

By:  Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  4 years ago  •  11 comments

The Wheel Of The Year Is Turning

In less than two weeks the veil will thin.  The End of Year Feast will begin.  This is also the third Harvest Feast.  Our Wheel is Turning.  A closing of the year Smudge spell is below:

Into this smoke, I release all energies that did not serve me, all negativity that surrounded me, all tears that limited me from last year.

I walk into the new year with light in my heart and hope for better things to come.

So Mote It Be!!

There are many rituals associated with Samhain today. These include dancing, feasting, taking nature walks, and building altars to honor their ancestors. To symbolize the end of the harvest, they include apples, pumpkins, or other fall crops.  

In some Wiccan traditions, people choose to honor the Goddess and God rather than focusing on the harvest aspect of the holiday. If this is something you'd like to do, this ritual welcomes the Goddess in her persona as Crone, and the Horned God of the autumn hunt.

For many Wiccans and Pagans, the honoring of ancestors is a key part of their spirituality. This ceremony can be held by itself or as part of a group of Samhain rituals.

It's Samhain, and that means for many Pagans it's time to commune with the ancestors. Use the mediation technique below to call upon those who walked before us. You may be surprised at some of the people you meet!

Setting the Mood

Before you perform this meditation, it's not a bad idea to spend some time with the tangible, physical aspects of your family. Bring out the old photo albums, read through wild Aunt Tillie's diary from the Great Depression, or get out your grandfather's old pocket watch that almost sank with the Titanic. These are the material things that connect us to our family. They link us, magically and spiritually. Spend time with them, absorbing their energies and thinking of the things they've seen, the places they've been.

You can perform this ritual anywhere, but if you can do it outside at night it's even more powerful. Decorate your altar (or if you're outside, use a flat stone or tree stump) with the symbols of your ancestors — the photos, journals, war medals, watches, jewelry, etc. No candles are necessary for this meditation, but if you'd like to light one, do so. You may also want to burn some incense. 

Claiming Your Birthright

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Think about who you are, and what you are made of, and know that everything within you is the sum of all your ancestors. From thousands of years ago, generations of people have come together over the centuries to create the person you are now. Think about your own strengths — as well as your weaknesses — and remember that they came from somewhere. This is a time to honor the ancestors who formed you.

Recite your genealogy — aloud if you like — as far back as you can go. As you say each name, describe the person and their life. An example might go something like this:

I am the daughter of James, who fought in Vietnam
and returned to tell the tale.
James was the son of Eldon and Maggie,
who met on the battlefields of France,
as she nursed him back to health.
Eldon was the son of Alice, who sailed
aboard Titanic and survived.
Alice was the daughter of Patrick and Molly,
who farmed the soil of Ireland, who
raised horses and tatted lace to feed the children...

and so forth. Go back as far as you like, elaborating in as much detail as you choose. Once you can go back no further, end with "those whose blood runs in me, whose names I do not yet know".

If you happened to meet a certain ancestor, or their archetype, during your meditation, take a moment to thank them for stopping by. Take note of any information they may have given you — even if it doesn't make sense just now, it may later on when you give it some more thought. Think about all the people you come from, whose genes are part of you. Some were great people — some, probably not so much, but the point is, they all belong to you. They all have helped shape and create you. Appreciate them for what they were, with no expectations or apologies, and know that they are watching over you.

Samhain Ritual to Honor the Animals

This ceremony is designed to honor the spirits of the animals, both wild and domestic. Man's relationship with animals goes back thousands and thousands of years. They have been a source of food and clothing. They have protected us from the things that lurk in the darkness. They have provided comfort and warmth. In some cases, they have even raised and nurtured our discarded children, as in the case of Romulus and Remus.

If you have animals in your home–pets or livestock–this is their night. Feed them before you feed the humans in your family. Put some food out for any wild animals that may happen by as well. If you have a pet that has passed away during this last year, you may want to include a photo or keepsake of them on your alter during this rite.

Samhain has come, and it is the end of the Harvest.
The crops are in from the fields,
And the animals are preparing for the coming winter.
Tonight, we honor the animals in our lives.
Some have died that we may eat.
Some have provided us with love.
Some have protected us from that which would do us harm.
Tonight, we thank them all.

Blessed are the animals,
Those who die that we may eat.
Blessed are the animals,
Those we love and who love us in return.

As the Wheel of the Year continues to turn,
The harvest has ended, and the grain has been threshed.
The animals sleep for the winter.
We thank them for their gifts.

May the new year bring blessings to us all.

So Mote It Be!!!!



jrBlog - desc
Professor Guide
1  author  Veronica    4 years ago

Happy Samhain in advance!256

charger 383
Professor Silent
2  charger 383    4 years ago

Happy Samhain to you and thanks for telling us about it

Professor Guide
2.1  author  Veronica  replied to  charger 383 @2    4 years ago

Thank you.  

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3  Trout Giggles    4 years ago

Happy Samhain!

Professor Guide
3.1  author  Veronica  replied to  Trout Giggles @3    4 years ago

Thanks..It is my favorite feast day.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Participates
3.1.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Veronica @3.1    4 years ago

I have never heard of it until now.  Thank you for the info.

Professor Guide
3.1.2  author  Veronica  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @3.1.1    4 years ago

Your welcome.  Most everyone nowadays calls it Halloween.  Or All Hallow's Eve.  Most of the traditions of Halloween find themselves steeped in Pagan culture.

Professor Silent
4  SteevieGee    4 years ago

I'll be celebrating Samhain by dancing naked in the woods like usual.  Mrs. Gee?  Not so much.

Professor Guide
4.1  author  Veronica  replied to  SteevieGee @4    4 years ago

My hubby builds a fire outside on all my feast days waiting for the day I will dance naked around it.  He says he is holding out for that...

Professor Silent
4.1.1  SteevieGee  replied to  Veronica @4.1    4 years ago

I need a backyard fire pit.  With Mrs. Gee it's not the naked dancing she doesn't like.  It's the woods.

Professor Guide
4.1.2  author  Veronica  replied to  SteevieGee @4.1.1    4 years ago

With me it's the naked outside part - no one wants to see that....

I wish we had more woods where I am.  It's a quiet neighborhood, but not a lot of trees.