The Tunnel

She hated using the tunnels to move from building to building. She normally would go outside to travel to another building, but today the wind chill was below zero and she was headed to a meeting and wearing her puffy coat would not look professional. She did not want the men at the meeting to have further ammunition against her. They were trying so hard to oust her from her job. The scuttlebutt floating around about her was demeaning and she had to work twice as hard to just maintain her position let alone to be promoted.
She quickly straightens her suit, slides into her dress flats, checks her bun in the door mirror, gathers her materials, and tries to not think of the scary tunnel she will descend down into. She walks down the corridor and reaches the door leading to the tunnels. It creaks as she opens it. She looks around hoping against hope there would be someone else headed to the Nursing Building. The corridor was empty. She drags in a deep breath and descends the stairs. The door slams shut behind her and she jumps.
She reaches the bottom of the stairs starts down the tunnel. She hears the door open behind her so she stops to see who was coming down. Footsteps on the stairs. She continues to wait. No one appears, but the footsteps walk past her. Her mouth drops open. No one was there. She presses her back against the wall of the tunnel and her fist to her mouth. After a while she hears the door at the other end of the tunnel open and close. She steels herself and once again begins walking down the tunnel. AT this rate she will be late and that will be another nail in her coffin at this place. Halfway down the tunnel she once again hears the door she came through open and close. She hears the descending footsteps and once again stops to see if anyone appears. The footsteps continue, but no person. She turns and begins to run down the tunnel. The footsteps also begin to run. Her thoughts become panicked as she runs faster. She trips over her own feet and her materials go flying as she sprawls on the floor. The footsteps stop two feet from her. She looks and her eyes go wide - a man appears - his face a was a rictus of horror. He approached her and she screams - She cries out for help and the face on the man sneers.......
An hour later a group of five men walk down the tunnel. "I told you she would bail. She doesn't have it. She probably ran out of tampons and had to go to the store." Laughter. Their gaze took in the piles of material littering the floor and walked around it. "We need to call Environmental Services. That mess may cause an accident."
No politics
No judgments (no calling someone's story hogwash)
If you don't believe - don't join
All in the name of fun
Just a little quickie....
yikes. not exactly my definition ...
Are you sure?
... uh, yeah ...
A story written in 10 minutes - sounds like a quickie.
A quickie, but a goodie. It had the desired effect on me. It also reminded me of this scene from the movie The Third Man. I can just hear the zither music in the background of your story.
I have not seen that one. I am going to add it to my Tubi list.
It is a true classic, starring Orson Welles and Joseph Cotten - should be on everyone's best movies list.
I just added it to my Tubi list, so I have my Friday night movie.
The haunted tunnels
My favorite place in "The Park". There are a plethora of creepy dark tunnels in the assorted parks and walkways of NYC...
I have read about the NYC tunnels. If I were younger and more adventurous I would explore them.
Re: #3: Add a few street musicians to the same location-- and you got a whole different mood! (This one does not work well with horror story, LOL)
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Remember, there is light at the ending...
There are a lot of tunnels in that park (but IIRC most if not all aren't really creepy enough to be a setting of horror!
Perhaps you would like it better with different lighting...
Re: scary night scenes in Central Park-- has anyone here seen the movie Death Wish (Charles Bronson)?
I loved Charles Bronson movies.