Green Witch
Green witches have great respect for Mother Earth. The green witch focuses on harmony, healing, and balance with the Earth, but also with humanity and yourself. Practitioners are naturalists, herbalists and healers.
They draw energy from the Earth and use plants, flowers, oils, and herbs for healing. These are witches that use their power to harness the energy of the natural sources around them, communing with plants and wildlife.
The Green Witch
“You are the sister to the wolf and friend to the hawk. You know in your heart the language of the plants and the songs of the wind. You have an innate connection to the wild edges. You know the beauty of the bee in flight, and hear the call of freedom on the horizon. And yet, as you go through your day today, it may be easy to miss the drumcall of the Earth.”
– Wild Woman, The Sacred Pregnancy Journey Deck by Anni Doulter
The Green Witch embraces nature by drawing on the energies from the earth and of untamed things.
She communes with the land, with stones and gems. She relies on plants, flowers and herbs. She calls to nature for guidance and respects every living being.
She is the true definition of nature relatedness.
The Green Witch understands that the earth incorporates the planet and all living things upon it, including animals, plants, and people. She understands that humanity impacts the natural world , not only by how we treat it but also by the feelings and energies of individuals.
It’s likely the spiritual ancestresses of modern green witches who chose to live apart from the center of community life. Though they may have made their homes on the edge of town, they much would’ve preferred to make their homes in nature.
For it is harder to hear what Earth has to say when you are surrounded by the hustle and bustle of busy life.
Most witches rely on worship of Mother Earth, but Green Witches go that much further.
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All in the name of fun
... but I don't wanna be the green witch.
Stop thinking Wizard of Oz.
Evening devangy...
It's not easy being green..😁
Kermit the frog..🐸🐸
A great story, Veronica. Thank you for sharing it with us. I really enjoy reading your various posts and learning more about the Wiccan beliefs.
Thank you.
Now this is the king of witch I think I could be. I can see myself communing with nature when I catch that monster brown trout...then I let it go to live life and make baby brown trouts
Green is good.
A true green witch is someone I would never wish to piss off. I'm more a hedge mage kind a guy. I don't want to wrestle wild fae or calm a bear. I'd much rather fill an evening stew with peace and love.
I have never met a full on Green Witch. Most people I meet are other types with Green thrown in. I myself am somewhat Green.
I would suspect they are rare.
I would also suspect most are closer to the hedge witch end of things, though as you say not all one thing nor even green.
I consider myself a mix ( a mutt) of most types.
Fairly close to how indigenous people see the world.
As I do more research into the different types of witches I do see a deep correlation between them and indigenous people.
And the more you post on witches the more that I see a correlation between them and us (Indigenous)
Same here, Kavika, I noticed the similarities back when Veronica first started posting her Wiccan beliefs, history, rituals and traditions. I really enjoy learning of the very interesting religious beliefs that are often very similar to those of Indigenous people around the world. Veronica's postings are a very interesting insight to the Wiccan beliefs.
That's exactly what came into my mind as soon as I read the description of the green witch lifestyle described in the seed.
Green is good.