Biden's controversial nominees

Joe Biden has nominated at least 3 individuals to important posts and they are bound to face scrutiny from democrats as well as Republicans.
In order of importance:
Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin for Defense Secretary
Right off the bat, a retired General would require a waiver from Congress to run the Pentagon as a civilian. Congress recently did that for General Mattis, but in that case Mattis was regarded as a stabilizing figure for an administration that gave rise to concerns for many nations. Not to take away anything from General Austin, who had a distinguished military career over four decades, but there is a downside. The downside is that it was Gen Austin, as Commander of U.S. Central Command, who played a key role in the failed program to train Syrian rebels as Iranian backed groups waged war across Iraq and Syria. He was in command during the rapid rise of ISIS in 2014 and despite denials it was he who called ISIS "a flash in the pan!" Oh ya, there is just one more thing - his military experience has involved wars in the middle east. The key challenge for US defense policy now lies in the China Sea.
CA AG Xavier Becerra for Secretary of Health and Education Services
Xavier Becerra or as Joe Biden calls him "Xavier Bacheria" is a radical progressive who spent most of his tenure as CA's AG suing the President. He has no experience with the department Biden is nominating him for. He was a member of the House of Representatives from 1993 - 2017.
Senator Tom Cotton had this to say:
Xavier Becerra spent his career attacking pro-life Americans and tried to force crisis pregnancy centers to advertise abortions. He’s been a disaster in California and he is unqualified to lead HHS,” Cotton tweeted.
“I’ll be voting no, and Becerra should be rejected by the Senate,” he said.
Neera Tanden for Office of Management and Budget
Another who is controversial for both democrats and Republicans is Neera Tanden. Tanden is among other things, a Hillary Clinton loyalist and CEO of the left-leaning Center for American Progress. There is opposition to her nomination from the Bernie Sanders wing:
"The two have a historically thorny relationship: During the presidential primary in 2019, Sanders wrote a fiery letter to the Center for American Progress, which Tanden led, accusing her of "maligning my staff and supporters and belittling progressive ideas."
"I worry that the corporate money CAP is receiving is inordinately and inappropriately influencing the role it is playing in the progressive movement," Sanders wrote.
The Vermont senator, a self-described democratic socialist, also criticized a video by ThinkProgress, a project of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, which accused him of changing his rhetoric on wealthy Americans after he became a millionaire in 2016.
The bad blood runs deep. In 2019, The New York Times reported that Tanden, years earlier, had punched Faiz Shakir, Sanders' 2020 campaign manager, "in the chest." The incident allegedly occurred in 2008 after Shakir, then-chief editor of ThinkProgress, questioned Clinton about the Iraq War, an issue that had plagued her presidential campaign.
Tanden told the Times that she "didn't slug him, I pushed him."
"Neera’s always been an antagonist of the progressive left," Kurt Ehrenberg, Sanders’ former longtime political strategist in New Hampshire, told Fox News. "She kind of deserves what she gets here. She has gone out of her way to denounce things like the $15 minimum wage and other tenets of the what now is widely accepted policy in the Democratic Party."
It would seem that there might just be enough pressure from the left on their ever confused proxy to hand out cabinet jobs based on race and gender.
An uncertain/dangerous era requires that positions be filled based on merit.

The Georgia runoff elections loom large.
No pictures or cartoons
Hey Vic, I am already seeing 2 posts with pictures, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 . You going to delete them or what???
Those are not pictures. They are called Emojis and are allowed.
Would you or Bob like to discus the article in any way?
Those aren't pictures Oz
"No pictures" actually depends on who's posting, Ozzy.
("Who's" is a contraction, Vic, so the apostrophe is correct. I could also say, "It depends on whose is the post," but that's a different story.)
You're saying that emoji isn't just a name for a specific subset of pictures? Just want to make sure we are thinking of the same thing here. Wouldn't want to violate your "rules" or anything....
Definition of picture
1: a design or representation made by various means (such as painting, drawing, or photography)
2a: a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental image or give an accurate idea of something
the book gives a detailed picture of what is happening
b: a mental image
he was the picture of his father
she was the very picture of health
4a: a transitory visible image or reproduction
cpictures plural : MOVIES
5: TABLEAU sense 2
took a hard look at his financial picture
Ozzy, you're beating a dead horse. The article has already been derailed.
No further effort is needed.
Request Resident Advisor review of derailment
I have removed all the derails and the threads that contained them. Any further derails will get ticketed. Please carry on.
I note that the seed's title has been corrected.
Thank you, Vic.
Good job.