
We the People

We the People

For those who still believe in the Constitution and American Sovereignty.

We here believe in the principles and protections provided in that great document. It is also our goal to allow all points of view - especially in these times when freedom of speech is under attack. “Though liberals do a great deal of talking about hearing other points of view, it sometimes shocks them to learn that there are other points of view"...William F Buckley. In memory of William F Buckley, this group will never align itself with the irrationally of the anticommunist John Birchers, QAnon or racists.

  "We believe that liberty is indivisible, and that   political freedom cannot long exist without economic freedom; That the purpose of government is to protect those freedoms through the preservation of internal order, the provision of national defense, and the administration of justice."

Group Moderators     - Charger 383
                                 - just-jim-nc-ttth
                                 - Jeremy Retired in NC

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No death wishes of any individual
All of NT's rules apply


Calling members "trolls" or ""dishonest" will result in your comment being deleted.


Discussion Forum

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Broke Hunter Biden asks judge to toss laptop suit because he’s ‘millions’ in debt — and lost home in LA wildfires

Broke Hunter Biden asks judge to toss laptop suit because he’s ‘millions’ in debt — and lost home in LA wildfires

Via: Jeremy Retired in NC  •  4 Comments  •  2 days ago
Robert in Ohio last wrote: So sad
Democrats Plan to Disrupt Trump's Speech, but They Aren't Quite Sure How

Democrats Plan to Disrupt Trump's Speech, but They Aren't Quite Sure How

Via: Jeremy Retired in NC  •  46 Comments  •  3 days ago
Ozzwald last wrote: [✘]
Schumer spotted posing for photo with CCP official as warnings swirl about China influence | Fox News

Schumer spotted posing for photo with CCP official as warnings swirl about China influence | Fox News

Via: Just Jim NC TttH  •  6 Comments  •  2 weeks ago
bugsy last wrote: Every word true!!


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@Vic Eldred @XXJefferson51 @Sean @Thomas Craig @It Is ME @Tacos! @Ed-NavDoc @bbl-1 @Hal A. Lujah @Studiusbagus @sandy-2021492 @lady in black @1stwarrior @katrix @Ronin2 @Ozzwald @r.t..b... @Dismayed Patriot @TheTruthISOutThere @igknorantzrulz @SteevieGee @Jasper2529 @Don Overton @lib50 @JBB @John Russell @livefreeordie @TᵢG @Snuffy @Jack_TX @Cerenkov @Buzz of the Orient @zuksam @Nerm_L @Sparty On @KDMichigan @Colour Me Free @mocowgirl @Sunshine @cobaltblue @Krishna @Freefaller @Gordy327 @epistte @Lynne Adams @The Magic 8 Ball @Citizen Kane-473667 @charger 383 @cjcold @Greg Jones @cms5 @TTGA @Atheist @Groucho @dave-2693993 @Perrie Halpern @Eat The Press Do Not Read It @arkpdx @Galen Marvin Ross @Steve Ott @Dean Moriarty @luther28 @PJ @Jeremy in NC @Old Hermit @bccrane @JumpDrive @Dig @CB @This Site Is Closed @GaJenn78 @Transyferous Rex @Willjay9 @Save Me Jebus @Phaedrus @Drakkonis @JaneDoe @Just Jim NC TttH @flameaway @KatPen @Moonchild63 @sixpick @bugsy @Fireryone @warmall @Larry Hampton @NV-Robin6 @DRHunk @Enoch @StinkWeedPete @Telo @Thrawn 31 @squiggy @Cathar @Jordan G @Dragon @Freewill @raymond @Robert in Ohio

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