By: Uncle Bruce • default • 14 comments • 8 years ago
Sometimes, it gets to me. Usually when I’m alone, walking around the pond on the ranch. I reflect on what I’ve worked hard at building for us. And I begin to realize that there may not be an us.
I made sure that she was taken care of if I passed on. Plenty of insurance to pay off everything 3 times over. Monthly survivor benefits that would keep her comfortable.
But what happens if I...
Fighting Breast Cancer: A Husband’s Perspective
By: Uncle Bruce • default • 11 comments • 8 years ago
"I have cancer!"
The words jolted me awake. I tried to focus on my wife, standing over me in our bedroom. My blurry eyes I reminded me that I had taken my contacts out.
I had seen her up and about when I got home from working the night shift. She reminded me that she had a mammogram scheduled to look at a lump she had found in her left breast. This was just one of several appointments my...
The FBI became a political Entity in July, Not October.
By: Uncle Bruce • default • 1 comments • 9 years ago
“Americans now look at the FBI and see a political entity, not a nonpartisan entity — and that has huge ramifications for the FBI and for all of us,” said Matt Miller, former chief spokesman for the Justice Department and a Clinton supporter. “It sows disbelief in our system of government and is hugely toxic.”
That's a quote from a Washington Post article about the FBI and a recent release of...