
RNC Elects Ronna McDaniel to Fourth Term

By:  al Jizzerror  •  2 years ago  •  24 comments

RNC Elects Ronna McDaniel to Fourth Term
Mike Lindell claimed the RNC election was rigged (as he cried into his MyPillow).

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Ronna McDaniel was re-elected as the Chairman of the Republican National Committee.  She's a MAGA Trumpanzee who criticized her Uncle Mitt for voting to convict her twice impeached fearful leader.  She was first elected RNC Chairman in 2017 and her first test was the 2018 midterm election.  In that midterm election, the Democrats added 41 seats and regained control of the House of Representatives.  McDaniel was still the RNC Chairman when Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential election.  The Democrats also gained control of the Senate and maintained control of the House (the "Trifecta").  McDaniel was still in charge of the RNC for the 2022 midterm election.  The 2022 Midterm was predicted to be a huge "Red Wave".  Butt the huge "red wave" turned out to be a red ripple (which sucked as much as Ripple wine).  The big surprise was that the Democrats actually gained one Senate seat and the House was a narrow victory for the Republicans.

The tiny Republican four vote majority caused the balloting for Speaker to go to round fifteen .  McCarthy will be the weakest Speaker of the House in history.  He was forced to make concessions to the far right knuckle draggers to get their votes.  He had to promise committee positions and rule changes to finally get enough votes.  Before the last vote McCarthy had to kiss Matt Gates' ass (and slip him some tongue) on the floor of the House on national television.  It was a long drawn out display of incompetence by the House Republicans.

As a result of how the poorly the Republican Party performed in the last three elections, many people thought Ronna McDaniel would be replaced.  When she was elected to stay on the job, the Democrats cheered .

Mike Lindell, the MyPillow psycho, who desperately wanted the Chairmanship was lucky to get four votes.  Before the vote, Lindell claimed that he was destined to win the job to run the Republican Party.  Naturally, Mike Lindell claimed  the RNC election was rigged (as he cried into his MyPillow).  He called for an investigation into the "RINO conspiracy" (Republican deep state) that stole the election from him.  Lindell was jumping up and down waving around a fist full of blank papers yelling I have proof!  Then CNN cut away because, obviously, they're part of the imaginary coverup.

I was laughing so hard that I had to put my bowl of popcorn down because I was spilling it.  I picked up the bowl and I was gobbling a handful of popcorn when the next story came on.

The next news item was about George Santos.  I immediately put the bowl of popcorn back on the table.  Santos was in a walking in a hall explaining (actually NOT explaining) to a CNN reporter why his campaign expenditures have been refiled over ten times in the in the last few weeks.  He blamed it on his former treasurer and pretended he did not know what she was even did.  Then he said everything needed to be audited and refiled as soon as he could hire a new campaign treasurer.  He said he is having a problem retaining a new treasurer because the press is lying about him (as he ducked into an elevator).  Santos accusing other people of lying is slightly ironic.  I started laughing again so I was glad the bowl of popcorn wasn't in my lap.

Republicans have always made me laugh butt Santos, McCarthy and, of course The Donald are the best clowns politics has ever produced.  It's the trifecta of crazy lies.

The lying clowns


(left to right) George Santos, Donald Trump, and Kevin McCarthy




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al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
1  author  al Jizzerror    2 years ago

Mocking and ridiculing Retrumplicans is fun (and it's fucking easy).

I hope everyone will join in with some humorous insults on this thread.

And, if you are a Retrumplican, feel free to insult me.


Professor Principal
1.1  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @1    2 years ago

... and those are the fucking morons that have all the solutions to america's problems, ... yeah right.

Professor Principal
1.2  devangelical  replied to  al Jizzerror @1    2 years ago

at this point, no one sane takes mike lindell seriously. he's become the conspiracy poster boy for all the wack jobs left in trumpville. hard to believe he hasn't spiraled in the ground yet, but hopefully that defamation lawsuit takes the wind out of his sails soon.

Professor Principal
2  Kavika     2 years ago

Today, Santos paid honor to those that died in the Holocaust and said that one of his staffer's grandmother was a survivor of Auschwitz. 

It is damn near impossible to wrap my head around his BS and especially on Holocaust Remembrance Day, I doubt if he is telling the truth about the staffer's grandmother if he even has a staffer.

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
2.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Kavika @2    2 years ago
I doubt if he is telling the truth about the staffer's grandmother


George Santos ia a lying motherfucker who needs to STFU!

Professor Principal
3  Kavika     2 years ago


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
3.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  Kavika @3    2 years ago

Good one.

I know he didn't actually say that because it's fucking true.

Junior Quiet
3.1.1  cobaltblue  replied to  al Jizzerror @3.1    2 years ago

I know he didn't actually say that because it's fucking true.


al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
3.1.2  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cobaltblue @3.1.1    2 years ago

Would the fire produce a roasted mushroom?


Professor Principal
4  Kavika     2 years ago

Trump-backed candidate for the RNC post drops out after finishing third in the voting. 

Junior Quiet
4.1  cobaltblue  replied to  Kavika @4    2 years ago
Trump-backed candidate for the RNC post drops out after finishing third in the voting. 

For the longest, I couldn't figure out who the fourth vote was that voted for the pillow guy. Then I realized it had to have been Shemp. 

al Jizzerror
Masters Expert
4.1.1  author  al Jizzerror  replied to  cobaltblue @4.1    2 years ago

He was the "fake" stooge.

I think he killed Curley.


Junior Quiet
5  cobaltblue    2 years ago


Professor Principal
6  Ender    2 years ago

Republicans know what is of the utmost national importance...


Junior Quiet
7  cobaltblue    2 years ago
As Republicans in Congress failed ... to elect a Speaker of the House, cable news hosts from MSNBC to Fox News were largely united in their criticism. “House Republicans now are on the verge of becoming a total clown show if they’re not careful,” said Fox News host Sean Hannity. “But despite the cheering and elation from Democrats and the mob and the media, it’s not a dire situation—yet.” [Emphasis mine.]


They weren't careful. That ridiculous house speaker debacle is evidence of things to come.

Professor Principal
7.1  Ender  replied to  cobaltblue @7    2 years ago

Funny now that they have the chamber, not one peep about inflation or the border...

Professor Principal
7.1.1  devangelical  replied to  Ender @7.1    2 years ago

... and gas prices have gone up a dollar a gallon since they were elected.

Professor Principal
8  Ender    2 years ago


Drinker of the Wry
Senior Guide
9  Drinker of the Wry    2 years ago

Ronna Romney McDaniel probably doesn’t speak much with Uncle Mitt anymore.

Professor Principal
9.1  devangelical  replied to  Drinker of the Wry @9    2 years ago

maybe they had a bad breakup when they were kids...

Freshman Silent
10  freepress    2 years ago

The same way right wing voters and the fake "Tea Party" pretend Bush and crew never happened, they all know that the only way to create a memory hole is to make absolutely sure that Republicans lose again. She is the sacrificial figurehead who will be easy to blame while they create the same fake talking points to abandon their orange haired savior like they used the ridiculous "tea party" nonsense to distract from Bush.

Senior Quiet
11  afrayedknot    2 years ago

“Ray: Everything was fine until the grid was shut down by dickless here. [insert gop’er]

Walter Peck: They caused an explosion! 

Mayor: Is this true?

Peter: Yes sir, it’s true. This man has no dick.”

Professor Principal
11.1  devangelical  replied to  afrayedknot @11    2 years ago
[insert gop’er]

every time I give any hints, >poof<. I might as well just name drop from now on...

Professor Guide
12  evilone    2 years ago

Hey I heard the My Pillow guy got 1 vote!


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