Uncle Bruce

Uncle Bruce's weekly take on things. Vol II

By:  Uncle Bruce  •  Current Events  •  7 years ago  •  51 comments

Uncle Bruce's weekly take on things.  Vol II

A little late.  But hey, it's my blog.

I'll start with what I like to call "Well, I thought it was funny!"

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So Stormy Daniels got some bad news this week.  One of her lawsuits against President Trump was dismissed.  AND...she has to pay his legal fees.  I bet Cohen wishes he was still Trump's lawyer right now.  Of course, the Meme/Twitter-sphere had a field day with this news.

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In other news, Sen Warren released her DNA results.  

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Mid terms are right around the corner.  There's talk of a Blue Wave.  There's talk of a Red Wave.  And of course, there's...Memes:

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Speaking of Democrats, here's a different take on #metoo:


October 13 was the US Navy Birthday!  243 years of protecting our Nation's shores, by carrying the fight to the seas.

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Decided to catch up on the Star Wars movies by downloading a few.


Well, that's enough for this week.  I'll leave you with this parting photo:



jrBlog - desc
Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
1  author  Uncle Bruce    7 years ago

Oh, almost forgot...


Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.1  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Uncle Bruce @1    7 years ago
Oh, almost forgot... MAGA!

Kudos and a boob flash for not wearing the hat.

Professor Principal
2  JohnRussell    7 years ago


I guess a Bruce blog wouldn't be a Bruce blog without a blatant falsehood. 

Professor Principal
2.1  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @2    7 years ago
While just 1.7 percent of Americans self-identified as either completely or partially Native American on the 2010 census, the Cornell University Genetic Ancestry Project used genetic tests to identify Native American heritage in between 4 percent and 5 percent of the 200 undergraduates studied. That sample isn’t necessarily representative of the general population, because the students who volunteered themselves were likely curious about their backgrounds, but other projects of approximately the same size have produced similar findings .  

Can someone demonstrate , as the right has alleged since yesterday, that most Americans have more NA heritage than Warren?  This article seems to be saying that around 5% of those non NA tested have NA genetics. That would place Warren in a small minority with NA blood. 

Counting back to her great great great grandmother, Elizabeth Warren is the 6th generation.  The DNA test showed she had an NA ancestor somewhere at that level .

I'd say she hit a home run with her reveal yesterday, or at least a triple.  She had PREVIOUSLY claimed her great great great grandmother was an American Indian, and it now appears there is a good chance she was right. 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
2.1.1  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1    7 years ago
Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., who studies the genetic ancestry of Americans, wrote in 2013 (citing Ancestry.com) that the average African-American genome is 2% Native American. In 2014, the genetics website 23andMe said the average black American genome is 0.8% Native American, while Latinos have 18% Native American ancestry, on average. Among white Americans, there is considerable variation: 8% of whites in Louisiana have at least 1% Native American ancestry, for example, according to 23andMe.

The  New York Times , citing the 23andMe data, reported: “The researchers found that European-Americans had genomes that were on average 98.6 percent European, .19 percent African, and .18 Native American.”

That falls within Warren’s reported range, and suggests she may be no more Native American than the average white American.

She's a fraud.

Professor Quiet
2.1.2  Ronin2  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1    7 years ago
I'd say she hit a home run with her reveal yesterday, or at least a triple.  She had PREVIOUSLY claimed her great great great grandmother was an American Indian, and it now appears there is a good chance she was right. 

Very low bar you set for Democrats. Too bad you don't hold them to the same standards you do Trump. The Cherokee nation (which she claims to be Cherokee- not just native American) doesn't accept her DNA test; and needs direct lineage as proof. Seems being a minute percentage doesn't cut it.

In case you missed it it is a joke. You know what a joke is don't you? Warren is a minute amount native American. Trump is 100% the President- no matter how much wailing is going on.

Oh, and I have more native American blood (and probably African American blood) than Warren does; but I look 100% Germanic/Norse.  I would be embarrassed to list myself as a minority on any application or government form for special consideration. 

Professor Principal
2.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Uncle Bruce @2.1.1    7 years ago

Bruce, if you told people that you were part Mongolian because your great great great grandmother was Mongolian, and no one believed you, and then you decided to have a DNA test done and it came back showing that is was quite possible that your great great great grandmother was Mongolian, you would be bragging about how right you were, and so would most people under the same circumstances. 

Professor Principal
2.1.4  JohnRussell  replied to  Ronin2 @2.1.2    7 years ago
The Cherokee nation (which she claims to be Cherokee- not just native American) doesn't accept her DNA test; and needs direct lineage as proof. Seems being a minute percentage doesn't cut it.

So what? She has acknowledged and accepted that the Cherokee Nation does not accept her. Their requirement for other proof does not prove she is wrong. 

Professor Principal
2.1.6  Kavika   replied to  Ronin2 @2.1.2    7 years ago
 The Cherokee nation (which she claims to be Cherokee- not just native American) doesn't accept her DNA test; and needs direct lineage as proof. Seems being a minute percentage doesn't cut it.

This is not unusual, tribes do not accept DNA testing as a measure of tribal affiliation since DNA testing cannot ID a specific tribe. 

For membership in the Cherokee Nations there is no blood quantum requirement. 

 Cherokee Nation citizenship law is set by tribal law. There is no minimum blood quantum required for citizenship. Tribal citizenship requires that you have at least one direct ancestor listed on the Dawes Final Rolls, a federal census of those living in the Cherokee Nation that was used to allot Cherokee land to individual citizens in preparation for Oklahoma statehood in 1907. 

These rules were instituted by the US Government and left many Cherokee off the Dawes rolls and thus not eligible for tribal membership. 

There are currently ''Black Cherokee'' members of the Cherokee Nation. 

The Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation is John Baker and he is 1/32nd Cherokee or around 3%....

My tribe and band require 50% blood quantum and a direct link, mother or father had to be member of the band for one to be eligible for membership. A CIBC card and tribal membership certificate is issued if these requirements are met. 

Also there are two different tribes of Cherokee Indians. The ''Cherokee Nation'' in Oklahoma and the Eastern Band of Cherokee in Ashville NC. Two separate entities with a common linage that dates back to the ''Trail of Tears''...

You might want to research John Ross and Stand Waite (Watie) interesting reading.



Professor Principal
2.1.7  Kavika   replied to  Uncle Bruce @2.1.1    7 years ago
She's a fraud.

Kinda like the Trumps and their claim to be Swedish and not German....Bad for business I guess. 

Junior Quiet
2.1.8  dave-2693993  replied to  Kavika @2.1.6    7 years ago
Also there are two different tribes of Cherokee Indians. The ''Cherokee Nation'' in Oklahoma and the Eastern Band of Cherokee in Ashville NC. Two separate entities with a common linage that dates back to the ''Trail of Tears''...

Right, and my Grandfather was of the Eastern Band. I still have many missing pieces of the puzzle.

Thank you.

Junior Quiet
2.1.9  dave-2693993  replied to  Kavika @2.1.6    7 years ago
This is not unusual, tribes do not accept DNA testing as a measure of tribal affiliation since DNA testing cannot ID a specific tribe.  For membership in the Cherokee Nations there is no blood quantum requirement. 


Junior Quiet
2.1.10  dave-2693993  replied to  Kavika @2.1.7    7 years ago
Kinda like the Trumps and their claim to be Swedish and not German....Bad for business I guess. 

Of  course I voted your comment up.

Get a little chuckle from the maternal side of my family when my Grandfather took a German name when he was getting his ass the hell out of Russia. Those damn Ruskies, they'll hunt you down and kill your ass.

Professor Principal
2.1.11  JohnRussell  replied to  Release The Kraken @2.1.5    7 years ago
She tested less Indian than most white people living in North America.

Prove it. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
2.1.12  Sean Treacy  replied to  JohnRussell @2.1    7 years ago
'd say she hit a home run with her reveal yesterday, or at least a triple.

Give it up John.

Even far left sites like splinter are mocking her terrible choice to publish her proof of whiteness.   

It's not a good look for the woman advertised as the first woman of color to teach at Harvard Law to have less minority DNA than the average white person.

Professor Principal
2.1.13  JohnRussell  replied to  Sean Treacy @2.1.12    7 years ago

More baloney from you. Make yourself a sandwich. 

Professor Quiet
2.1.14  Ronin2  replied to  Kavika @2.1.6    7 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion. I don't pretend to be an expert on anything concerning tribal law, lineage, etc. I only can refer to what I have recently read.  But I was a US History minor in college- so chances are will find it interesting.

Of course I don't pretend to be an expert on Germans (I am 60% German); Norse (15%); English (5%); Native American (5% I won't even pretend to know which tribe); Dutch (5%- the real pieces of shit in my family lineage. Several were part of the Dutch slave trade); African American (5% before anyone asks- no idea of what tribe or region); the rest is a mix of Asian.  Trust me, it was a rude awakening when my Nana (she hated grand mother) sat me down and dispelled the family myths that we were simply German, with a slight mixture of Norse and English thrown in to solidify the all white lineage.

I consider myself an American mutt. Never really understood whole blood line pride thing to begin with. 

Professor Principal
2.1.15  Kavika   replied to  Ronin2 @2.1.14    7 years ago

Stand Waite was the last Confederate General to surrender in the Civil War. He commanded the 1st and 2nd Cherokee mounted Infantry and the Choctaw mounted Infantry. 

The split between the Cherokee Nation was that Ross sided with the north and Waite the south. The history is fascinating and not well know to the general public. 

Company K, 1st Michigan Sharpshooters was made of the the Three Fire Nations, Potawatomi, Odawa, (Ottowa) and Ojibwe. They fought in a number of major battles with one of them being the Battle of the Crater. This battle had strong political overtones since Black soldiers fought in it along with Native soldiers. 

Little is know of the Native's that fought in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 and the Civil War. Each has a most interesting history. 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
2.1.16  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  Kavika @2.1.15    7 years ago

I know of Tecumseh's history.  Having served on the USS Tecumseh, I read anything I could on him.  Ironicly, the Tecumseh was one of 3 subs named for enemies of the United States.

Tecumseh was given the rank of Colonel in the British army during the war of 1812.

Professor Principal
2.1.17  Kavika   replied to  Uncle Bruce @2.1.16    7 years ago
Tecumseh was given the rank of Colonel in the British army during the war of 1812.

Yes he was and he had to consider joining the British or the Americans. He chose to him the lesser of two evils. He was well aware of the plans the U.S. had for Indians and their land and figured that the Brit's were not as bad. Pretty simple logic on his part. 

Hard to consider him an enemy of the US when he was fighting for his culture/land/people from an invading army. Isn't that one of the corner stones of the American experience? 

Funny thing about history, it brings out many things, some not so pretty and to be avoided at all costs. 

BTW, what were the other two subs named after enemies of the US?

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
2.1.18  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  Kavika @2.1.17    7 years ago

Stonewall Jackson and Robert E Lee.

Junior Quiet
2.1.19  Spikegary  replied to  Kavika @2.1.7    7 years ago

Is there really that much difference between Swedish and German bllodlines?  Pan-Germanic was a region much lager than 'present day' Germany.

Junior Quiet
2.1.20  Spikegary  replied to  Kavika @2.1.7    7 years ago

If we are going to go back in time a bit, During and Post WWII, how many people in the U.S. wanted to identify as Germans?  I'm guessing not many, as you said, likely not good for business, or for much of anyhting else for that matter.  Judging the past using current day mores really just doesn't work.

Professor Principal
2.1.21  Kavika   replied to  Spikegary @2.1.20    7 years ago

Donald J Trump was using the ''Swedish'' thing into the 1990's....Nice try, no cigar.

Professor Quiet
2.1.22  Ronin2  replied to  Spikegary @2.1.19    7 years ago

I was a young kid in Minnesota. Do not tell anyone there that is Norse (Norwegian, Scandinavian, or Dutch) they are Germanic. If you do make sure you bring a lot of true Germans to have your back.

We were in a heavily Norse area. They don't like Germans! Even if the German happens to have a good portion of Norse blood; and looks exactly like one of them.

Yes, I know Norse and Germans share common bloodlines. They also have a rivalry/hatred that stands the test of time. 

Professor Principal
2.1.23  Kavika   replied to  Ronin2 @2.1.22    7 years ago

You hit the nail on the head Ronin....Where in Minnesota did you live...I was born and raised in Warroad and Red lake also know as (Miskwaagamiiwi-zaaga'iganI can tell you some interesting stories about Germans in the north land especially around the Iron Range. 

Uff da yabetcha 

Professor Quiet
2.1.25  Ronin2  replied to  Kavika @2.1.23    7 years ago

I was in Duluth, MN, then we moved to St Paul, MN.  Not exactly small cities. Though people in Duluth like to pretend they were. Had family that ran farms around Duluth- from the Norse/English side. My father- (who probably still would claim he is 100% German)- had some real issues with the opposite side of the family.

You wouldn't think that type of cultural animosity would exist in a city like St Paul. The area we lived in was very Blue; but you had to know who you belonged with. 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
2.2  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  JohnRussell @2    7 years ago


Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4  author  Uncle Bruce    7 years ago


Professor Principal
4.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4    7 years ago

Prove that Warren is less than one tenth of 1 percent NA.  According to Graham that is the case. So prove it. 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.1.1  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    7 years ago

Oh, now you want proof?  You didnt need proof that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted the Ford bitch.  You just took her word for it.

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.1.2  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    7 years ago


Professor Principal
4.1.3  JohnRussell  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4.1.1    7 years ago

From Kavika 

The Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation is John Baker and he is 1/32nd Cherokee or around 3%....

Warren claims her great great great grandmother was American Indian. Her great great great grandmother is her 6th generation back (you count yourself as the first generation) , and the DNA test says that puts her within the range indicated by the results. If her great great great grandmother was AI, that means Warren is the same percentage AI as the chief of the Cherokee Nation is Cherokee. 

Laugh now. 

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.1.4  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.3    7 years ago


She's a fraud John.  She a stupid cunt who used a fraudulent claim for personal gain.  Blow it out your ass.

I'm actually not surprised at your vehement defense of her John.  In your world, every fucking democrats is perfect.  Perfect Hillary, who did no wrong even when proven.  Perfect Warren, with her anywhere from 1/64 to 1/1024 claim of native status.  You are so dilusioned with your party, you cannot accept anything, even statistical proof that differs from your belief.

Did you actually read the DNA results John?  They don't say 1/64.  They say as much as 1/64 or as little as 1/1024.  Do you know why John?  Because that's the range for hereditary markers that show up as trace.  Once those markers get below 1/64, they can't be measured with any accuracy.  Minimum detection is 1/1024.  So a trait that shows up, but can't be measured is between 1/64 and 1/1024.  

You can give her the benefit of the doubt if you want John.  And say shes1/64.  But she's no more Native than pretty much every fucking American in the country.

Professor Principal
4.1.5  JohnRussell  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4.1.4    7 years ago

Bruce, Warren said her great great great grandmother was AI, according to family lore. The DNA test showed that is a definite possibility. That is all I need to know to giver her the benefit of the doubt. 

You are focusing on the 1/1024 because that is what all your right wing brethren are doing on social media. The probability is you are all wrong. 

Her "story" matches with the "science" . She gets the mantle of believability, not you. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
4.1.6  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Uncle Bruce @4.1.4    7 years ago
who used a fraudulent claim for personal gain.

That an outright lie. There is zero evidence that her listing her heritage after she graduated and was teaching gave her any personal gain. And besides, it's not a false claim.

"The total length of Native American segments observed in the individual is greater than the
average value for the reference individuals — by 12.4-fold (corresponding to 12.7 standard deviations) for the individuals from Great Britain and 10.5-fold (corresponding to 4.9 standard deviations) for the individuals from Utah. "

"Conclusion. While the vast majority of the individual’s ancestry is European, the results strongly support
the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individual’s pedigree , likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago."

She has 10.5 times the amount of native American DNA than found in the average individual tested from Utah.

So, she didn't profit from her heritage, she never claimed to be Native American on her college applications thus getting some affirmative action advantage as some half-wits have claimed. She didn't claim to be native American when she was running for office to appeal to any sort of voter base. She hasn't done anything wrong, she just keeps trying to move the conversation back to the fiscal mismanagement of Republicans but the GOP continues to try and deflect and distract with this lie they tell about her. You may hate that she's an intelligent educated woman, a woman who's not afraid to speak her mind, an educator, and a firm supporter of equal rights and progressives ideas, but stop the lying about her and calling her childish ignorant racist names like "Pocahontas". She's telling the truth, and just proved it, the GOP are the liars and the whiners complaining about nonsense all to keep people from seeing them rob the bank as they give tax cuts for the rich.

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.1.7  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @4.1.6    7 years ago

You have your twisted version of the truth.  I have mine.  Go find a freeway to play on.

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
4.1.8  author  Uncle Bruce  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.5    7 years ago

John, my Great grandmother was reported, in family history, to be Cherokee.  Doesn't mean I can claim Native American status on a job application, or on an employer's diversity statement for minority status, as this delusional bitch did.

Professor Participates
4.1.10  1stwarrior  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.5    7 years ago
If you THINK you might be an Indian, and are interested in getting your "Indian Card" for health and educational benefits, please call our toll free number for further information:

Please mail your great-grandmother's picture and a $200 check or money order to:

WANNABE Federation, Inc.
c/o Princess Long Hair or Princess High Cheekbones
P.O. Box 49
Cherokee, Iowa 80049

(Ask about our headresses, beads, and assorted Indian stuff)
* Please allow 1 to 3 years for delivery

In the event that you are found to be ineligible for Indian status, there is a support group which you can call for $1.00 the first minute, .50 cents for each additional minute:




Professor Silent
4.1.11  Cerenkov  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1    7 years ago

I find her accusers to be credible...