Iowa GOP leader sends Ron DeSantis 'cease and desist' letter for busing in supporters
By: David Edwards (Raw Story - Celebrating Years of Independent Journalism)

Gov. Ron DeSantis speaking at a press conference on April 14, 2022. (Credit: Governor Ron DeSantis Facebook)
Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has received a "cease and desist" letter from an Iowa Republican leader after he was accused of busing in supporters to an Iowa event.
The Messenger reported DeSantis received the "extraordinary" letter from Muscatine County's GOP demanding that the "Never Back Down PAC cease and desist all attempts to contact and collaborate with the Muscatine County Republican Party of Iowa."
The letter accused the DeSantis PAC of "unlawful and unethical collaboration … with Republican County Parties in the State of Iowa."
The controversy was created by the unique way a super PAC is being used to canvass voters instead of the regular practice of using campaign resources.
"He is the first presidential candidate that is going out and buying and paying for representation … he's not building a grassroots organization," Muscatine GOP Chair Daniel Freeman explained. "And it could very well be that he uses Never Back Down because he can't garner state support from individual residents in Iowa. Therein lies the problem. He is misleading the public of Iowa by sending busloads of people to a parade and they don't even live in the area and in fact, most of them don't even live in the state of Iowa."
Never Back Down spokesperson Erin Perrine blamed former President Donald Trump.
"They're running a flailing Iowa campaign," she insisted. "Trump can't fill an event. They can't match us in endorsements. They haven't even tried. They can't and won't organize. They're not capturing people at events the way we are. They're not as sophisticated and, frankly, they're not as well-staffed as we are. They've failed at every operational level."
Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita responded by calling Perrine's argument "nuts."
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Time for another box of popcorn this is really getting weird.
This is DeSantis and his wife supposedly walking down a beach
His wife tweeted it out as a campaign image.
Notice there are no footprints in the sand.
It is believed they were standing in front of an image.
They could use a real photo of our beaches, we have 825 miles of white sand beaches and promote Florida but no, let's use a phony image for our beach walk photo.
I wouldn't have caught that if you hadn't pointed it out
Her hair wouldn't look like that on a stormy beach...
You guys are really good at this. I just now saw the waves in the image. In my experience that means wind. Her hair isn't moving
I was thinking that. Doesnt Florida have the largest beach front in the world? Certainly one of them.
It wouldn't be the first time that he faked it.
This is from his 2022 governor's campaign, a fake Top Gun he was a JAG lawyer and had nothing to do with being a fighter pilot. Shades of Michael Dukakis
His facial expressions say it all. The personality of a dishrag.
Certainly in the US, but I believe that Australia have many more miles of beaches than Florida.
Well, there goes a good dinner
ok , now it's time for everyone to get back on topic.
based upon all ron's gender related political rhetoric, I'd take the long odds she has a penis...
I'm looking forward to watching cheeto and guido shred each other to pieces prior to the first primary...
I am now thinking, I bet they never debate. They will both have excuses and only have like townhall style things.
You might be right although the one who is behind will probably want to debate.
LOL, a sight to behold and I'll have to order more popcorn.
Court dates?
Could be, EG.
a GOP minimalist political campaign. no debates, no platforms, strictly a popularity contest.
LOL, sure seems that way.
nothing to run a political campaign on, that they want to talk about, in the last 6+ years...
battle of the bank rolls...
Other peoples money, means being bought.
that vegan canoli is owned by every rwnj buying florida lobbyist...
car dealers, insurance companies, real estate companies, etc, etc, ...
After that ad he put out yesterday I have to wonder if there is a brain in his head or any of his staff.
a special kind of stupid seems to be the common denominator among he and his followers.
LOL, perfect.
There has been controversy about his money since he started.
Interesting comment by team DeSantis. I guess that the Trump campaign doing less than nothing is a good thing it's still ahead of DeSantis in Iowa polling. LOL
whoever own that charter bus company he's using is making out like a fat rat...
A bus displaying a sign for 2024 hopeful Ron DeSantis is seen past a person carrying a sign for former President Donald Trump as they walk back to their car at the Machine Shed Restaurant in Urbandale, Iowa on June 1, 2023. | Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/ Getty Images
the person in that picture is a child. probably one of the children the trumpsters are hiding behind now...