shootings.
Maybe or maybe we will learn of multiple warning signs.
Ignored as usual...
If we wish to change the outlook on guns, let liberals and people of color start championing guns in discussion and consistently open carrying. Conservatives will wish to alter the rules then I am pretty sure!
Gun dealers love you, CB.
Doubtful as Arizona has been an open carry state for as long as I've lived here (30+ years) and in 1994 allowed conceal carry if licensed which in 2010 was changed to allow concealed carry without a license. Arizona has consistently been on the edge of the most lenient laws in the nation and is also a conservative majority state which is not trying to roll back any gun laws.
In CT you can open carry (if you have a permit). In all the years I have lived here (35+) I have never seen anyone open carry. So your suggestion is to have a group of people open carry, probably causing others to feel the need to open carry. Does not sound like a great idea to me.
Might be time to add a second (and third) glock.
Maybe, but unfortunately if so they were all ignored
The Kimber Ultra Carry 1911 is an excellent choice for concealed carry/personal defense. If you need marksmanship assistance, add Crimson Trace Lasergrips.
Always one with a quick one-liner , I see. Dead and misery adores those who sit and spin while an eighteen year old is so disaffected that he deliberately straps a camera to his lame ass and goes after innocent people who do not have motivation or equipment to fire back. Then, he has the gall to say he is not guilty.
I chose this particularly portion of this article, because this security personnel did his job and stood up while that 18 year old 'punk' who should not have been there as he was- killed him for no proper reason . (Self-defense and 'in-line-of-duty,' notwithstanding.)
And, you have the gall to make a stupid try at a 'joke.' As for my comment, @ 7.2.2 sadly it is true power respects power, or more power in some cases.
I don't quite follow if your comment speaks to liberals, people of color, or women carrying guns in Arizona proportionately to their population size, Snuffy. Also, @7.2.2. is about widespread 'carry' across the country, not just Arizona. We could learn if young white boys and men (or any other racial makeup) would shoot boys, girls, women, men, young, and old - if they consider them "patriots" like themselves or fear they will be outgunned in an attempt to create a mass murder.
So? What does 'feel' like a good idea to you? See @7.2.9 too.
Well it only took a moment of thought and the few words only fill one line, but if your implication is that I was just being humorous, your wrong. Your recommendation would greatly increase guns sales which gun dealers of course would love.
Okay, . . . a "two-liner" breaks the mold. (Distraction aside,) @2.2. What do you think that we should do?
I don't have the quick, short, single solutions like you do. I wouldn't overstate the problem either. Mass shootings as compared to US shootings are still rare, accounting for maybe 1% of deaths from firearm violence. What can be done might include:
I never said "feel" so I will give you an idea about somethings maybe we can do. Let me preface by saying I hear what both sides say but I don't take either side as gospel:
Universal background checks. Maybe better definitions of who would not be qualified to get a gun.
Better communication between states with regards to guns
Make sure existing gun laws are upheld. That is the only way to determine their effectiveness and determine if new laws might make sense. Don't just scream "new laws" until this is determined.
Make prosecutors that let people out of jail or choose not to prosecute responsible for any gun violence the person they let out do. That might help making people realize shooting people is a bad thing.
Better treatment of mentally ill people
Fund the police task forces that are tasked with getting illegal guns off the street.
Give everyone a protection kit that includes a glock similar to the government program that supplies crack pipes. /s
Why does a 18 year old 'nobody' need a tactical gear and a AR 15 in a supermarket? There are no wild animals afoot on the aisles? Just basic people trying to find something to eat and wipe their noses and butts. Your 'solution' is to stall out congress. . . .
Well I've got a 'joke' of my own.
Credit: Netflix's Squid Game .
Buy and install in commercial spaces and set to destroy 'dumb knobbers' with hostile intentions.
7.2.2 may have implied widespread 'carry' across the country but I could only use Arizona as an example as I do not know how many other states allow open and conceal carry without a license or a permit. Arizona does allow anybody to open or conceal carry so long as they are of legal age and are not a felon who's gun rights have been restricted. It does not restrict based on sex or race or political leanings, it doesn't care about those aspects. Your comment in 7.2.2 implied that once liberals and people of color start to open carry then conservatives may wish to alter the rules and I replied that Arizona is a majority conservative state and even with EVERYBODY able to open and/or conceal carry, the conservatives in this state are not trying to change the rules.
The majority of conservatives applaud and appreciate responsible gun ownership. Most people do not fear responsible gun ownership in public. IMO your attempt to "broadbrush" this issue is more of a distraction than anything else.
You are conflating legal responsible gun ownership with yesterday's criminal activity. He did not wear tactical gear and carry a rifle into a supermarket because he needed to, he went in there to commit a crime that his fucked up racist mind said was the correct thing to do. Obviously he's fucked in the head and he is now fucked for the rest of his life, and I hope it's long and miserable.
It doesn't have to except for the simple problem that the people in Congress are not representing the people but only their partisan political parties. Like so many other issues the two parties don't want to solve the problem so that they can continue to use it as a cudgel to beat the other side and use it for fund raising and working up their base.
Why does an 18 year old 'nobody' need to kill 10 strangers in a supermarket? Answer that and get a big write up in Psychology Today.
You're a funny guy.
At the risk of being called both siderism, truer words were never spoken. This all or nothing attitude that both sides have adapted is the reason for getting nothing done. I think your observation is right on. I think the other reason is both sides seem to have adopted their way is the only way attitude and they need it all or nothing to get to the utopia they seem to believe exists.
Compromise is dead
Will you be telling it soon?
My comment is beyond Arizona! When liberals become 'known' for 'lovin' to tote guns like conservatives (power respect power) -conservatives will remember where the 'bargaining' table is and come to it. Otherwise, you can talk about 'smoke and mirrors" all you wish.
I will not humor you with a long distracting comment about shit that does not save lives. Had punk boy stayed his ignorant self at home we would not have to pretend to be fixing bull patty that aint' broke. It is broke. The second amendment just took lives again in this country, be it by hook or by crook!
So, what do we do. Our mothers, fathers, little old ladies and men, and children can't get food without worrying about what 'Mickey with the good hair' is up to in the parking lot! Isn't this why we have congressional leaders? To make the country safe to traverse and eat in?
At this point, you're the distracting guy.
What does that even mean?
Mastered the obvious?
I don't think that you know the meaning of 'by hook or by crook'.
I say bullshit to this statement but it's your opinion and you are definitely entitled to have your own opinions on subjects no matter how ridiculous they may appear.
So you say it's broke. So what do you suggest then be done to help fix the problem? Come on, give some of your solutions.
You must be easily distracted.
Rather than just bitch about it, what do you propose to fix the problem?
How is Payton's hair relevant?
(And that means DotW, CB, Snuffy, and RDtC)
Please engage in respectful discussion, and refrain from throwing insults. Hurling insults only inflames. Thank you for your cooperation.
WILCO, thanks for the reminder.
gee, you're so nice. there seems to be a fair amount of questionable comments.
There are, but both sides were feeding into it. I'd rather both sides just knock it off going forward.
Yet he was allowed to have a gun - which makes my point. If the gun-lovers' defence is that guns don't kill people, people kill people, then maybe it's time to weed out the people who show obvious signs that they are prone to kill people, rather than glorifying and championing them, like Karl Rittenhouse.
I was posting in agreement with you.
I know you did, I was just expanding my thoughts about the problem.
I am bored with a lack of solutions that amount to little more than 'breathed words.' I say, let's all tote guns everywhere. Give 'bozo-boys' one more thing to think about outside of their date with "Big Bruiser" in the cell down the way. . .
Okay. I'm good. I guess.
Arvo CB...hmmm to be honest I don't think there is a solution...
What works in one country doesn't work in another.. depends on so many different factors, from history to the mind set of its people and laws of the Land.
It's 19 weeks into the year and America has already seen 198 mass shootings
The tally comes from the Gun Violence Archive , an independent data collection organization. The group defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people are shot or killed, excluding the shooter. The full list of mass shootings in 2022 can be found here .
Report by npr - (LINK) ->
My personal feeling is that you can't walk down the street, you can't be shopping for groceries, you can't be sitting in a place of worship, or even sitting in your living room in front of a window and be safe from the possibility of being killed or maimed by gunfire in the USA. And don't give me the bullshit that it's just "the gangs". What a fucked up way of life.
Arvo/Afternoon, Shona. There is always a solution even in this ridiculous society, our republican/conservatives simply have not been brought to desperation to conceive what doing the 'right thing' is on gun violence. This boy is a racist, and he can't be fixed by letting his anger 'breach' in a country where guns are practically 'littering' the land. We're sitting ducks.
It's our fault. We can fix it. It's simple: When the citizenry "get sick and tired of being sick and tired" - of our addiction to bigger, meaner, and 'bolder' guns, we will react with collective sobering up and put guns back in their proper place in a civilized society. That is, not letting any and every kind of gun imaginable proliferate into the hands of maniacs and losers.
Yes, for starters, those people have loss their lives, but that boy? He has a spot in the infamous LOSER hall of fame!
What is the 'right thing'?
Mastering the obvious.
Where is that?
You sure told him!
There were warning signs. Back in high school he was in trouble for some racial incidents (I believe) so there were warning signs. Sounds like the warning signs were ignored. I would look to the parents. A young white supremacist at 18. So much hate for one so young.
There was trouble from this kid before. Only 18 now. That's a lot of hate for one so young. He was in trouble in high school for some racial incidents also (I believe).
We have a mass shooting with 10 dead and 3 wounded. Besides those that were killed the many families, and friends whose lives with be destroyed and all that will soon be forgotten by the public. Thoughts and prayers and in a day, week or month from now we'll see another mass shooting and it will be forgotten in a couple of days with some thoughts and prayers.
An 18 year old believer in the ''replacement theory'' has done more damage than can be explained away, but let's have more of those ''thoughts and prayers''.
you don't want to know what my thoughts and prayers are, but you can probably guess...
An 86-year-old killed and retired LEO confronted the racist killer and following a gun battle between the two the LEO lost because his shots were stopped by the racist body armor. These are just some of the people that he killed. It's really hard to wrap my head around the evil racist POS actions towards people that were a different color than him. Evil is evil there is no excuse for this POS.
And the saddest 'clue' is this: Those minorities will be 'replaced' in this life by others. . . and so will this young boy. He will be replaced too, and life will go on without him. Oh, the irony.
How ironic.
We didn't have to wait long for the next shooting. One dead and four critically wounded in Laguna Woods CA . and two killed and four wounded in a shooting at a Flea Market in Houston TX.
Yeah, no worries we have it under control.
Right up the road from me. I've driven by that church many times.
Apparently an Asian man in his 60's shot at 4 or 5 other Asian men during a church function. It's not clear yet if the shooter was a member of the congregation.
Do we need body armor and bullet proof helmets to go about our daily activities ? ? ?
Apparently only if you're African American or appear to be Asian American
We're pathetic. Here's why. Our founding fathers never in their wildest imaginings thought that we could be a house divided against itself. That is, a 'house' where political parties 'war' against themselves generations later nearly to the exit door of 'irreconcilable differences" -even our founders would not cross that threshold though in a less advanced, tech-less era.
And what country of 'rubes' would imagine our founders so unsophisticated that they thought of the second amendment as being absolute in abstraction? That they thought there would be no future weapons from which the citizenry should desire to be protected from at the street level? These conservatives, these 2nd amendment bigots, have played this nation for a country of fools!
Don't believe me? Consider this. In the 'thrust' of rights and liberties being legislatively or legally 'ping-ponged' back and forth, conservatives who stand on the pages of our constitutional document, have not permitted a tittle of their rights and liberties to be erased.
Literally, conservatives have been legislating and fighting court battles to remove liberal rights, liberties, and privileges-which do not carry any weight with conservative interests and circles. That is, conservatives lose nothing for their wating and winning 'judgements' against liberals, people of color, homosexuals, and of course, women.
All fought back and forth on liberal 'turf' and never at-risk to conservatives
We're pathetic. Conservatives don't lose a damn right for all their bluster and complaining over perceived 'wrongs' against them not getting their way out of liberals!
What Party does Payton Gendron represent?
What do you think the 2nd Amendment means?
I'm sorry that you feel that way.
Actually they did.
It's kind of hard to have a militia standing in for professional standing army if the militia cannot have all the weaponry available at the time. Contrary to what President Biden stated, at the time of the signing of the Constitution individuals could own and possess any weapon available including cannons. During the Revolutionary War privately owned weaponry was usually of higher quality than what was supplied by the government at the time.
I always looked at it as the militia were a select group of individuals being the only ones having the ability to take up arms, in times of conflict, such as a territorial "war" or such. I think that is the fine line, people likening the statement to them "fighting their own war", in this case replacement theory B.S.
Funny how many don't bat an eye with that non-sense is taught to kids but it's all fire and brimstone when people want to teach to truth to kids about America (and they want to learn it). You know, real history versus his-story.
Read the questions again (slowly).
The pathetic ones are the ones that think more guns are the answer.