Ostara - March 19th

Ostara - March 19th

By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  147 Comments  •  last year

 https://www.bpl.org Very early this year.  The Spring Equinox is Ostara.  The beginning of spring.  Flowers are pushing through the cold ground to show us their beautiful colors.  Ostara marks...
A Gentle Wish

A Gentle Wish

By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  11 Comments  •  2 years ago

Here's to Tolerance

Here's to Tolerance

By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  107 Comments  •  3 years ago

I hear this when people find out I am Wiccan.  I get tired of it.  The truth is most Wiccans are more tolerant, kind and giving then some Christians I know. 
Lughnasadh 2022

Lughnasadh 2022

By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  14 Comments  •  3 years ago

Lughnasadh occurs every August 1st.  It is the first of three harvest feasts.  This one has fresh veggies and grain as its mainstays.  The tradition is to shape bread into a representation of the...
Summer Begins  UPDATED

Summer Begins UPDATED

By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  17 Comments  •  3 years ago

Another Feast Day is upon me.  Midsummer or the Summer Solstice is the most powerful day of the year for the Sun God.  It is a Fire feast so bonfires will be lit.  My hubby's favorite part...


By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  22 Comments  •  4 years ago

The shortest day of the year approaches.  This year it is December 21st.  It is the beginning of our Wheel of the Year.  Yule is a time of joy and hope because the days will begin to grow...
Beltane Tarot Read

Beltane Tarot Read

By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  10 Comments  •  7 years ago

5 Card Spread 1.  The things that need to be burned away to move forward 2.  Clear space in life for new energy 3.   The Keys to an abundant year 4.  Steps to achieve that abundance 5.  Messages...


By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  13 Comments  •  7 years ago

Beltane is right around the corner.  It is celebrated on May 1st.  It is a feast day that celebrates life.  Honors the Goddess and the Green Man.  Fire plays a big role in this celebration.  The...
A Few Distinctions

A Few Distinctions

By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  5 Comments  •  7 years ago

There are many paths that can be followed when it comes to Wicca.  A person can be a solitary or join a coven.  I am a solitary.  This means that I perform my rituals alone.   There are many...
My Path

My Path

By: Veronica  •  Wiccan  •  20 Comments  •  7 years ago

I am Wiccan and I follow the path of the Morrigan.  This is a triple Goddess (Maiden, Mother and Crone).  You do not choose the Morrigan - She chooses you.   I am hoping over the coming days to...