Pavlich: What happened to Democrats supporting women? | TheHill
By: Katie Pavlich (TheHill)

The facade of the Democratic Party being the place for women is quickly collapsing as Judge Amy Coney Barrett prepares to become the next U.S. Supreme Court justice.
After her nomination at the White House over the weekend, it's become clearer than ever Democrats are only interested in supporting certain kinds of ambitious and successful women. Or to put it more simply, women who support leftist polices and believe in legislating from the bench.
Given her extensive career as a Supreme Court clerk, Notre Dame Law professor, U.S. circuit judge and now Supreme Court nominee, Judge Barrett is a woman feminists should be praising. She's a rare individual who does and has it all.
On top of a busy legal career, Barrett enjoys a happy, supportive marriage and cares for seven children, two of whom were adopted as children from Haiti.
"The president has asked me to become the ninth justice, and as it happens, I'm used to being in a group of nine: my family. Our family includes me, my husband Jesse, Emma, Vivian, Tess, John Peter, Liam, Juliet and Benjamin. Vivian and John Peter, as the president said, were born in Haiti and they came to us, five years apart, when they were very young," Barrett said during her nomination speech. "Our children obviously make our life very full. While I am a judge, I'm better known back home as a room parent, carpool driver, and birthday-party planner."
Is this not the feminism women have strived and worked for?
Knowing her place in history, Judge Barrett acknowledges the women who came before her, even when she may disagree with their politics.
“Should I be confirmed, I will be mindful of who came before me. The flag of the United States is still flying at half-staff in memory of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to mark the end of a great American life. Justice Ginsburg began her career at a time when women were not welcome in the legal profession. But she not only broke glass ceilings, she smashed them. For that, she has won the admiration of women across the country and, indeed, all over the world,” Judge Barrett said. “She was a woman of enormous talent and consequence, and her life of public service serves as an example to us all.”
With her record and personal story, lengthy articles in Glamour and Cosmopolitan should already be written about how Judge Barrett has found the secret to balancing a high-powered career with a happy family. As the sixth woman to ever be nominated for a position on the Supreme Court, she should be woman of the year. But instead, Judge Barrett is being vilified by the left, and it appears no topic or smear is out of bounds.
"Some White colonizers 'adopted' Black children. They 'civilized' these 'savage' children in the 'superior' ways of White people, while using them as props in their lifelong pictures of denial, while cutting the biological parents of these children out of the picture of humanity," Boston University Mellon Professor Ibram X. Kendi said about Judge Barrett's adopted children. "And whether this is Barrett or not is not the point. It is a belief too many White people have: if they have or adopt a child of color, then they can't be racist."
"I guess one of the things I don't understand about Amy Comey [sic] Barrett is how a potential Supreme Court justice can also be a loving, present mom to seven kids? Is this like the Kardashians stuffing nannies in the closet and pretending they've drawn their own baths for their kids," contributing writer for Vanity Fair and New York Times Magazine Vanessa Grigoriadis said, adding she's afraid of Judge Barrett's eyes. "And if there aren't enough hours in the day for her to work and mother those kids, when she portrays herself as a home-centered Catholic who puts family over career, isn't she telling a lie?"
Judge Barrett isn't the kind of woman the left tolerates. She's independent, strong and has rejected the notion that women are still victims in American society. She is too religious, too respectful of her husband, has too many children and loves the United States of America. Not to mention her love for the U.S. Constitution. It's no wonder the left is trying to destroy her. After all, she stands for everything they stand against: the nuclear family, true tolerance, freedom of religion, the principle that each person, no matter how small, has value, and much more.
One would hope Democratic senators on Capitol Hill would be more professional and mature than their woke supporters on Twitter, members of the media or Marxist professors, but they're proving they intend to act in the same vicious fashion.
“I am not going to meet with Judge Barrett. Why would I meet with a nominee of such an illegitimate process and one who is determined to get rid of the Affordable Care Act?” Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) tweeted without evidence.
"I will refuse to treat this process as legitimate & will not meet with Judge Amy Coney Barrett," Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said the day Barrett was announced at the White House.
Judge Barrett is a female inspiration. It's too bad Democrats only seem to care about women's achievement when an individual shares their political preferences.
Pavlich is the editor for and a Fox News contributor.