Florida lawmakers pass bill to send migrants to sanctuary states: Biden 'waved the white flag' | Fox News
By: Elizabeth Heckman
Florida State Representatives Carolina Amesty (R) and John Snyder (R) speak out on a bill that would transport migrants into the U.S. that arrive in Florida
Two Republican Florida lawmakers are speaking out against allowing illegal immigrants to stay in Florida, backing a bill to relocate asylum seekers to sanctuary cities and states.
State Representatives Carolina Amesty and John Snyder joined "Fox & Friends First" to discuss their efforts to put Floridians first.
"Florida is not going to be one of those states. We don't have that ability. And they should be transported to a state that claims that wants to help on their behalf. I mean, this is a matter of public safety, and we don't know who these people are," said Amesty, who emigrated from Venezuela.
Snyder said, "Joe Biden has completely waved the white flag when it comes to enforcing our borders."
He said despite this, Florida would stick up for its citizens.
Amesty called the policies under the Biden administration a threat to national security.
"This is not about discrimination. This is about caring for every Floridian, about every American. They are our priority. And here in the state of Florida, we're going to protect every Floridian against the threat of the Biden administration."
Florida lawmakers on Friday passed a bill that would allow the state to pick up and relocate migrants from anywhere in the United States, a practice the state employed last year when it took migrants from Texas and dropped them off in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, setting off a firestorm in the process.
Members of the state House voted 77-34 to approve SB-6B, FOX Tampa reported. The state Senate passed the bill last week.
The legislation would create an Unauthorized Alien Transport Program to relocate migrants if they have been processed by the federal government. The bill is headed to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' desk for his expected signature.
So basically they want to be able to ship people any where they want. Like cattle.
Buy stock in cattle cars
fascists are 1 step away from creating concentration camps...
Waving the ‘white flag’.
Sanctuary cities said they welcome the illegals so why not accomodate.
''Fighting back against the Biden administration.''
What a load of shit by DeSantis. He campaigned that all companies in Florida would have to abide by E verify once he was in office that ''all'' turned into only government agencies and those that do business with the government leaving out where 3/4 of a million illegals in Florida work, agri and service industries.
What a fucking phony.
I'll believe DeSantis when he shuts down big agra in FL. Otherwise he's only fooling his low brow populist base.
Tell Brandon to do his fucking job; and DeSantis and the rest of the states won't have any illegals to deal with.
There have been illegals in this country for hundreds of years yet in your childish whining it's all Biden's fault. Reality is a bridge way too far for you.
About 500 years to be exact
Did you forget that it was Biden who signed an EO stopping construction of all barriers along the southern border? Or is that a bridge to far for you?
Yes, Biden did sign an EO that halted Trump's emergency declaration for specific border wall funding and construction. It was temporary.
Temporary in the way it only 2 years and millions of illegals crossing the border for ANYTHING to be done. This is all on Biden and his failure to fulfill his duties.
That's a shitty track record.
Didn't forget it at all, you do realize that illegals have been crossing the border for decades don't you? seems that is a bridge way too far for you.
It's been a shitty track record since the inception of our border. There is no viable way to build a complete wall across the entire border. To deal with the issue is going to take Congress to get off their ass and stop playing partisan party games. Laws need to be changed to make legal immigration simpler, immigration courts and supports need to more people and facilities. Border agents need to be paid and trained better and more need to be hired. Better research into other technologies to monitor places walls can't be built. An increase in private investment in countries people immigrate come from needs to be incentivized.
None of this can be done with an EO. It takes Congress to act and so far they seem to have found it more profitable to use it as a wedge issue than fix it.
So why make excuses?
and it become a free for all on January 20, 2021. But I get it.
And it was exasperated under the current administration with his EO and incompetence.
It's possible. But that was shut down on January 20, 2021
You forgot that it wasn't Congress that stopped operations to secure the border. Funny because in 3.2.6 you said you didn't forget.
I didn't make any excuses just pointed out a fact. Seems that's a bit difficult for you to grasp.
You don't seem to get it at all, but keep trying.
The right wing has become nothing butt a hate group under the Murdoch/Fox/ALEC Reich.
This is great news for all the sanctuary cities that want to welcome illegals. This is bad news for all the taxpayers when the liberal whiners convince Joe the feds should pay for all the illegals since they really didn't expect to get or pay for them. They just wanted to virtue signal from afar.
But as we've seen in Chicago, Martha's Vineyard, Washington D.C., and NYC, they all declared themselves to be sanctuary cities but when the illegals showed up they started crying and begging for money.
Their pathetic virtue signaling went away when they found out they actually had to do something.
Seems true with many of the virtue signalers for many different issues.
Far right wingers should go out and pick their own fruits and vegetables.
That is your reasoning for open borders?
“That is your reasoning for open borders?”
How about we accept the reality?
There is not a single meal in which you eat, a dish that is washed while out, nor a hotel in which you stay that does not depend on those that lack accommodation, much less appreciation.
They are the silent ones who toil away, voiceless, powerless, just trying to make ends meet while we parse away.
Here they just busted two restaurants owned by the same people that hired all illegal immigrants back of the house.
And who’s going to pay? As always, the one’s at the bottom of the ladder just trying to make the ‘dream’ come true.
How about we fix the immigration policy but stop open borders until we do. Of course that assumes politicians want to fix the issue and not just use it for political gain.
I worked in a restaurant/wedding venue that served up to 400 people and there was not an illegal working there. So although your soliloquy was nice I have to question its validity.
“How about we fix the immigration policy…
It is more a humanitarian issue and less a political one, but only if one is more a human being than a political shill.
“I have to question its validity.”
Not sure where you reside, but coming from the great southwest in Metro Phoenix and the greater LA area, pretty confident of the validity of your question. Do you golf?
Ask, tex…as he is in the business and we’ll see how honest his response.
“…and grant amnesty?”
If warranted.
Put the money dedicated to an ineffectual wall and put it toward courts that that can adjudicate requests in a timely manner.
So from the border security and deportation crowd is the idea to ship people all over the country with no way to track them.
Isn't that in keeping with the current border policy? Biden flew illegals all over the country under the cover of darkness.
Texas and Florida draw attention to it and give sanctuary cities what they ask for.
trump also flew immigrants all over the country.
Do you really think it is a good idea for states to decide their own immigrations and deportation rules....
Crazy how when Blue state governors and mayors do this the left is silent, but when DeSantis does it, it's "The Worst Thing Ever" and Fascism!
Good. Then other states can ship them to Florida.
There can be a tit for tat with immigrant people being used as pawns being shipped all over the country. Back and forth.
Yeah, that's the way to go.....
It seems since their idea of actual border security is being ignored it only makes sense to send them to areas that have made it loud and clear that they will be taken care of. Now we get to see the fine print that basically says if only 10 actually show up. They never said not to track them. I am sure the santuary cities will take care of that.
Their ideas? So it is a do it my way or I am going to play games with people's lives....
And just think...When a state thinks people are going to be dropped off they can stop them at the state's border.
Then states can all enact their own border security....
Florida is only shipping them to places that say the are happy to welcome and take care of them. How can anyone be against that?
Aren't you all the ones that say the people don't stay in the same place...
What a load of bullshit.
Nothing but excuses for doing asinine things.
That you really think this is a good idea for a state to adopt...
Uh huh. That is like saying we have open borders and the border patrol is just sitting on their hands.
That would really suck. Maybe the fed shouldn't be ok with an open border. Hopefully the border czar will come to that conclusion after she spends a few more years searching for the root cause.
Don't know. I only see people sticking up for this kind of policy.
Excuses? Like saying this is acceptable to do because other states want them.
I should have called it just what it is. A meme.
Tell the border patrol to get to work then. We shouldn't have to pay them to sit around.
So then 'open border' is a lie....
You mean you are against people being relocated to places that are asking for them to come?
And yet you still don't say what you are for. Since you are hear defending this policy, yes one is going to draw conclusions. Up to the person to set the record straight instead of just questioning....
So yes, you are going to speak in memes.
If they are sitting around they should be fired. Is that the case or are they being overwhelmed like all the proof seems to show?
Maybe I was right. Just excuses for bad law.
So in your mind, Biden is to blame for the number of people that try to come here.
She kinda turned out to be a dud didn't she.
Not totally but his policies sure dont help. Maybe you should stop telling people what is in their mind. You don't seem very good at it.
If people would be direct, there would be no confusion.
I am sure you can provide proof of this?
When the federal side fails like we are seeing with the Biden administration, somebody has to step up. Couple that with sanctuary cites claims that they welcome illegals, it only make sense to give them what they want.
then they cry and try to deflect when their hypocrisy is exposed.
I agree. It would also help if people were not clear they ask for clearification instead of telling someone what they are thinking.